  • Darth Ironic
  • Darth Ironic is a Star Wars fan fiction comedy story currently being written by Bigman602. It tells ironic stories from different times in the Star Wars saga (32 BBY–4 ABY). One of the most famous ones is where Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker every single detail of everything, such as relatives of his. There will be a possibility of it being canceled due to The Alternate Star Wars.
  • Darth Ironic is a Star Wars fan fiction comedy story currently being written by Bigman602. It tells ironic stories from different times in the Star Wars saga (32 BBY–4 ABY). One of the most famous ones is where Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker every single detail of everything, such as relatives of his. There will be a possibility of it being canceled due to The Alternate Star Wars.