  • Steal the candle
  • From: [[]] Consider the facts: you are a master thief, and the Cartographer is blind. What could possibly go wrong? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A surprisingly shabby feeling
Failure title
  • No ordinary candle
  • 109
Failure description
  • Stealing candles ought to be child's play to someone like you. But this is a very unusual candle. It senses your approach and burns with a finger-scorching light. In the corner, the Cartographer nods to himself sadly.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Ambition: Light Fingers! The Candle
Success description
  • You have the impression that the Cartographer knows exactly what you are up to […] He shakes his head as you […] lift the candle from the bookshelf and pocket it. 'On yer own ead,' he mutters as you slip out of the door.
  • Consider the facts: you are a master thief, and the Cartographer is blind. What could possibly go wrong?
Success summary
  • The Cartographer knows you stole the candle.
  • From: [[]] Consider the facts: you are a master thief, and the Cartographer is blind. What could possibly go wrong? [Find the rest of the story at ]