  • Jónatan Kobidson
  • Jónatan was born in 1499 in the village of Eyklójyár, to Kobid Bergson, the Governor of the village. Kobidson was raised humbly, and became one of the most well liked people in Eyklójyár, due to his modesty and charisma. Kobidson always dreamed of becoming a soldier and got his chance when he turned 18.
  • Jónatan was born in 1499 in the village of Eyklójyár, to Kobid Bergson, the Governor of the village. Kobidson was raised humbly, and became one of the most well liked people in Eyklójyár, due to his modesty and charisma. Kobidson always dreamed of becoming a soldier and got his chance when he turned 18.