  • Skyblaster
  • The Skyblaster is a huge blimp mounted with a very strong laser blaster that's designed to be launched into the atmosphere and assists the Bloonsday Satellite in using laser beams to roast monkey tanks and battleships. Its main body is actually quite soft, like any normal blimps, but it's reinforced by a strong titanium framework inside so don't try. All of its other parts are very heavily armored, save for maybe the wind turbines, but even them can't be directly by normal darts!
  • The Skyblaster is a huge blimp mounted with a very strong laser blaster that's designed to be launched into the atmosphere and assists the Bloonsday Satellite in using laser beams to roast monkey tanks and battleships. Its main body is actually quite soft, like any normal blimps, but it's reinforced by a strong titanium framework inside so don't try. All of its other parts are very heavily armored, save for maybe the wind turbines, but even them can't be directly by normal darts! It's manufactured in a hidden factory under the water of the Alondehuay Bay, and is controlled by Ice Dart Bloons (Bloons that give you an Ice Dart which can freeze other objects on impact when you pop them). However, just when it was rising to the surface and haven't reached the sky yet, The Monkey saw it and decided to intercept it, but it has got some formidable defense system...