  • The KidVegeta Anthology/Community Roleplays/Vacation
  • This story came out of nowhere. Like a few of the other roleplays, I was not expecting to write this until I was asked to join by WaffleMinifigure and Dedmnwalkn88‎. I was actually going to join a different roleplay by Dedmnwalkn88‎, but Vacation served as a "test" to get Dedmnwalkn88‎ acclimated to writing for the Dragon Ball universe; it also helped WaffleMinifigure and me get a clearer idea of what we were going to do in the "real" roleplay later.
  • This story came out of nowhere. Like a few of the other roleplays, I was not expecting to write this until I was asked to join by WaffleMinifigure and Dedmnwalkn88‎. I was actually going to join a different roleplay by Dedmnwalkn88‎, but Vacation served as a "test" to get Dedmnwalkn88‎ acclimated to writing for the Dragon Ball universe; it also helped WaffleMinifigure and me get a clearer idea of what we were going to do in the "real" roleplay later. I joined this roleplay mostly because I liked Dedmnwalkn88‎'s character Miki. This was, I believe, the first roleplay I joined with no intent on getting any roleplay achievements. And by "like", I mean that Miki's page was well-written in comparison to other character pages on this wiki. That gave me hope that a roleplay with Dedmnwalkn88‎ would be pretty rad. A few other people, like Gozon and Nimbus.69, joined as well, but only Waffle, Dedmn, and myself participated in this test roleplay because we signed up first. WaffleMinifigure named it, and Dedmnwalkn88‎ began it. As for the characters, Dedmnwalkn88‎ obviously used Miki because that was his first (and, at the time, only) character. WaffleMinifigure first created a character named Lamian to use, but ultimately didn't use him in the test roleplay. At first, I didn't know who I was going to use, because Waffle hinted at using a Planet Trade Organization character. I considered Icer before I heard Waffle state that. I didn't want to have two PTO leaders vying for power in this story. If Waffle would have used a big PTO baddie, I had a few other characters lined up for me to use. These included Majin Sesami, Ledas, Leo, a new Namekian, or a new alien space pirate based off of one of my fanon species. Talking it over with Waffle a bit more, I was convinced to use my character Icer, as he decided to make a second character named Rowa for this test roleplay who would be a subordinate to Icer. Now Icer is one of my favorite characters in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Planet Trade Organization. He's the youngest brother of King Cold and one of the few members of the royal family to survive the entire story (spoilers!). He does so by turning into a space pirate. I plan on using him in the upcoming story of mine (featuring Bulla as the heroine) called Dragon Ball: Heart of the Dragon, though he will only be a secondary villain in comparison to his older brother Arcterial. I had concerns early on that by using Icer in this story, I would spoil a bit of his story arc in my PTO story (the reveal that he is actually the Aphotic Prince who plagues the PTO as early as the first volume), but in the end, I decided to just go with it. My reason was that I doubt many people would read Vacation and even fewer would read both that and my PTO story. As well, this meant I could be true to Icer's character. I didn't have to make him fake for this roleplay just to prevent spoilers. This also allowed me to explore Icer's character in more depth than I had anticipated, so early on. I spent a lot of time creating Icer's page. I wanted to show his complex personality and backstory to help Dedmnwalkn88 understand who he was better. Also, I originally bought Dragon Ball: Xenoverse for Xbox One simply to take screenshots of Icer; I did this after realizing in a conversation with Waffle that Xenoverse had a character creator for Frieza's race. This was a big deal to me, so I bought the game and made Icer in it. I eventually played through the game, which allowed me to unlock the armor that Icer is currently wearing, though he wasn't wearing it at the time of writing Vacation. I spent a lot of time writing each of my sections in this story because I wanted it to be of high quality, compared to the other roleplays. This is also because we were writing a prose roleplay as opposed to all of the other drama format roleplays on this site. Using prose made it feel like an actual story, and I wanted to treat it as such. While writing, the three of us were mostly on the DBF chat discussing the plot and the order of who would write when. Gozon tried to join this roleplay at one point, and I thought he should be allowed to, until Dedmnwalkn88 stated that Gozon should join only when the test roleplay was done. That gave us an impetus to push through this story and move onto the real roleplay between us all that included Gozon. Overall, I don't have many memories of writing this roleplay because it was done so quickly and I only contributed five times, but I do think it was a better writing experience for me than the other roleplays I participated in because Dedmnwalkn88 and WaffleMinifigure are two of the better writers on this site. We didn't have any bad writers, and there weren't (too many) bad things about this roleplay because of that. This roleplay has a very "lean" feel to it. No bad writers, no filler, no rambling on. It's a short and straight-to-the-point, which is part of its charm - but that is also the main reason for this roleplay's biggest problem, which I will discuss in the endnotes below.