  • Series Tropes
  • Tropes about series and sequels, and their quality and trends. This is specifically designed to look at the series as a whole and its progression, rather than individual episodes or entries. See also Sequel.
  • Tropes about series and sequels, and their quality and trends. This is specifically designed to look at the series as a whole and its progression, rather than individual episodes or entries. See also Sequel. * Ascended Fridge Horror * Cerebus Rollercoaster * Early Installment Weirdness * Ensemble Cast * Going Cosmic * Growing the Beard * Gut Punch * Jumping the Shark * Kudzu Plot * Meet Your Early Installment Weirdness * Non-Indicative First Episode * Oddball in The Series * Outgrow the Trope * Recurring Element * Rotating Protagonist * Sequel First * Sequel Series * Story Arc * Switching POV * Tone Shift * Bloodier and Gorier * Cerebus Syndrome * Darker and Edgier * Hotter and Sexier * Lighter and Softer * Reverse Cerebus Syndrome * Younger and Hipper * Denser and Wackier * Thematic Series * Wham! Episode