  • Baseball clubhouse (deleted 17 Jun 2008 at 18:50)
  • A clubhouse is normally known as the place where baseball players' lockers are. It is a place where players relax, eat, live, laugh, learn, and just let loose and act young just one more time. But as soon they walk out the clubhouse door and out the tunnel hallway leading to the dugout, they become men and play their hearts out, the become serious. The clubhouse is where the men on the team become people and can enjoy watching television on the Hi-Def HD TVs on the leather sofas provided to them. In the clubhouse is where the pranks go down, like the 'hot foot' prank where shoelaces are set on fire, or the 'hot ---', where heating balm is put in the jock. The players soon learn their place in the clubhouse, that they are not safe. Many players were and are known to be firey and lash out in
  • A clubhouse is normally known as the place where baseball players' lockers are. It is a place where players relax, eat, live, laugh, learn, and just let loose and act young just one more time. But as soon they walk out the clubhouse door and out the tunnel hallway leading to the dugout, they become men and play their hearts out, the become serious. The clubhouse is where the men on the team become people and can enjoy watching television on the Hi-Def HD TVs on the leather sofas provided to them. In the clubhouse is where the pranks go down, like the 'hot foot' prank where shoelaces are set on fire, or the 'hot ---', where heating balm is put in the jock. The players soon learn their place in the clubhouse, that they are not safe. Many players were and are known to be firey and lash out in the dugout and in the clubhouse. Here's a story from a Yahoo sports writer about what has happened in clubhouses in the past: "So you're Ozzie Guillen and the White Sox. You've scored 12 runs in your last seven games. You're two games under .500 after leading the AL Central for most of April. You're fresh off an extended swearfest in which you called the White Sox Chicago's "bitch." So what do you do? Well, what else? You stock the clubhouse with slump-busting blow-up dolls and strategically-placed bats. Then, when female members of the media complain, you act surprised and shocked that anyone might find that offensive. Yeah, it's pretty much the next logical step of a sinking baseball team. Yeah, it's right there in the textbook, which is why Guillen won't apologize. From the Sun Times: If anyone was offended by the White Sox having a pair of inflatable dolls surrounded by bats and a sign encouraging players to "push" in their clubhouse before Sunday's game in Toronto, don't expect an apology from manager Ozzie Guillen. "I'm sure it wasn't done to disrespect anyone," Guillen said Monday. "Everyone in the clubhouse, 100 percent of the people in the clubhouse, they are 18 years old and that's a private thing. If the players do it in the dugout so everyone in the public could see it, or did it in the hotel lobby . . . we did it in the clubhouse. A lot of worse things happen in the clubhouse. I don't really know why people are making it a big deal. If people got their feelings hurt because of that . . . they don't really know much about baseball." Ozzie has a point with that last sentence. The baseball clubhouse is not a Fortune 500 board room. Never has been. Never will be. Baseball players are always going to have their frathouse fun and there's nothing wrong with that. If the players were taunting the female media members with the dolls, that'd be one thing. Having them sitting in a corner is quite another. Is it really all that different from sitting in a bar and watching a roving bachelor or bachelorette party coming through with the inflatable favors? Still, for a guy that loves to moan about how the Sox get no respect and that no one takes them seriously, you'd think Ozzie would pick his places and battles a little better. I know no one tells Ozzie what to do or where to do, but he has to be a little smarter when it comes to things like this. Doesn't he?" Some players (experienced, highly looked upon) normally have two or three lockers for their personal use. Barry Bonds, Ken Griffey Jr, and many other greats have a couple lockers to themselves. Jimmy Rollins of the Phillies, has two lockers, one for his equipment and uniforms and the second for his stereo box.