  • Roleplay: Mystery Dungeon
  • [Shinge was laying against a tree on a branch, seemingly bored..] Shinge's thoughts: 'Still left unhired and all that...' [Shinge jumps off of the tree.] (At Cleftwood Village) [Seven Eevee run by.] ???: "Excuse me, coming through!" ???: (2) "We're in a rush!" [The Eevee seem to be heading for Evolution Forest.] (A Gardevoir watches the Eevee run by) ???: What in the world...? (She follows the Eevee) [The Eevee seem to be faster than the Gardevoir, considering they have Run Away.] ???: (3) "Objective in sight Team Leader!" ???: Oh...So they're evolving.... [They all evolve.] Jolt: "Hey...what's wrong..?"
  • [Shinge was laying against a tree on a branch, seemingly bored..] Shinge's thoughts: 'Still left unhired and all that...' [Shinge jumps off of the tree.] (At Cleftwood Village) [Seven Eevee run by.] ???: "Excuse me, coming through!" ???: (2) "We're in a rush!" [The Eevee seem to be heading for Evolution Forest.] (A Gardevoir watches the Eevee run by) ???: What in the world...? (She follows the Eevee) [The Eevee seem to be faster than the Gardevoir, considering they have Run Away.] ???: (3) "Objective in sight Team Leader!" ???: Can't..keep up....(stops, then closes eyes. She uses Teleport to stay ahead of the Eevee) That's better. [The Eevee stop at the Entrance to Evolution Forest, most with Evolutionary Stones. Some with Moon and Sun Shards.] ???: Oh...So they're evolving.... [They all evolve.] ??? (Jolteon): "There, now we can tell each other apart..." ???: Ah...Well, I better leave them alone. (she turns to leave) Team Evolution: [In unity] "And you are?" ???: (freezes) Ah....(turns back) I'm....I'm Garvoira. ??? (Jolteon): "I'm Jolt, leader of Team Evolution." Garvoira: Nice to meet you. (looks at the rest of the team) Quite a team you've got. Jolt: "Not only a Team, we're a Family...." Garvoira: Wow! That'd be neat to have a family as a team...(thinks, then looks down sadly) Jolt: "Hey...what's wrong..?" [Jolt approaches Garvoira. Probably to comfort her.] Garvoira: Huh? (looks up, then shakes head) No, no, I'm fine. Jolt: ... "I know something's wrong.." Garvoira: It's just...(sighs) My family's missing... Jolt: "I think we can help, right team?" Team Evolution: "Right!" Garvoira: (tears in eyes) Y-You'll help me?! Oh, thank you! Jolt: "We are all as one family correct? We should all help each other, regardless of Species!" Garvoira: Right! Again, thank you so much! I really appreciate the help! Jolt: "Your welcome..." [Jolt nudges Garvoira with his nose as if he was a loyal pet.] (Garvoira smiles) Garvoira: My father and mother are the only ones that are safe. My three younger siblings are two Ralts, a male and a female, and my other sister is a Kirlia. My brother is a Shiny Gallade. They shouldn't be hard to find....(thinking) I hope...) Jolt: "With my speed and powerhouse attacks." Umbre: "My Venom and cleverness." Flare: "My 3,000 Degree flames and attack coordinates." Espe: "My Intelligence and planning." Glace: "My -50 Degree Blizzards and Coolness. Leaf: "My knowledge of the Landscape and Defense." Vapor: "And my hyper-sensitivity and Endurance." Jolt: "We'll become the perfect search squad serving in your favor!" Garvoira: I'm sure you will! But, can I ask for a favor? Jolt: "Sure!" Garvoira: I want to come with you guys. My younger siblings won't know to follow you or not, and they aren't easy to soothe when they're scared. Only me, my brother and parents can soothe them. [Jolt bows.] Jolt: "Be our guest..." Garvoira: (smiles and nods) Thank you! Jolt: "Your first order?" Garvoira: O-Order? Um....I guess to gather more information on where my siblings could be... Jolt: "We'll ask the Locals in towns nearby." [Jolt and Team Evolution run, however, they seem slower, since their Run Away ability is...well..away.] Garvoira: (notices that they are slower) Are you guys okay? You seem....slower....than before. Jolt: "Our Run Away ability faded." Garvoira: Oh...Do you guys want me to Teleport us there? Jolt: "If you wish...wait a sec, Resistance spotted!" [A Kabutops comes rushing at Jolt!] Garvoira: Jolt! Look out! (uses Psychic on the Kabutops) [Jolt looks at the Kabutops blasted back from him.] Jolt: "Vapor, Leaf, Water Sphere, Energy Ball." Jolt's thoughts: 'Did she just..?' [Vapor forms a Water Sphere whilist Leaf forms an Energy Ball, They both fire at the Kabutops, knocking it out.] Garvoira: Whew... Jolt: "Garvoira....T-thanks for the save." [Jolt blushes.] Garvoira: (turns red) N-No problem.. Jolt: "Let's continue...the