  • Cries
  • All Pokémon have distinct cries. These are sounds that are heard when a Pokémon enters battle or uses a vocalizing move (Growl, Roar, etc.). Pokémon within an evolution family will sometimes have similar cries. This page lists the cries of all Pokémon in the Sage Pokédex. DEVELOPMENT NOTE: we are going for cries similar to gens4/5. cries should not be longer than approximately 2 seconds.
  • All Pokémon have distinct cries. These are sounds that are heard when a Pokémon enters battle or uses a vocalizing move (Growl, Roar, etc.). Pokémon within an evolution family will sometimes have similar cries. This page lists the cries of all Pokémon in the Sage Pokédex. DEVELOPMENT NOTE: we are going for cries similar to gens4/5. cries should not be longer than approximately 2 seconds.