  • Reproduction
  • Reproduction
  • Reproduction
  • reproduction es un álbum de música de ESQUARIA publicado el 30 de diciembre de 2013 (). Es un álbum vocal e instrumental que cuenta con arreglos de Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Hopeless Masquerade y Double Dealing Character.
  • Some species, like the Tibidees of Stygeon Prime, would call out to the opposite sex in order to find a partner. That process was referred to as a "mating call." Reproduction could also be replicated via cloning, a process in which the DNA of one life form could be copied to produce genetically identical individuals. Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, the Kaminoans cloned bounty hunter Jango Fett, resulting in the eventual creation of the Grand Army of the Republic.
  • Admettons que on a un Joe et une Gertrude. Ils veulent faire des bébés ensemble. Nous allons ici voir comment.
  • Together with energy gathering and management, reproduction is one of the basic functions of life - in fact, something usually used to define life itself. Evolution is based on the reproductive success of a species, individual or gene: at any level, self-replication is what living systems "want" more than anything else.
  • Various reproduction methods for the Transformers species have been demonstrated across various continuities.
  • Reproduction is the process by which new individual organisms are produced. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result of reproduction.
  • Reproduction (Saisei - 再生) is the sixth and final episode of the Bible Black: New Testament series and the fourteenth anime episode produced overall. It was first released in Japan on the 25th of December, 2007, a year after the previous episode. It was released in the United States on the 28th of July, 2009 under the names Third Scripture and Third Psalm in a double feature containing both Reproduction and the fifth episode Rejection.
  • Sometimes, new Transformers are simply built from scratch, and that's all it takes. A suitable Transformer body is constructed, and when finished and turned on, it just springs to life. Two notable examples of this type of reproduction appear in the Generation One cartoon: when Wheeljack and company create the Dinobots, and later when the temporarily super-intelligent Grimlock creates the Technobots.
  • Reproduction ... In vitro fertilisation was first successfully used in 1978. As of 2005 more than 1% of all children born in developed countries are conceived in vitro. In 2006 pre-conception sex selection using sperm-separation technology entered clinical trials in the United States. Interestingly, only about 8% of people are interested in selecting the sex of their children. [1] This and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies will be used in the future much more often.
  • The only commonly accepted facts are (though there are exceptions even from this): * Yukkuri reproduction is extremely fast, but wide variations now exist. * Yukkuri reproduction is sexual. * All Yukkuri are hermaphrodites. * The children are always a copy of one of the parents. * The partners need to be different types of Yukkuri. The "traditional" combination is insemination by cheek rubbing, and then birth by stalk growing method, but since other combinations are possible, the next section will be split. This method has been overtaken in popularity by the Peni Peni method.
  • Il n'est pas rare que les enfants se conçoivent par une seule personne comme son prolongement. Il s'agit alors le plus souvent de clonage amélioré par rapport à l'original. De nombreux géniteurs choisissent d'avoir un enfant de sexe opposé au leur, notamment pour désamorcer les jeux narcissiques incontrôlés. En revanche, les ambiguïtés incestueuses pèsent assez lourd dans ces cas. La question de l'éducation se pose également, s'occuper seul d'un enfant demeure un travail difficile. Différentes solutions sont observables, depuis les internats qui s'occupent de tout jusqu'aux familles et communautés où chacun fait son propre enfant mais les élève à plusieurs.
  • 10
  • --12-30
  • Instrumental, Vocal, Electrónica, Dubstep, House, Techno, Drum 'n' Bass, Trance, Neurofunk
  • 3016.0
  • EQCD-0002
  • 6
  • Rejection
  • reproduction
  • Reproduction
  • 2007-12-25
  • 2009-07-28
  • 250
  • Размножение/Канон
  • 192
  • 交配
  • Reproducción
  • -
Sitio web
  • Sousuke Kokubunji
  • Yuki Shinomiya
wikipage disambiguates
  • Reproduction (Saisei - 再生) is the sixth and final episode of the Bible Black: New Testament series and the fourteenth anime episode produced overall. It was first released in Japan on the 25th of December, 2007, a year after the previous episode. It was released in the United States on the 28th of July, 2009 under the names Third Scripture and Third Psalm in a double feature containing both Reproduction and the fifth episode Rejection. The final ritual night commences and Imari/Kitami gets ready to use Aki Ichikawa to resurrect the Bible Black. But the powerful Jody Crowley interrupts the ritual, overpowering Kitami after taking control of her closest ally Kaori Saeki. Jody attempts to impregnate Aki to give birth to a powerful being, fulfilling her grandfather's prophecy. Hiroko Takashiro and Tokken chief Toru Yuge meanwhile try to stop her at all cost.
