  • Code Name: Viper
  • Ken Smith is a special agent. Commander Jones sends him to South America to take down a drug cartel and rescue kidnapped hostages. At the end of the game, Smith finds out that Commander Jones was behind the whole thing, and engages him in a fight to the death and as a result, Jones lost his life. While the underground drug routes where Jones was involved were destroyed by Smith, the syndicate he ran was not defeated.
  • Code Name: Viper is an action game published and developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990, borrowing liberally from Namco's Rolling Thunder. As special agent Ken "Viper" Smith, you are sent by the cigar-chomping Commander Jones to South America to break up a massive drug-dealing syndicate and rescue hostages Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, as well as your fellow agents, who will give you clues to help you uncover the secret of the drug ring.
  • Code Name: Viper is an action game published and developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990, borrowing liberally from Namco's Rolling Thunder. As special agent Ken "Viper" Smith, you are sent by the cigar-chomping Commander Jones to South America to break up a massive drug-dealing syndicate and rescue hostages Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, as well as your fellow agents, who will give you clues to help you uncover the secret of the drug ring. At first, you're armed with only a pistol, but can eventually find a machine gun (that sports a higher rate of fire) to aid you in your mission. In order to complete each level, you need to search for the hostage who will give you the dynamite needed to get past the door at the end.
  • Ken Smith is a special agent. Commander Jones sends him to South America to take down a drug cartel and rescue kidnapped hostages. At the end of the game, Smith finds out that Commander Jones was behind the whole thing, and engages him in a fight to the death and as a result, Jones lost his life. While the underground drug routes where Jones was involved were destroyed by Smith, the syndicate he ran was not defeated.