  • You did hear that right
  • From: [[]] The Bishop wants to wrestle you, right now, in front of the fireplace. To prove your worth and piety. He pulls off his cassock and drops into a fighting crouch. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Thrashing the Bishop
Failure title
  • Wretched sinner
  • 115
Failure description
  • The Bishop kneels on your shoulders, pressing you to the cold stone hearth. Your left arm shouldn't bend that way. 'Come on!' he shouts, 'show me your worth, sinner! Show me your worth!'.
From Card/Storylet title
  • 'Pardon, your Grace?'
Success description
  • The Bishop rushes you, low and fast.[…] You're his match, despite his strength[…] 'Splendid! […] I knew you were the one for the job. Now - off you go and make me a beast. And no more serpents! Call in for some tea if you want to discuss matters.'
  • The Bishop wants to wrestle you, right now, in front of the fireplace. To prove your worth and piety. He pulls off his cassock and drops into a fighting crouch.
  • From: [[]] The Bishop wants to wrestle you, right now, in front of the fireplace. To prove your worth and piety. He pulls off his cassock and drops into a fighting crouch. [Find the rest of the story at ]