search.." Garvoira: (regains composture) Right. [More Kabutops come, but they are all knocked out by a series of elemental attacks.] Jolt: " that they're all about a five-minute break..?" (Lawl) Garvoira: Sure. Why not? Jolt: "Sitrus if ya got 'em Flare..." [Flare seems to have a Sack on her back, probably full of provisions.] Garvoira: You guys must always be prepared! (facepalms) (thinking) Well, DUH! They have to be! Jolt: "Eh, we have a lot of stuff...Umbre, Amplifier please..." (Jolt custom-made this item, it amplifies his Accuracy and Electricity Attack..Seeing he's the Leader, he gets the only special item XD) [Umbre pulls out of a sack, what seems to be a Leg Brace, and a targetting Lens.] Garvoira: Whoa... [The Amplifier then gets attached to Jolt.] Flare: "Wait a sec Jolt, isn't it Valentine's Day today?" Jolt: .... Vapor: "Flare, It's best not to tell him." Garvoira: Why's that? Jolt: .... (Basically because Jolt had a looooong history with Valentine's Day, like I do right now, I had to disguise myself as a Soldier in town 0_0) (Shima Ah.) Garvoira: I'm sensing it's a sensitive subject, so 'm going to leave it alone... [Another Kabutops comes rushing in...] Jolt: "" [Jolt jumps up and uses Close Combat on the Kabutops. Making it faint within a single combo.] Garvoira: (thinking in astonishment) Wow...He's good! Better than my brother....) Jolt: "Well, that five minute break is let's continue..." Garvoira: Oka. (gets up and follows Team Evolution. (thinking) I'm glad I asked these guys to help find my family!) Jolt: [whispering to Garvoira] 'Y'know, I guess this is kinda fun doing this mission..." Garvoira: (whispering to Jolt) Really? How so? I mean, I'm glad that you think it's fun...! Jolt: [whispering to Garvoira] "Well, being with my Team, we are a powerhouse armed with Missiles, we make stuff go boom, and I like boom...and well...there's another thin'..." [Jolt's face turns red.] Gavoira: Like....what? Jolt's thoughts: 'Yipe! Hoping she wouldn't ask that!' [Jolt covers his face with his paws, but he falls down on the attempt.] Umbre: "What's wrong Jolt, someone got your tongue?" Garvoira: Uh....Jolt....? Ae you okay? Jolt: ..... [Jolt's blush increases.] Garvoira: Jolt...? (bends down and places a hand on his shoulder) Jolt: .... Jolt's thoughts: 'Please don't spot the blush. (Repeats)' Garvoira: Are...Are you blushing? (face turns pink) [Jolt yelps.] Jolt's thoughts: 'Yipe!' Garvoira (startled by Jolt's yelp) Jolt? Are you okay....? (In other words, Jolt's in trouble. XD) [Jolt seems to have yelped from Garvoira mentioning the blush.] Garvoira: (looks at the rest of the team) Was it something I said? (Shima: (evil laugh)) [The rest of the team shrugs.] Espe: "Even I don't know how he feels or I don't know his thoughts." Garvoira: Hmmm....(tries to use Telepathy on olt) Garvoira's Thoughts to Jolt: Jolt....? Jolt's thoughts [rather scared]: 'What..?' Garvoira's Thoughts: Um...Ma I ask why you're blushing? Jolt's thoughts: 'Yipe!' [Jolt's blush increases.] (Roflmao) Garvoira's Thoughts: Come on, Jolt! You can tell me! (her thoughts gentl nudge his, like if she was touching his shoulder) Jolt's thoughts: '...Fine...I'll tell...I kinda like you...' (Thump!) Garvoira's Thoughts: You...Like me....? (outside her mind, her face turns red) (Shima: Dun dun dun dun DUN!) (Roflmao) Jolt's thoughts: '...Yeah..' [Jolt's whole face is covered in blush. The rest of the team seem to be trying to make their own items, oblivious to Garvoira and Jolt.] (Garvoira backs out of Jolt's thoughts. Outside, her face is red. She then hugs Jolt) (Shima: AWWWW! Weird coupl, but AWWWWW!) (Believe it or not, my Jolteon, Spark, on Platinum has actually bred with a Floatzel XD) [Jolt blushes quite largely.] (Shima: Haha! I bred a Donphan and a Azumarill together and got a Phanpy! You should've seen my face when the Egg hatched!) Garvora: I.... like you too... (Shima: Holy crap! This reminds me of Akrulina!!!!!) (Yep.) (Garvoira let's go and looks at her hands,still bushing) Umbre: "HEY! What are you two doing..?" Garvoira: Ah! (regains composture) N-Nothing! Hehehe... Umbre: "Tell the truth!" Jolt: "Hothead..." [Jolt uses Thunder Wave on Umbre to suppress any attacks he'd make.] Jolt: "Don't talk to an ally like that...sure to get ya destroyed.." Garvoira: (stands up) We,uh, better get going....! (looks a Jolt and smiles) Vapor: "Come on Hothead..." [Vapor drags the paralyzed Umbre along as they go by.] Garvoira: (laughs softly) (thinking) This is going to be an.....interesting journey.)