  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Pokemon
  • Monstros de Bolso (ポケットモンスターPoketto Monsutā), ou simplesmente Pokémon, forma abreviada e mais conhecida de um anime de 1997, é uma das subdivisões da franquia Pokémon. É exibido no Japão pela TV Tokyo, nos Estados Unidos e na América Latina pelo Cartoon Network, no Canadá pela YTV (canal de televisão) e na Europa em geral é exibido pela Jetix. Aqui no Brasil já teve passagem pela TV Record, Rede Globo e atualmente é exibido pela Rede TV.
  • I Pokémon Wiki è la wiki dedicata alla saga dei Pokémon, ancora in onda su Disney DX, su Sky. Riprende la storia dedicata ad Ash Ketchum, il quale è intenzionato a diventare Maestro Pokémon. La wiki ha bisogno di voi di tutti coloro che sono cresciuto guardando questa serie.
  • I Pokémon Wiki è la wiki dedicata alla saga dei Pokémon, ancora in onda su Disney DX, su Sky. Riprende la storia dedicata ad Ash Ketchum, il quale è intenzionato a diventare Maestro Pokémon. La wiki ha bisogno di voi di tutti coloro che sono cresciuto guardando questa serie.
  • Pokemoni jsou zmutované politické stvůry. Jejich úkolem je zničit svět a premiéra Topolánka.
  • Pokémon is type of animals with specials powers. There aren't many pokemon trainers in the Universe A Josh is apperantly the best Pokemon Trainer of Universe A.
  • Here you can find every little feature about the new Pokemon Game we are working at....
  • Es cuando se te da por hacerte un Fap y muy largo
  • pronto escribiré una historia de estos personajes pokemon
  • This are Pokemon
  • 7 year olds play GTA, while 17 year olds play Pokemon lol
  • alex is traning.
  • {mistake article}
  • Pokemon generally come from one of three categories: Stupid Pokemon, Very Stupid Pokemon, and EXTREMELY Stupid Pokemon. Some are actually awesome, but this is so rare, it has only occurred once. are the known Pokemon that exist.
  • Pokemon is an illegal hallucinogenic drug that has particularly dangerous effects on children that have not yet reached puberty.
  • Stands for Pocket Monsters. Little kids love this toy. Magic "The Gathering" for 6 year olds. Started as a game in the United States, then the tv show caught on. And of course like most other toys the market grew to produce a movie, and a tv sitcom.
  • Pokemon sind kleine asoziale kurzlebige Lebewesen, die, nachdem sie als Anusreiniger gedient haben, erbärmlich verrecken. Mittlerweile gibt es bereits 491 von diesen schrecklich aussehenden Pixelhaufen, sodass man ziemlich was zu tun hat, wenn man sie alle töten will. Pokemon kommen leider auf der gesamten Erde vor. Sei es in den Güllepfützen von Tschernobyl (sh. Bamelin) oder in den verseuchten Städten Chinas. Der Hauptgrund für die vielen Aidskranken sind ebenfalls die Pokemon: urch ihren Beruf als Anusreiniger hinterlassen sie töliche Viren. aaaa
  • Pokemon previous next Ginger Peachy House of Fun
  • Pokemon sind kleine gemeine Haustiere aus Japan die im Auftrag ihres Besitzers andere Mitmenschen oder Pokemon mit speziellen Attacken verletzen oder sogar vernichten können. Es gibt über 17 verschiedene Pokemonarten, diese können aber nicht direkt gekauft oder sonstwie über das Internet bestellt werden, sondern müssen erst geangelt, von Bäumen und Felsen geschüttelt oder durch das Zertrümmern von Steinbrocken freigelegt werden.
