  • Hutt Grand Council
  • The Hutt Grand Council is a group made by Crash the Hutt to unite the Hutts some more than they are now. * Belutric the Hutt * Crash the Hutt * Hogsey the Hutt
  • The Hutt Grand Council, formally called the Clans of the Ancients, was the ruling political body of Nal Hutta and the Hutt race. Composed of every Hutt clan, the Council ruled all of Hutt Space. They governed all clans fairly, giving favor to none, and Hutts all over the galaxy abided by their decrees. The decision making process was generally unknown, but it seemed that the most powerful of the kajidics (the Hutt criminal syndicates) held the most authority; thus, the head of the most powerful kajidic was the de facto leader of the Hutt race.
  • The Hutt Grand Council is a group made by Crash the Hutt to unite the Hutts some more than they are now. * Belutric the Hutt * Crash the Hutt * Hogsey the Hutt
  • The Hutt Grand Council, formally called the Clans of the Ancients, was the ruling political body of Nal Hutta and the Hutt race. Composed of every Hutt clan, the Council ruled all of Hutt Space. They governed all clans fairly, giving favor to none, and Hutts all over the galaxy abided by their decrees. The decision making process was generally unknown, but it seemed that the most powerful of the kajidics (the Hutt criminal syndicates) held the most authority; thus, the head of the most powerful kajidic was the de facto leader of the Hutt race.
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