  • reproduction es un álbum de música de ESQUARIA publicado el 30 de diciembre de 2013 (). Es un álbum vocal e instrumental que cuenta con arreglos de Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Hopeless Masquerade y Double Dealing Character.
  • Sometimes, new Transformers are simply built from scratch, and that's all it takes. A suitable Transformer body is constructed, and when finished and turned on, it just springs to life. Two notable examples of this type of reproduction appear in the Generation One cartoon: when Wheeljack and company create the Dinobots, and later when the temporarily super-intelligent Grimlock creates the Technobots. The Dinobots are initially very simple mentally and are ordered to be deactivated because they are too dangerous. Wheeljack then develops a set of crown-like devices to place on the Dinobots which greatly enhances their intellect, although they are still "dumb" and child-like compared to the other Autobots. The Technobots, on the other hand, are immediately fully functional, and some of them are even smarter than average Transformers. If one were to take these facts as canonically meaningful (rather than simply the whims of the writers of those episodes), it could be guessed that programming a functional Transformer brain from scratch is extremely difficult, such that even Wheeljack is not up to the job. Temporarily super-genius Grimlock may be the only one capable. At least on the surface, this "built from scratch" approach runs counter to claims in other episodes of the show that Vector Sigma is needed to create new Transformer life. (See below.) However, since Vector Sigma is presented as being a supercomputer and not a "magical" device like the comics' Creation Matrix, it could fall in with the speculative statements above regarding Grimlock and Wheeljack. Perhaps Vector Sigma is simply an advanced enough computer that it is capable of constructing a working mind.
  • Some species, like the Tibidees of Stygeon Prime, would call out to the opposite sex in order to find a partner. That process was referred to as a "mating call." Reproduction could also be replicated via cloning, a process in which the DNA of one life form could be copied to produce genetically identical individuals. Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, the Kaminoans cloned bounty hunter Jango Fett, resulting in the eventual creation of the Grand Army of the Republic.
  • The only commonly accepted facts are (though there are exceptions even from this): * Yukkuri reproduction is extremely fast, but wide variations now exist. * Yukkuri reproduction is sexual. * All Yukkuri are hermaphrodites. * The children are always a copy of one of the parents. * The partners need to be different types of Yukkuri. If the pregnancy is a reaction of the mother's body to injection with filling of another type of Yukkuri (as it is in some insemination methods), the requirement for the partners to be different types of Yukkuri becomes natural. However, the injection method varies between artists- in some comics and stories, injecting a Yukkuri with the filling of another will cause it to become a hybrid (or at least, give birth to hybrids). The "traditional" combination is insemination by cheek rubbing, and then birth by stalk growing method, but since other combinations are possible, the next section will be split. This method has been overtaken in popularity by the Peni Peni method. Note: Since the Yukkuri are hermaphrodites, henceforth "mother" will refer to the partner that gets pregnant and "father" to the one that does not.
