  • Vrakki
  • Each noun begins with a fix structure as follows: Consonant(s) + vowel + eventual mark of the genitive, the active, the ablative or the inessive + rest of the word.* The mark of the genitive is -e, that of the active is -i, that of the ablative is -a, and that of the inessive is -u. When one of these marks comes next to the same vowel ("ee", "ii", "aa", "uu"), the entire vowel sound gets modified into respectively /œ/, /ijœ/, /ɔ:/ and /u/. Example: "dalk" = /dalk/, "daalk" = /dɔ:lk/. The plural is obtained by adding -i at the very end of the word.
  • Each noun begins with a fix structure as follows: Consonant(s) + vowel + eventual mark of the genitive, the active, the ablative or the inessive + rest of the word.* The mark of the genitive is -e, that of the active is -i, that of the ablative is -a, and that of the inessive is -u. When one of these marks comes next to the same vowel ("ee", "ii", "aa", "uu"), the entire vowel sound gets modified into respectively /œ/, /ijœ/, /ɔ:/ and /u/. Example: "dalk" = /dalk/, "daalk" = /dɔ:lk/. Ablative and inessive are to consider opposite of eachother: ablative expresses the provenance or the fact of being outside (of something), while inessive expresses the fact of being inside of something. The plural is obtained by adding -i at the very end of the word. *With the end of the word not being -ak, -ad, -ar, -av, -as, -al.