  • The gameplay of the Pokémon series of role-playing video games involves the capture and training of a variety of fictional creatures called "Pokémon" and using them to battle other trainers. Each successive generation of games builds upon this concept by introducing new Pokémon, items, and gameplay concepts. Some of the general concepts were featured elsewhere before being introduced in the games; double battles appeared in the anime long before appearing in the games, and Pokémon abilities are similar to the Pokémon Powers introduced in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
  • Mark originally started with this video He later created this Mark also dabbled in creating fusions of Pokemon Sprites. A medley of them was posted on Youtube:
  • NOTICE: Help us make more BLUE links! We have to make more bios! Pokemon (correctly known as Pokémon, but since our users are so lazy they just make the typo of Pokemon) are those 721 weird things that appear in the Pokemon Series that are infamous. The word "Pokemon" is a short word for "Pocket Monsters", despite this term was only used in certain books and in Japan. There are many Pokemon, such as Zapdos and the highly infamous Pikachu. They get caught by trainers by stuffing them into the tiny Pokeballs. Most Pokemon are known to be bad in battling and to people. Quilava is obviously the best Pokemon.
  • gello 10:05, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:EBOOK`s Kategorie:POKEMON
  • Pokemon is a Comedy Fantasy Based in anime tv-toon and Tv-series Starring Cameron Bright,Arianna Grande,Boo Stewart,Ryan Reynolds,Jessica Biel and Robert DeNiro
  • Pokémon are a species of creatures, a bit similar to animals. They are used as a Mii Creator's "pets" who can then use them in fighting tournaments. Pokémons have many attacks. Although Mii Creators only use them in Pokémon games, Miis are building a Pokémon Farm (similar to Mii Farms) where a Mii Creator can put all his Pokémon. In the Pokémon Farm, the Miis will take care of these creatures and possibly even feed them. Not all Pokémon are friendly, some, like Mewtwo, cause chaos. Hayley is a nice Mii who appears to be some kind of Pokémon Trainer. Every day, she brings new Pokémon to the Pokémon Farm. There can be up to 1000 Pokémon in a single Pokémon Farm, although with an update, a Pokémon Farm can have 1500 Pokémon!
  • Welkom op de National Pokédex! Gier vind je alle Pokémon terug van Kanto to Jotho. Momenteel is alles onder constructie dus niet alles is volledig!
  • Pokemon er noen små, søte dyr som alltid kommer i slåsskamp hvis de går i gresset.
  • The Pokemon Franchise has copied Toho's Godzilla Franchise (and copied two monsters from Daiei's Gamera series) since there first Generation.
  • El mundo Pokémon, también conocido como planeta Pokémon es la denominación que comprende toda la existencia Pokémon. El mundo Pokémon es una mezcla entre el planeta Tierra y otro planeta o una versión ficticia/imaginaria de éste, ya que como muestra en la imagen no es nada parecido a la Tierra, pero en el anime se han mencionado países terrestres como Francia, México, Argentina, etc. En el mundo Pokémon hay diversos tipos de paisajes donde viven plantas y Pokémon. Estos paisajes son:
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Pokemon/preload editintro=Pokemon/editintro width=25 Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?, or - or ) is a media franchise managed by The Pokémon Company, a Japanese consortium between Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. While the franchise copyright is shared by all three companies, Nintendo is the sole owner of the trademark. The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995, and is centered on fictional creatures called "Pokémon", which humans, known as Pokémon Trainers, catch and train to battle each other for sport.
  • Pokemon - slangowe określenie internauty zachowującego się w pewien specyficzny, najczęściej dziecinny sposób. Cechy charakterystyczne użytkownika nazywanego pokemonem to: * nadużywanie emotikon, * posiadanie bardzo dużej liczby z znajomych na portalach społecznościowych, często osiągniętej poprzez dodawanie przypadkowych osób, * przesyłanie do internetu charakterystycznych zdjęć (tzw. sweet fotek) robionych z dziwnej perspektywy (najczęściej z własnej ręki - tzw. samoklepka), przedstawiających głupią minę, prezentujących odbicie w lustrze itp. * stosowanie tzw. pisma pokemoniastego, czyli używanie na zmianę dużych i małych liter (np. wITaM), * popełnianie (często celowe) błędów ortograficznych, gramatycznych i stylistycznych, * spamowanie przy użyciu komunikatorów in
  • Sadly, the "Poke' Nerds" refused to accept the death of Charizard and did not give up in the Poke'ness and have continued to find new Pokemon and have went as far as to create a Poke' God, called "Arceus". It seems that Stephen has a new enemy to face. Many more invasions have attempted to corrupt our youth such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, Digimon, and Dragon Ball Z. But in the end, those Dragon Balls could't match the balls of Stephen Colbert, and to this day Mr. Colbert defends this great nation from the clutches of seizure-inducing Japanese animation.
  • Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?, /ˈpoʊkeɪmɒn/ POH-kay-mon) is a media franchise published by Japanese video game company Nintendo, owned by The Pokémon Company, and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996, focused on the titular creatures. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, Pokémon has since become the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's Mario franchise. Pokémon properties have since been merchandised into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media.
  • Pokemon is a highly active, tight knit group of players of dofus. As a guild, we partake in daily scheduled group dungeon runs (Bworker, Tynril, Soft Oak being guild favorites) and help each other out with personal goals. The minimum entry level for Pokemon is level 100, Aswell as having graduated the training guild Pokemon Neo. To graduate Pokemon Neo, You must be level 100 and have donated at least 10,000 Exp. While 100 is the lowest level we allow the guild is filled with many 150 to 200 level players.
  • The name Pokémon (Japanese: ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters, or ポケモン Pokémon for short) is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters , as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 493 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the recent release of the newest Pokémon role-playing game (RPG) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Platinum. Like the words deer and sheep, the word "Pokémon" is identical in both the singular and plural, as is each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon" as well as "one Pikachu" and "many Pikachu". In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed
  • Pokémon is een mediafranchise van het internationale bedrijf Nintendo en werd rond 1995 gecreëerd door Satoshi Tajiri. Oorspronkelijk werd het uitgebracht als een duo Game Boy role playing games die met elkaar verbonden konden worden. Pokémon is sindsdien uitgegroeid tot de op een na meest succesvolle game-franchise ter wereld, na Super Mario.[1] Het spel is sinds 1999 verkrijgbaar in de Benelux, en is nog steeds zeer populair onder vele lagen van de jeugd.
  • 68
Latest Appearance
  • Pokemon Sun and Moon
  • Pokemon Wiki
  • Pokemon Wiki
tv films
  • Pokémon Origins
tv specials
  • The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
  • Mewtwo Returns
  • Pokemon Trainers
First Appearance
  • Pokemon Red and Green
  • rushu
  • 225
  • The official logo of Pokémon for its international release; Pokémon is short for the original Japanese title of Pocket Monsters.
  • it.ipokemon
  • it.ipokemon
  • no
  • no
  • 101
  • Many
  • Many
  • Pokemon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon Live!
short stories
  • Pokémon Junior
  • Pokémon 2.B.A. Master
  • See also list of Pokémon theme songs
  • y
  • See list of Pokémon films
Home world
  • Pokemon World
  • Theme park
  • 250
wikipage disambiguates
  • 26
  • 2013-12-26
  • Pokémon is een mediafranchise van het internationale bedrijf Nintendo en werd rond 1995 gecreëerd door Satoshi Tajiri. Oorspronkelijk werd het uitgebracht als een duo Game Boy role playing games die met elkaar verbonden konden worden. Pokémon is sindsdien uitgegroeid tot de op een na meest succesvolle game-franchise ter wereld, na Super Mario.[1] Het spel is sinds 1999 verkrijgbaar in de Benelux, en is nog steeds zeer populair onder vele lagen van de jeugd. Sinds het ontstaan van de spelserie zijn er ook mangastrips verschenen, een geanimeerde televisiereeks en een ruilkaartenspel. Ook het Pokémon-winkelcentrum in New York, het zgn. Pokémon Center, en het Pokémon Park in Japan zijn een feit. Ook zijn er verschillende accessoires afgeleid van de televisiereeks, gaande van knuffels tot kledij. Sinds 1 mei 2008 is Pokémon Seizoen 10 : Diamond & Pearl op Jetix te zien.
