  • 9007199254740991
  • 9007199254740991 is a positive integer equal to \(2^{53} - 1\). It is notable in computer science for being the largest odd number which can be represented exactly in the double floating-point format (which has a 53-bit significand). Its prime factorization is 9007199254740991 = 6361 × 69431 × 20394401.
  • 9007199254740991 is a positive integer equal to \(2^{53} - 1\). It is notable in computer science for being the largest odd number which can be represented exactly in the double floating-point format (which has a 53-bit significand). Its prime factorization is 9007199254740991 = 6361 × 69431 × 20394401. Large numbers in 127 · 256 · 32767 · 65536 · 2147483647 · 4294967296 · 9007199254740991 · 9223372036854775807 · 22! · FRACTRAN catalogue numbersBignum Bakeoff contestants: pete-3.c · pete-9.c · pete-8.c · harper.c · ioannis.c · chan-2.c · chan-3.c · pete-4.c · chan.c · pete-5.c · pete-6.c · pete-7.c · marxen.c · loader.cChannel systems: lossy channel system · priority channel systemUncomputable functions: Busy beaver function · Frantic frog function · Doodle function · Betti number · Xi function · ITTM busy beaver · Rayo's number · BIG FOOT