  • Il n'est pas rare que les enfants se conçoivent par une seule personne comme son prolongement. Il s'agit alors le plus souvent de clonage amélioré par rapport à l'original. De nombreux géniteurs choisissent d'avoir un enfant de sexe opposé au leur, notamment pour désamorcer les jeux narcissiques incontrôlés. En revanche, les ambiguïtés incestueuses pèsent assez lourd dans ces cas. La question de l'éducation se pose également, s'occuper seul d'un enfant demeure un travail difficile. Différentes solutions sont observables, depuis les internats qui s'occupent de tout jusqu'aux familles et communautés où chacun fait son propre enfant mais les élève à plusieurs. Au sein des mondes autoritaires, la reproduction peut être entièrement sous contrôle du pouvoir. D'autres mondes plus égalitaires donnent accès de façon équitable à l'ingéniérie génétique à leur habitants. Au-delà des modifications génétiques et des capacités mentales, le régime émotionnel est susceptible d'être modifié, ce qui intervient de façon considérable sur le fonctionnement des sociétés. La conception des enfants se fait maintenant in-vitro de façon quasi systématique. C'est beaucoup plus pratique et cela permet de modifier l'embryon à loisir. En outre, le sexe et le nombre des parents n'est absolument pas un critère discriminant pour la reproduction.On manipule les spermatozoïdes et les ovules avant la fécondation. On peut alors changer toutes caractéristiques physiques ou intellectuelles, éviter des problèmes de santé du type vue basse, faiblesses cardiaques, calvitie... on a ainsi des individus qui sans soins particuliers seront centenaires. Ces modifications peuvent s'appliquer seulement aux nouveaux nés concernés, soit être ensuite transmissibles aux générations futures. On peut tout demander : un fils ayant les yeux de son grand-père ? Un simple prélèvement d'ADN sur celui-ci le permet. On veut qu'il ait la voix d’un fameux crooner qui fait pleurer dans les chaumières ? Des répliques de son ADN sont à vendre ; très cher.
  • Admettons que on a un Joe et une Gertrude. Ils veulent faire des bébés ensemble. Nous allons ici voir comment.
  • Together with energy gathering and management, reproduction is one of the basic functions of life - in fact, something usually used to define life itself. Evolution is based on the reproductive success of a species, individual or gene: at any level, self-replication is what living systems "want" more than anything else.
  • Reproduction ... In vitro fertilisation was first successfully used in 1978. As of 2005 more than 1% of all children born in developed countries are conceived in vitro. In 2006 pre-conception sex selection using sperm-separation technology entered clinical trials in the United States. Interestingly, only about 8% of people are interested in selecting the sex of their children. [1] This and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies will be used in the future much more often. Human cloning is another approach that can be used for reproduction. In 2004 successful cloning of 30 human embryos was reported by Korean scientists [2]. genetic engineering - fixing genetic errors - creating a human from scratch or by using fragments of "good" code from several people - any number of parents - non-sexual reproduction - homosexual parents (already) Women will also be able to have children at much older age (66-year-old woman gave birth in 2004 [3]), thanks to better medical technologies. The research into artificial womb is driven by demand in two separate areas: 1) better outcomes for premature babies and 2) improvement in IVF effectiveness. As a result of that, ectogenesis seems to be experiencing breakthroughs. In 2002, a team at Cornell University used cells from a human uterus to grow an artificial womb. When a fertilized egg was introduced, it implanted itself in the uterus wall. [4] Scientists in Juntendo University in Japan has been removing fetuses from goats and keeping them alive for weeks in clear plastic tanks of amniotic fluid with machine-driven 'umbilical cords'. [5] Today children born prematurily as early as at 24 weeks (a normal pregnancy is 40 weeks) can be saved in 50% of cases using incubators in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (in some cases as little as 21 weeks [6]). Eventually an artificial womb will be made, allowing a fetus to gestate outside of the mother. Estimates place this development somewhere between 2010 [7] and 2020 [8]. Combined with the use of frozen sperm and eggs and cloned embryos, this will eventually make "artificial" creation of humans possible. It will also be possible to genetically engineer the child, fixing the DNA of the "parent" or creating a complete genome from scratch. A fertility clinic was open in Nottinham, UK in 2006, where pre-natal genetic screening is used. Embryos are tested for up to 100 inherited gene disorders before implantation.
  • Various reproduction methods for the Transformers species have been demonstrated across various continuities.
  • Reproduction is the process by which new individual organisms are produced. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result of reproduction.
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