  • Cluffy's Cliff
  • Cluffy's Cliff is a hill seen in Big Nate Goes For Broke. It is the steepest hill in town and it is perfect for sledding. Nate, Francis, and Teddy sled there with Teddy's new Supa-Sno Tube until Nolan and half the Jefferson wrestling team snatches it. They then ride down the mountain and cause the tube to run out of air.
  • Cluffy's Cliff is a hill seen in Big Nate Goes For Broke. It is the steepest hill in town and it is perfect for sledding. Nate, Francis, and Teddy sled there with Teddy's new Supa-Sno Tube until Nolan and half the Jefferson wrestling team snatches it. They then ride down the mountain and cause the tube to run out of air.