  • European Empire (Caribbean Empire)
  • Europe, officially The European Empire, is modeled after the Roman Empire. It was the size of Italy until Bavaria took some of Austria and East Germany took the part of the Czech Republic. The E.E. came into existance on December 4, 2021. Austria and Czech Republic joined Italy and it became the European Empire. Then, Slovenia and Hungary joined too under the threat of Bavaria. Then the empire took control of Europe. The current leader is European Emperor Giorgi I. The capital of the European Empire is Rome.
  • Europe, officially The European Empire, is modeled after the Roman Empire. It was the size of Italy until Bavaria took some of Austria and East Germany took the part of the Czech Republic. The E.E. came into existance on December 4, 2021. Austria and Czech Republic joined Italy and it became the European Empire. Then, Slovenia and Hungary joined too under the threat of Bavaria. Then the empire took control of Europe. The current leader is European Emperor Giorgi I. The capital of the European Empire is Rome.