  • El mundo Pokémon, también conocido como planeta Pokémon es la denominación que comprende toda la existencia Pokémon. El mundo Pokémon es una mezcla entre el planeta Tierra y otro planeta o una versión ficticia/imaginaria de éste, ya que como muestra en la imagen no es nada parecido a la Tierra, pero en el anime se han mencionado países terrestres como Francia, México, Argentina, etc. Desde la sexta película hasta la última película estrenada, se usa como introducción una secuencia en la que la cámara espacial se va acercando al planeta Pokémon a la vez que se van viendo las imágenes de cientos dePokémon. En el mundo Pokémon hay diversos tipos de paisajes donde viven plantas y Pokémon. Estos paisajes son: * Montaña * Bosque * Desierto * Pradera * Nevado * Campo * Ciudad * Cueva * Volcán * Agua dulce * Agua salada * Glaciar * Isla tropical * Cielo Incluso en las fábricas y se cree que hay Pokémon en el espacio como Deoxys, Clefairy, Kyurem, Rayquaza oBeheeyem
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Pokemon/preload editintro=Pokemon/editintro width=25 Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?, or - or ) is a media franchise managed by The Pokémon Company, a Japanese consortium between Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. While the franchise copyright is shared by all three companies, Nintendo is the sole owner of the trademark. The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995, and is centered on fictional creatures called "Pokémon", which humans, known as Pokémon Trainers, catch and train to battle each other for sport. The franchise began as a pair of video games for the original Game Boy, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo. The franchise now spans video games, trading card games, animated television shows and movies, comic books, and toys. Pokémon is the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's Mario franchise. Cumulative sales of the video games (including home console games, such as Hey You, Pikachu! for the Nintendo 64) have reached more than 279 million copies. In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game related licensing of Pokémon, announced that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. Pokémon USA Inc. (now The Pokémon Company International), a subsidiary of Japan's Pokémon Co., now oversees all Pokémon licensing outside of Asia. As of May 2016, the Pokémon media franchise has grossed revenues of ¥4.8 trillion worldwide (equivalent to 46.2 billion USD). The franchise celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2006. The twentieth anniversary was celebrated with a commercial at the 2016 Super Bowl using the theme: "I can do that". 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the release of the original games, with the company celebrating by airing an ad during Super Bowl 50, and issuing re-releases of Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow. The mobile augmented reality game Pokémon Go was released in July 2016. The next generation games Pokémon Sun and Moon are expected to be released on November 18, 2016 worldwide, except for Europe's release date being on November 23, 2016. A live-action film adaptation based on Great Detective Pikachu is planned to start production in 2017. The English slogan for the franchise is "Gotta Catch 'Em All".
  • Monstros de Bolso (ポケットモンスターPoketto Monsutā), ou simplesmente Pokémon, forma abreviada e mais conhecida de um anime de 1997, é uma das subdivisões da franquia Pokémon. É exibido no Japão pela TV Tokyo, nos Estados Unidos e na América Latina pelo Cartoon Network, no Canadá pela YTV (canal de televisão) e na Europa em geral é exibido pela Jetix. Aqui no Brasil já teve passagem pela TV Record, Rede Globo e atualmente é exibido pela Rede TV.
  • I Pokémon Wiki è la wiki dedicata alla saga dei Pokémon, ancora in onda su Disney DX, su Sky. Riprende la storia dedicata ad Ash Ketchum, il quale è intenzionato a diventare Maestro Pokémon. La wiki ha bisogno di voi di tutti coloro che sono cresciuto guardando questa serie.
