  • Episode 4258 (3rd September 1997)
  • Kevin promises Natalie that he never asked Sally to have him back; she's just stirring up trouble. Chris accuses Angie of not wanting to live with him because she doesn't really care for him. She tells him that she thinks they're rushing things and suggests he moves out to test their relationship. Natalie asks Betty to be civil to her; she's not the dragon everyone thinks. Ida gets bored of boycotting the Rovers and leads the other factory girls back. Vera tells Jack that she won't be doing any cooking or washing for him until he gets rid of Natalie. Samantha is upset when she thinks Des has told Angie all about her. She finishes with him when he says that he hasn't told her anything but thinks she should tell another woman for her view. At the registrar's office, Gary gets cold feet over
story associates
  • 4258
  • 1997-09-01
  • 1997-09-03
Production code
Story Editor
  • 1997-09-05
  • 1997
  • Kevin promises Natalie that he never asked Sally to have him back; she's just stirring up trouble. Chris accuses Angie of not wanting to live with him because she doesn't really care for him. She tells him that she thinks they're rushing things and suggests he moves out to test their relationship. Natalie asks Betty to be civil to her; she's not the dragon everyone thinks. Ida gets bored of boycotting the Rovers and leads the other factory girls back. Vera tells Jack that she won't be doing any cooking or washing for him until he gets rid of Natalie. Samantha is upset when she thinks Des has told Angie all about her. She finishes with him when he says that he hasn't told her anything but thinks she should tell another woman for her view. At the registrar's office, Gary gets cold feet over saying he's Katie's father and rushes out. Judy tells him that he must say he's the father or they'll have no hold over her. He signs the certificate. Vera squirts tomato ketchup over Jack so he has no clean shirts as she's hidden them all. Deirdre takes Liz to show her the outside of Jon's house. Liz is suitably impressed. They leave just before a black cab draws up and the real owner of the house - Capt Ian Jenkins - gets out. He's greeted in the driveway by his wife and children. Zoe demands cash from the Malletts so she can go out and enjoy herself. Judy is just pleased that she has a proper family at last. Gary tells her that she'll make a great mother. Natalie resigns from the Rovers when Jack attempts to sack her; she finds the whole place pathetic. Vera is pleased to see the back of her.