  • Ra Ciela
  • It used to be a green and lush planet many years ago, but during the age in which Ciel nosurge takes place, Ra Ciela is coming to its end: its sun, Bezel has turned into a red giant which will end up swallowing it if nothing is done. This is why the factions Tenmon and Chimon have devised their own plans to save either the people or the entire planet; and why they are betting so much on the current Imperial Succession Ceremony and on their respective Empress candidates: Ionasal.kkll.Preciel and Kanoyeel.kkll.Preciel.
  • It used to be a green and lush planet many years ago, but during the age in which Ciel nosurge takes place, Ra Ciela is coming to its end: its sun, Bezel has turned into a red giant which will end up swallowing it if nothing is done. This is why the factions Tenmon and Chimon have devised their own plans to save either the people or the entire planet; and why they are betting so much on the current Imperial Succession Ceremony and on their respective Empress candidates: Ionasal.kkll.Preciel and Kanoyeel.kkll.Preciel. However, in the end this was all for naught, as while the plan chosen at the end was Tenmon's plan of migrating to another planet, after the ceremony in which the new Empress would sing the song for converting Ra Ciela into energy and use it to teleport herself and all humanity to another planet, something happened that nullified the initially successful teleporation, and thus the people were forced to try and find their destination planet again while traveling through space on the Colony Ship Soreil for over 5000 years. By the time the events of Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star take place, nothing remains of Ra Ciela, except for a large expanse of energy where the core of the planet used to be long ago. The Spherial Rings and the Singing Hill space station that were constructed around it for the migration project still continue orbiting around the former core even now.