  • I Pokémon Wiki è la wiki dedicata alla saga dei Pokémon, ancora in onda su Disney DX, su Sky. Riprende la storia dedicata ad Ash Ketchum, il quale è intenzionato a diventare Maestro Pokémon. La wiki ha bisogno di voi di tutti coloro che sono cresciuto guardando questa serie.
  • Pokemoni jsou zmutované politické stvůry. Jejich úkolem je zničit svět a premiéra Topolánka.
  • Pokémon is type of animals with specials powers. There aren't many pokemon trainers in the Universe A Josh is apperantly the best Pokemon Trainer of Universe A.
  • Here you can find every little feature about the new Pokemon Game we are working at....
  • Es cuando se te da por hacerte un Fap y muy largo
  • pronto escribiré una historia de estos personajes pokemon
  • The name Pokémon (Japanese: ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters, or ポケモン Pokémon for short) is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters , as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 493 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the recent release of the newest Pokémon role-playing game (RPG) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Platinum. Like the words deer and sheep, the word "Pokémon" is identical in both the singular and plural, as is each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon" as well as "one Pikachu" and "many Pikachu". In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game related licensing of Pokémon, announced that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. Pokémon USA Inc. (now The Pokémon Company International), a subsidiary of Japan's Pokémon Co., now oversees all Pokémon licensing outside of Asia.
  • This are Pokemon
  • 7 year olds play GTA, while 17 year olds play Pokemon lol
  • alex is traning.
  • {mistake article}
  • Pokemon generally come from one of three categories: Stupid Pokemon, Very Stupid Pokemon, and EXTREMELY Stupid Pokemon. Some are actually awesome, but this is so rare, it has only occurred once. are the known Pokemon that exist.
  • Pokemon is an illegal hallucinogenic drug that has particularly dangerous effects on children that have not yet reached puberty.
  • Stands for Pocket Monsters. Little kids love this toy. Magic "The Gathering" for 6 year olds. Started as a game in the United States, then the tv show caught on. And of course like most other toys the market grew to produce a movie, and a tv sitcom.
  • Pokemon is a highly active, tight knit group of players of dofus. As a guild, we partake in daily scheduled group dungeon runs (Bworker, Tynril, Soft Oak being guild favorites) and help each other out with personal goals. The minimum entry level for Pokemon is level 100, Aswell as having graduated the training guild Pokemon Neo. To graduate Pokemon Neo, You must be level 100 and have donated at least 10,000 Exp. While 100 is the lowest level we allow the guild is filled with many 150 to 200 level players. We value manners and the ability to get along with others. We want our members to be active in our day to day hunts and dungeons because it's not a guild if no one cares. Pokemon is also the number one dofus guild on (the #1 gamer IM service). The Pokemon guild is lead by -INVISIGOTH-(200), -tuxx-(200), watt(200) who are both second in command. The other officers of Pokemon are calbleman(199), -Shadow-Sadida-(199), Aaliya(199) and Drachma(199). You can contact any of these people regarding joining Pokemon. Pokemon's Training Guild is Pokemon Neo for people below level 100. Pokemon Guild also added Shadow Pokemon as a third guild due to the other two being 100% full. Shadow's Leader is Drachma but tuxx and Invisigoth co run it with him. People wishing to join the main guild, "Pokemon" will usually have to go through a certain trial period in either the Neo or Shadow guild before being invited to Pokemon, even if they are above level 100. This trial period usually includes getting a certain amount of guild experience points at a set 5% XP given. In August 2010 Pokemon added one of Rushu's original gulds "MurderInc" (run by -tuxx- since 2007) to the Pokemon family of guilds. Currently Shadow Pokemon is not in use due to there being room in Pokemon Neo, This may chance in future. If your looking for a active guild with "pre-scheduled" guild runs Pokemon may be right for you. Contact -INVISIGOTH-, -tuxx-, or any other member for information on joining.
