  • Blood Pudding
  • Blood pudding
  • A Blood Pudding is an ooze created through divine magic rites of ancient origin, typically invoking Ichorus the blood goddess. Any standard pudding can be used as the base creature for the creation process. The statistics and abilities of this base creature generally remain the same, except that an engulf or constrict attack is used to drain the blood of its victim (see below) instead of burning it with acid.
  • Blood pudding, also known as black pudding or blood sausage was pudding made of curdled and boiled pig or cattle blood, mixed with chunks of pork fat, cereal or other vegetables - for texture and juiciness - and spices and other seasoning (depending on regional tastes) then stuffed into a sausage casing. It was called pudding in the old sense of something enclosed in a sausage skin. Blood pudding was extremely popular on Earth in England and Ireland and was usually part of a traditional breakfast.
  • Blood pudding, also known as black pudding or blood sausage was pudding made of curdled and boiled pig or cattle blood, mixed with chunks of pork fat, cereal or other vegetables - for texture and juiciness - and spices and other seasoning (depending on regional tastes) then stuffed into a sausage casing. It was called pudding in the old sense of something enclosed in a sausage skin. Blood pudding was extremely popular on Earth in England and Ireland and was usually part of a traditional breakfast. In 2376 Neelix, in honor of Tom Paris' Fair Haven holoprogram, wanted to prepare a traditional Irish meal. However, he could not decide on a main course. Tom Paris suggested blood pudding, but Neelix said that replicating the lamb's intestines could be tricky. He went on to explain that every time he heated the blood, it coagulated in the milk. Tuvok who could overhear their conversation became increasingly queasy as Neelix talked about the ingredients for the dish and finally left to go see The Doctor. (VOY: "Fair Haven")
  • A Blood Pudding is an ooze created through divine magic rites of ancient origin, typically invoking Ichorus the blood goddess. Any standard pudding can be used as the base creature for the creation process. The statistics and abilities of this base creature generally remain the same, except that an engulf or constrict attack is used to drain the blood of its victim (see below) instead of burning it with acid. Blood Drain (Ex): An ooze that engulfs or constricts a victim can drain 2d6 hit points of blood per round. Once the victim is desiccated of all blood, the body is discarded, and the blood becomes part of the ooze’s body. For each 10 Medium sized creatures’ blood that is entirely consumed, the ooze gains 1 HD (no more than base creature’s maximum). This may increase its size category.