  • Siege of the New Jedi Temple
  • In 44 ABY, a siege of the Jedi Temple was ordered by Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala when the Jedi Order refused to transfer custody of two psychotic Jedi Knights, Turi Altamik and Sothais Saar, to Alliance authorities. Daala enlisted Mandalorian Protectors led by Belok Rhal to blockade the Jedi Temple pending the surrender of Altamik and Saar. The Jedi Council sent an apprentice to negotiate with the Mandalorians, but Rhal murdered her, and the Order's morale diminished further as the Temple's supplies quickly began to run low. The Jedi, meanwhile, had become aware of a new Sith threat and wanted to send a strike team of StealthX starfighters to assist exiled Grand Master Luke Skywalker in dealing with the Sith. However, during a previous Alliance-sanctioned Mandalorian raid
  • 44
  • Belagerung des Neuen Jedi-Tempels
  • Siege of the Jedi Temple
  • Oblężenie nowej świątyni Jedi
  • *Grand Master Kenth Hamner *Jedi High Council
  • *Chief of State Natasi Daala *Commander Belok Rhal *Captain Oric Harfard
  • *Violation *Mission to the Maw *Trial of Tahiri Veila *Liberation *Attack on Nek Bwua'tu *Skirmish near Ashteri's Cloud
  • *Jedi Knights Sothais Saar and Turi Altamik are proven to be cured *Chief of State Natasi Daala orders the siege to be lifted
  • Several Jedi
  • *At least 6 Tra'kads *Several Canderous-class assault tanks *Several various ground vehicles *QuickStryke assault sleds *Vyrhawk fighter-bombers *1,000 Mandalorian Protectors
  • *Duel in the Dathomir landing meadow
  • *Duel at the Pool of Knowledge
  • In 44 ABY, a siege of the Jedi Temple was ordered by Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala when the Jedi Order refused to transfer custody of two psychotic Jedi Knights, Turi Altamik and Sothais Saar, to Alliance authorities. Daala enlisted Mandalorian Protectors led by Belok Rhal to blockade the Jedi Temple pending the surrender of Altamik and Saar. The Jedi Council sent an apprentice to negotiate with the Mandalorians, but Rhal murdered her, and the Order's morale diminished further as the Temple's supplies quickly began to run low. The Jedi, meanwhile, had become aware of a new Sith threat and wanted to send a strike team of StealthX starfighters to assist exiled Grand Master Luke Skywalker in dealing with the Sith. However, during a previous Alliance-sanctioned Mandalorian raid on the Temple, the Mandalorians had discovered the build up of StealthXs. When Alliance Admiral Nek Bwua'tu learned of the starfighters, he feared that the Jedi were preparing to launch an attack against the government. Both sides became increasingly determined to resolve the stalemate and preserve public opinion, and interim Grand Master Kenth Hamner secretly spoke with Bwua'tu, reassuring him that the StealthXs were intended for a mutual threat, and struck a deal with Bwua'tu to ensure the Alliance Navy's cooperation with the StealthX launch. Although Jedi Leia Organa Solo devised a way to smuggle supplies into the Temple, an assassination attempt left Bwua'tu in a coma, leaving the StealthX launch stalled indefinitely. However, Skywalker defeated the entity Abeloth, who had been causing the psychosis amongst the Jedi, and the afflicted Knights returned to sanity. The Order arranged to meet with Daala and release the Knights publicly, and, following an examination by Doctor Thalleus Tharn, the Jedi were proven to have recovered and the siege was lifted. Afterward, the Jedi Council argued against Hamner for more open action in defiance of Daala, including the launch of the StealthXs. When they discovered that Hamner had made a deal with Bwua'tu, they relieved him from his position as acting Grand Master, and he died soon after when he attempted to prevent the StealthXs from launching.
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