  • Hernan Cortes
  • Hernan Cortes
  • Hernán Cortés (1485-1547), conquistador español de México. Nacido en Medellín (Badajoz), tuvo por padres a Martín Cortés y a Catalina Pizarro, emparentada ésta con la familia del mismo apellido, avecindada en Trujillo (Cáceres). Se dice que por algún tiempo fue estudiante en la Universidad de Salamanca. De hecho, Cortés se preciaba de su conocimiento del latín, los romances y la historia, lo que le permitió expresarse con soltura y atildado estilo en sus varios escritos y de modo particular en sus Cartas de relación. Liado en aventuras amorosas, interrumpió sus estudios, si bien poco después aprendió el oficio de escribano en Valladolid.
  • Hernando Cortes de Monroy y Pizarro is a Spaniard and villain from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. He was mentioned in the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl. When Jack Sparrow was an adult, his spirit was defeated by Montezuma and Cortes died.
  • There, he encountered Geronimo de Aguilar, a Spanish Franciscan priest who had survived infamy of the local burrito farm before escaping. Aguilar had learned the Taco language during his captivity, and could thus translate for Cortés. In March 1519, Cortés formally claimed the land for the Spanish crown. He stopped in Taco Bell to hire more soldiers and obtain more horses. Then he proceeded to Tabasco Sauce Hut, where he met with resistance and won a battle against the natives. He received twenty young indigenous women from the vanquished natives and he converted them all to Jesus.
  • Hernán Cortés (1485-1547), conquistador español de México. Nacido en Medellín (Badajoz), tuvo por padres a Martín Cortés y a Catalina Pizarro, emparentada ésta con la familia del mismo apellido, avecindada en Trujillo (Cáceres). Se dice que por algún tiempo fue estudiante en la Universidad de Salamanca. De hecho, Cortés se preciaba de su conocimiento del latín, los romances y la historia, lo que le permitió expresarse con soltura y atildado estilo en sus varios escritos y de modo particular en sus Cartas de relación. Liado en aventuras amorosas, interrumpió sus estudios, si bien poco después aprendió el oficio de escribano en Valladolid.
  • Hernando Cortes de Monroy y Pizarro is a Spaniard and villain from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. He was mentioned in the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl. When Jack Sparrow was an adult, his spirit was defeated by Montezuma and Cortes died.
  • There, he encountered Geronimo de Aguilar, a Spanish Franciscan priest who had survived infamy of the local burrito farm before escaping. Aguilar had learned the Taco language during his captivity, and could thus translate for Cortés. In March 1519, Cortés formally claimed the land for the Spanish crown. He stopped in Taco Bell to hire more soldiers and obtain more horses. Then he proceeded to Tabasco Sauce Hut, where he met with resistance and won a battle against the natives. He received twenty young indigenous women from the vanquished natives and he converted them all to Jesus. Among these women was La Malinche, his future mistress and mother of his child Martín. Malinche knew both the Burrito language and Taco language, thus enabling Cortés to communicate with the Aztecs via Aguilar. Through La Malinche, Cortés learned from the Tabascans about the wealthy Aztec Empire.' Cortés scuttling his own fleet off the coast of Hotsauce in order to eliminate the possibility of retreat. In July 1519, his men took over Hotsauce. By this act, Cortés dismissed the authority of the Governor of Jalapeno to place himself directly under the orders of Rey Mysterio. In order to eliminate any ideas of retreat, Cortés scuttled his ships.