  • A Hint of Serendipity
  • Meet Zero. Former Sage in the battle against Slender Man and One of Us, as self-professed gamer and fan of the Mega Man series. You can start reading the blog here. Zero started his blog before he was ever haunted by Slender Man, but still was a true Agent Mulder about the situation from the very beginning. He eventually had the torch passed to him by Robert Sagal. Held a one man stand in his house while Slender Man and his hordes laid siege to him starting from late November to the Winter Solstice.
  • Meet Zero. Former Sage in the battle against Slender Man and One of Us, as self-professed gamer and fan of the Mega Man series. You can start reading the blog here. Zero started his blog before he was ever haunted by Slender Man, but still was a true Agent Mulder about the situation from the very beginning. He eventually had the torch passed to him by Robert Sagal. Held a one man stand in his house while Slender Man and his hordes laid siege to him starting from late November to the Winter Solstice. In this time, he engaged in frequent Foe Yay with the Ax Crazy Rika, an young, attractive female agent sent to kill him. This Entry contains a particularly humorous example. He eventually, alongside the guys from Observe and Terminate and from various other blogs, made a Last Stand on the Winter Solstice in an attempt to fascilitate a Follow the Leader situation in which bloggers write how the story ends with Slender Man being injured and weakened. This was a massive Batman Gambit between himself and several others. It didn't work. He's back, and now an Ax Crazy Knight Templar. His new blog can be found here: The Last Refuge of a Dangerous Man: