  • Last Post Wins
  • 1. You must post such a way that is not considered spam, but still makes you the current last post holder. This means going "AAAAAAAA!" is prohibited in most battlegrounds. As is languages other than the official language of the battleground (usually English). 2. No haxxing of opponents accounts. The only exception to this rule is when you have to hax the admins account to have any chance of winning. 3. No purposely double posting, especially not when there's a post limit. 4. Breaking of any of the rules will result in being ejected from that particular battleground for a period of time. Repeat offenders may be ejected from the game altogether.
  • 1. You must post such a way that is not considered spam, but still makes you the current last post holder. This means going "AAAAAAAA!" is prohibited in most battlegrounds. As is languages other than the official language of the battleground (usually English). 2. No haxxing of opponents accounts. The only exception to this rule is when you have to hax the admins account to have any chance of winning. 3. No purposely double posting, especially not when there's a post limit. 4. Breaking of any of the rules will result in being ejected from that particular battleground for a period of time. Repeat offenders may be ejected from the game altogether.