  • The Natural Bears Classification System
  • The Natural Bears Classification System (NBCS or the bear code) is a set of symbols using letters, numbers and other characters commonly found on modern computer keyboards, and used for the self-identification of those who self-identify as "bears" in the sense of a mature gay or bisexual man with facial or substantial body hair. These codes are used in email, Usenet, and Internet forum postings to identify the physical type and preferences of the poster.
  • The Natural Bears Classification System (NBCS or the bear code) is a set of symbols using letters, numbers and other characters commonly found on modern computer keyboards, and used for the self-identification of those who self-identify as "bears" in the sense of a mature gay or bisexual man with facial or substantial body hair. These codes are used in email, Usenet, and Internet forum postings to identify the physical type and preferences of the poster.