  • (Righteous Crusader) Gawain
  • Gawain is the highly respected second in command of the Righteous Crusaders and the most famous romantic hero in the history of the Akram Kingdom. Although he's old enough to be a grandfather, he is still unrivaled in raw, physical strength: supposedly he has lifted and thrown a Jewel Golem with only one hand and killed a Doonga with a single stroke of his sword. But in the end, Gawain is much more proud of his wife, whom he loves more than anything else in the world. Image:Gawain.jpg
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  • Gawain
  • Righteous Crusader
  • Gawain is the highly respected second in command of the Righteous Crusaders and the most famous romantic hero in the history of the Akram Kingdom. Although he's old enough to be a grandfather, he is still unrivaled in raw, physical strength: supposedly he has lifted and thrown a Jewel Golem with only one hand and killed a Doonga with a single stroke of his sword. But in the end, Gawain is much more proud of his wife, whom he loves more than anything else in the world. Image:Gawain.jpg