  • Pokemon sind kleine asoziale kurzlebige Lebewesen, die, nachdem sie als Anusreiniger gedient haben, erbärmlich verrecken. Mittlerweile gibt es bereits 491 von diesen schrecklich aussehenden Pixelhaufen, sodass man ziemlich was zu tun hat, wenn man sie alle töten will. Pokemon kommen leider auf der gesamten Erde vor. Sei es in den Güllepfützen von Tschernobyl (sh. Bamelin) oder in den verseuchten Städten Chinas. Der Hauptgrund für die vielen Aidskranken sind ebenfalls die Pokemon: urch ihren Beruf als Anusreiniger hinterlassen sie töliche Viren. aaaa
  • Pokemon previous next Ginger Peachy House of Fun
  • Pokemon sind kleine gemeine Haustiere aus Japan die im Auftrag ihres Besitzers andere Mitmenschen oder Pokemon mit speziellen Attacken verletzen oder sogar vernichten können. Es gibt über 17 verschiedene Pokemonarten, diese können aber nicht direkt gekauft oder sonstwie über das Internet bestellt werden, sondern müssen erst geangelt, von Bäumen und Felsen geschüttelt oder durch das Zertrümmern von Steinbrocken freigelegt werden.
  • The gameplay of the Pokémon series of role-playing video games involves the capture and training of a variety of fictional creatures called "Pokémon" and using them to battle other trainers. Each successive generation of games builds upon this concept by introducing new Pokémon, items, and gameplay concepts. Some of the general concepts were featured elsewhere before being introduced in the games; double battles appeared in the anime long before appearing in the games, and Pokémon abilities are similar to the Pokémon Powers introduced in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
  • Mark originally started with this video He later created this Mark also dabbled in creating fusions of Pokemon Sprites. A medley of them was posted on Youtube:
  • NOTICE: Help us make more BLUE links! We have to make more bios! Pokemon (correctly known as Pokémon, but since our users are so lazy they just make the typo of Pokemon) are those 721 weird things that appear in the Pokemon Series that are infamous. The word "Pokemon" is a short word for "Pocket Monsters", despite this term was only used in certain books and in Japan. There are many Pokemon, such as Zapdos and the highly infamous Pikachu. They get caught by trainers by stuffing them into the tiny Pokeballs. Most Pokemon are known to be bad in battling and to people. Quilava is obviously the best Pokemon.
  • gello 10:05, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:EBOOK`s Kategorie:POKEMON
  • Pokemon is a Comedy Fantasy Based in anime tv-toon and Tv-series Starring Cameron Bright,Arianna Grande,Boo Stewart,Ryan Reynolds,Jessica Biel and Robert DeNiro
  • Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?, /ˈpoʊkeɪmɒn/ POH-kay-mon) is a media franchise published by Japanese video game company Nintendo, owned by The Pokémon Company, and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996, focused on the titular creatures. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, Pokémon has since become the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo's Mario franchise. Pokémon properties have since been merchandised into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The franchise celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2006. Cumulative sales of the video games (including home console versions, such as "Hey You, Pikachu!" for the Nintendo 64) have reached more than 200 million copies. In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game related licensing of Pokémon, announced that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. Pokémon USA Inc. (now The Pokémon Company International), a subsidiary of Japan's Pokémon Co., now oversees all Pokémon licensing outside of Asia.
  • Pokémon are a species of creatures, a bit similar to animals. They are used as a Mii Creator's "pets" who can then use them in fighting tournaments. Pokémons have many attacks. Although Mii Creators only use them in Pokémon games, Miis are building a Pokémon Farm (similar to Mii Farms) where a Mii Creator can put all his Pokémon. In the Pokémon Farm, the Miis will take care of these creatures and possibly even feed them. Not all Pokémon are friendly, some, like Mewtwo, cause chaos. Hayley is a nice Mii who appears to be some kind of Pokémon Trainer. Every day, she brings new Pokémon to the Pokémon Farm. There can be up to 1000 Pokémon in a single Pokémon Farm, although with an update, a Pokémon Farm can have 1500 Pokémon!
