  • Chuba stew
  • [Source] Chuba stew was a type of food eaten by members of the sentient Hutt species that was available in the galaxy during the reign of the Galactic Republic. The Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure ate chuba stew and had it prepared by a chef loyal to him. However, by the year 32 BBY, the chef had been killed during an assassination attempt on Jabba by the Twi'lek Romi Moola. Moola poisoned a chuba stew being prepared by the chef in the hope that Jabba would consume it. The chef instead tried some first and died in Jabba's place, which led to Jabba placing a bounty on Moola's head. Chuba was the Huttese name for the gorg, a species of non-sentient animal that the Hutts ate.
  • Chuba stew
  • [Source] Chuba stew was a type of food eaten by members of the sentient Hutt species that was available in the galaxy during the reign of the Galactic Republic. The Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure ate chuba stew and had it prepared by a chef loyal to him. However, by the year 32 BBY, the chef had been killed during an assassination attempt on Jabba by the Twi'lek Romi Moola. Moola poisoned a chuba stew being prepared by the chef in the hope that Jabba would consume it. The chef instead tried some first and died in Jabba's place, which led to Jabba placing a bounty on Moola's head. Chuba was the Huttese name for the gorg, a species of non-sentient animal that the Hutts ate.