  • Away From Keyboard
  • Away From Keyboard, or AFK, is the general term for someone who is away from their computer (hence away from their keyboard so they can't respond). It can also refer to someone who is at their computer but not focused on the game. The typical sign of someone being AFK is an idle character that hasn't responded to any activity around it, whether it be a monster attack or Chat Box messages.
  • Away From Keyboard, or AFK, is the general term for someone who is away from their computer (hence away from their keyboard so they can't respond). It can also refer to someone who is at their computer but not focused on the game. The typical sign of someone being AFK is an idle character that hasn't responded to any activity around it, whether it be a monster attack or Chat Box messages. Proper MMORPG etiquette requires that a player refrains from being AFK during important situations such as and . Doing so causes the player to be regarded as rude and inconsiderate since it's seen as the player not caring about actually playing while logged in.