  • Welkom op de National Pokédex! Gier vind je alle Pokémon terug van Kanto to Jotho. Momenteel is alles onder constructie dus niet alles is volledig!
  • Sadly, the "Poke' Nerds" refused to accept the death of Charizard and did not give up in the Poke'ness and have continued to find new Pokemon and have went as far as to create a Poke' God, called "Arceus". It seems that Stephen has a new enemy to face. Many more invasions have attempted to corrupt our youth such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, Digimon, and Dragon Ball Z. But in the end, those Dragon Balls could't match the balls of Stephen Colbert, and to this day Mr. Colbert defends this great nation from the clutches of seizure-inducing Japanese animation. Some claim that Stephen is actually Mewtwo, the most powerful Pokemon. This is a fallacy; Stephen created Mewtwo by inseminating Mew with his pattented man seed Formula 401, in order to destroy bears and liberals with his strong psychic powers. It is rumored that a Colbert-esque Pokemon has been discovered whose TruthBeam attack destroys Ursarings in one hit. Although not confirmed, the thought of such a Pokemon strikes fear into the black hearts of fuzzy yellow liberals everywhere. Nintendo continues to release electronic propaganda in hopes of restoring them back to power. Stephen has combatted this by announcing an expansion pack to his future internets sensation, Stephen Colbert's World of ColbertCraft. It has yet to be titled, but it will feature the ability to summon Captain America, and a brand new trailer for Stephen Colbert's Return To Skateboard Mountain. He would unveil it at next year's E3, but needless to say... that's what the pokemon would WANT him to do. Pokemon is one of the main reasons why the youth of today are so misguided. The pokemon Lopunny has convinced children that prostitution is okay and Mr. Mime has taught them molestation of 5 year olds in the grass is ok. The episode Holiday High Jynx enxourages them to take the Christ out of Christmas.The character Ash tells us if a little yellow electric mouse follows you around, beastiality might be involved.The character Brock encourages many boy's to go against the will of God and act like girls. Tragically, in the epsiode Tentacool and Tentracuel which was clearly allegorical of the 9-11 attacks, the evil pokemon were not punished for their actions and even recieved sympathy and apologies from many of the people.Worst of all Pokemon is famous for its promotion of Darwinism as pokemon evolve to become stronger..
  • Pokemon er noen små, søte dyr som alltid kommer i slåsskamp hvis de går i gresset.
  • Pokemon - slangowe określenie internauty zachowującego się w pewien specyficzny, najczęściej dziecinny sposób. Cechy charakterystyczne użytkownika nazywanego pokemonem to: * nadużywanie emotikon, * posiadanie bardzo dużej liczby z znajomych na portalach społecznościowych, często osiągniętej poprzez dodawanie przypadkowych osób, * przesyłanie do internetu charakterystycznych zdjęć (tzw. sweet fotek) robionych z dziwnej perspektywy (najczęściej z własnej ręki - tzw. samoklepka), przedstawiających głupią minę, prezentujących odbicie w lustrze itp. * stosowanie tzw. pisma pokemoniastego, czyli używanie na zmianę dużych i małych liter (np. wITaM), * popełnianie (często celowe) błędów ortograficznych, gramatycznych i stylistycznych, * spamowanie przy użyciu komunikatorów internetowych i portali społecznościowych w celu zwrócenia na siebie uwagi (np. wysyłanie wiadomości bez żadnego powodu, prośby o skomentowanie nowych zdjęć), * używanie na własnych blogach rażącej kolorystyki (np. jasnoróżowe tło). Najwięcej zachowań charakterystycznych dla pokemonów można zaobserwować na portalach społecznościowych i blogach. Zachowania te często irytują innych użytkowników i utrudniają korzystanie z portali.
  • The Pokemon Franchise has copied Toho's Godzilla Franchise (and copied two monsters from Daiei's Gamera series) since there first Generation.