  • Tony Stark
  • Tony Stark
  • Tony Stark
  • __TOC__
  • This is just a sample page! Feel free to copy/paste the code here to get started if you're unfamiliar with wikia coding, or would just like a nice shortcut to get your character's page set up. The easiest way to use this code would be to edit this page with the button above, and once you're on the editing page itself click the "Source" button to the top right of the editing box.
  • Tony Stark may refer to: * The , instances of which are commonly named Tony Stark * Characters from Effulgence * Anthony Stark (Fusion) from Apollo * Anthony Stark (Iron Man) from Yggdrasil * Anthony Stark (Red) from Sunshine * Anthony Stark (Sapphire) from Helios * Antony Stark from Atlantis * Tony Stark (Arceus) from Arceus * Anthony Stark (Opportunity) from Opportunity * Antoinette Stark from Fantasia * Characters from Resplendence * Anthony Stark (Solaris) from Solaris
  • __INDEX__ Antony Edward Stark ist einer der Hauptcharaktere in der Serie Iron Man - Die Zukunft beginnt. Außerdem ist er der IRON MAN.
  • Tony Stark is a character that appeared in .
  • Tony es hijo de Cooper y Sunny,tiene 14 años y es del equipo,es muy audaz y es egocentrico.
  • Tony Stark (also known as IRON MAN) is a ficional character,a superhero in Marvel universe.
  • Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark alias Iron Man leitet Stark Industries. Nach eigenen Aussagen ist er "Genie, Milliardär, Playboy und Philanthrop".
  • |Age = 17 |Height = Unknown |Hair color = Dark brown |Eyes color = Blue |Relatives = Howard Stark (father) |Affiliation = Stark Industries |Weapon = Iron Man MKII Armor/Exosuit |First = April 24th, 2009. |Voice = Adrian Petriw (English), Ziemowit Pędziwiatr (Polish) Anthony "Tony" Stark is a fictional character from the 3D CGI animated television series Iron Man: Armored Adventures based on the Marvel comics series Iron Man.
  • Tony Stark or Iron Man will appear as a playable hero in MySims: Marvel Super Heroes. He is the leader of The Avengers, however he is still recruitable.
  • thumb Tony Stark es un personaje de Lego Marvel Super Heroes, apareciendo como jugable en Rebooted, Resuited y desbloqueándose tras completar este nivel. Al caminar por mucho tiempo con él dice "¿como puede vivir así la gente?" acostumbrado a ir de aca para alla con sus armaduras.
  • Tony Stark is a fictional recurring character in Playstation's Role Playing Game: Wild Arms 2, Tony is a young boy whom first appeared in Ashley Winchester's story in the Prologue Chapter, in the first dungeon Withered Ruins he was a kidnapped hostage who was mistakenly thought to have rich parents who would save him, instead, after telling the kidnappers that he had none and insulting them as well, the bandits in turn decided to kill him instead. Ashley, however, then saves him causing a long-lasting friendship to begin.
  • Ahem, not many people are aware that... * Hic...* God, I love doing that. Black Sabbath ROCK! They wrote that song for me, y'know. Ozzy owed me a favor, cause I'm rich and stuff. Anyway, as you may have guessed, I am Iron Man, the world's greatest superhero. I know what you're thinking, sir. You're thinking, "what could this handsome fellow possibly have that would make him the greatest superhero in the world?"
  • Tony is a genius, and he knows it. So he also is fairly arrogant and sarcastic about everything around him. He has little concept of boundaries of most kinds, when told no he takes it as a challenge instead of restriction. He is very bad at being part of a team, and will waste no time either trying to take the lead and order others around, or will just do his own thing regardless of team consensus.
Row 9 info
  • Pure-Blood
  • La Tierra
Primera aparición
  • Desconocida
Row 8 info
  • Southampton, England
  • 2
Row 4 info
  • --05-29
Row 10 title
  • Wand
  • Masculino
Row 7 title
  • Family
  • Tony Stark icon.png
  • Anthony Stark
Row 1 info
  • Ravenclaw
Row 8 title
  • Hometown
Row 4 title
  • Birthday
Row 9 title
  • Blood Status
Dargestellt von
Row 2 info
  • Sixth
Row 6 info
  • 6.0
Row 1 title
  • House
  • 14
Row 5 info
  • 14
Row 2 title
  • Year
Row 6 title
  • Height
  • US-amerikanisch
  • yes
  • Howard Stark: Vater
  • Maria Stark: Mutter
Row 10 info
  • 12
Row 5 title
  • Age
Row 3 info
  • Male
Row 3 title
  • Gender
Row 7 info
  • Howard Stark father Maria Stark Mother Edwin Jarivs Guardian/Butler
Box Title
  • Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark
  • Anthony Stark Daniels Tennyson
  • lebend
  • Tony Stark
  • Anthony "Tonny" Edward Stark
  • "Vanity Fair and Witch Weekly, love me."
  • Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark
  • Tony Stark
  • Iron Man
  • Human
  • Marvel
  • Ben 10: Futuros Heroes
  • Max_Rodenmar.png
  • Male
  • The First Avenger- Civil War Iron Man Charakterposter.jpg
  • 200
  • __TOC__
  • This is just a sample page! Feel free to copy/paste the code here to get started if you're unfamiliar with wikia coding, or would just like a nice shortcut to get your character's page set up. The easiest way to use this code would be to edit this page with the button above, and once you're on the editing page itself click the "Source" button to the top right of the editing box.
  • Tony Stark may refer to: * The , instances of which are commonly named Tony Stark * Characters from Effulgence * Anthony Stark (Fusion) from Apollo * Anthony Stark (Iron Man) from Yggdrasil * Anthony Stark (Red) from Sunshine * Anthony Stark (Sapphire) from Helios * Antony Stark from Atlantis * Tony Stark (Arceus) from Arceus * Anthony Stark (Opportunity) from Opportunity * Antoinette Stark from Fantasia * Characters from Resplendence * Anthony Stark (Solaris) from Solaris
  • __INDEX__ Antony Edward Stark ist einer der Hauptcharaktere in der Serie Iron Man - Die Zukunft beginnt. Außerdem ist er der IRON MAN.
  • Tony is a genius, and he knows it. So he also is fairly arrogant and sarcastic about everything around him. He has little concept of boundaries of most kinds, when told no he takes it as a challenge instead of restriction. He is very bad at being part of a team, and will waste no time either trying to take the lead and order others around, or will just do his own thing regardless of team consensus. While Tony treats everyone with an equal form of apathy, he does reserve the best nicknames for his friends. Whether he says it or not, there’s very little he won't do for his friends. It just takes a lot of work to be his friend. Once you are his friend, expect him to just borrow your things without asking, but always claim that he told you in some way. Despite his negative traits he is a very active person socially, and will talk to just about anyone equally, if you offend him however he will waste no time in finding ways to publicly humiliate you. While Tony is very social, he rather enjoys being social with girls. He’s learnt quickly that charming guys get girls, and he has enough of a pretty face to work that in with his charm. Just because a girl is dating someone, doesn’t mean that it isn’t open to negotiation.
  • Tony Stark is a character that appeared in .
  • Tony es hijo de Cooper y Sunny,tiene 14 años y es del equipo,es muy audaz y es egocentrico.
  • Ahem, not many people are aware that... * Hic...* God, I love doing that. Black Sabbath ROCK! They wrote that song for me, y'know. Ozzy owed me a favor, cause I'm rich and stuff. Anyway, as you may have guessed, I am Iron Man, the world's greatest superhero. I know what you're thinking, sir. You're thinking, "what could this handsome fellow possibly have that would make him the greatest superhero in the world?" Well, I'll tell what I have; Money. Lots of money. Like, shitloads of money. I have so much fucking money that it would make Bill Gates look like a rice farmer from a third-world country. I also got this suit. Neato, isn't it? It's got, like, rockets, and flight stabilizers, and bullets that can bend around corners or something. You know what the best thing of all is? Check this out, it's gonna blow your fucking mind, man! Underneath this titanium-gold alloy mask... is a beer dispenser. A fucking beer dispenser. Isn't that great... yeah. So, how much can I sell this to ya?
  • Tony Stark (also known as IRON MAN) is a ficional character,a superhero in Marvel universe.
  • Tony Stark is a fictional recurring character in Playstation's Role Playing Game: Wild Arms 2, Tony is a young boy whom first appeared in Ashley Winchester's story in the Prologue Chapter, in the first dungeon Withered Ruins he was a kidnapped hostage who was mistakenly thought to have rich parents who would save him, instead, after telling the kidnappers that he had none and insulting them as well, the bandits in turn decided to kill him instead. Ashley, however, then saves him causing a long-lasting friendship to begin. During the remainder of the (1st Disk) series of events, Tony, Scott Summers and Tim stayed in the Town, after Tim joins Ashley's Team, both he and Scott make their way to Valeria Chateau and hide way in one of the rooms, during the (2nd Disk) events, Tony stays at the Chateau until the game ends. If Marviel Armitage is recruited, there is a scene at the end of the game where Tony volunteers to become a Crimson Noble when he is older to keep her company.
  • Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark alias Iron Man leitet Stark Industries. Nach eigenen Aussagen ist er "Genie, Milliardär, Playboy und Philanthrop".
  • |Age = 17 |Height = Unknown |Hair color = Dark brown |Eyes color = Blue |Relatives = Howard Stark (father) |Affiliation = Stark Industries |Weapon = Iron Man MKII Armor/Exosuit |First = April 24th, 2009. |Voice = Adrian Petriw (English), Ziemowit Pędziwiatr (Polish) Anthony "Tony" Stark is a fictional character from the 3D CGI animated television series Iron Man: Armored Adventures based on the Marvel comics series Iron Man.
  • Tony Stark or Iron Man will appear as a playable hero in MySims: Marvel Super Heroes. He is the leader of The Avengers, however he is still recruitable.
  • thumb Tony Stark es un personaje de Lego Marvel Super Heroes, apareciendo como jugable en Rebooted, Resuited y desbloqueándose tras completar este nivel. Al caminar por mucho tiempo con él dice "¿como puede vivir así la gente?" acostumbrado a ir de aca para alla con sus armaduras.
is Familie of
is Relatives of
is Characters of