  • Mouffles Monster
  • Mouffles Monster (so named by Sbiis Saibian) is cgG64(G64). It is the 20th record setting entry in the "My number is bigger!" competition. It is defined using the cg(x) function defined by Conway and Guy using chained arrow notation: cg(1) = 1 cg(2) = 2-->2 cg(3) = 3-->3-->3 and in general cg(n) = n-->n-->n--> ... ... -->n-->n-->n w/n n's Mouffles Monster = cgGraham's Number(Graham's Number) - the exponent indicates iteration of the cg function.
  • Mouffles Monster (so named by Sbiis Saibian) is cgG64(G64). It is the 20th record setting entry in the "My number is bigger!" competition. It is defined using the cg(x) function defined by Conway and Guy using chained arrow notation: cg(1) = 1 cg(2) = 2-->2 cg(3) = 3-->3-->3 and in general cg(n) = n-->n-->n--> ... ... -->n-->n-->n w/n n's Mouffles Monster = cgGraham's Number(Graham's Number) - the exponent indicates iteration of the cg function.