  • Dr. Thomas Light
  • Dr. Thomas Light
  • Doctor Thomas Light, is a character from the Mega Man and Mega Man X series. His counterpart from the Mega Man Battle Network series is called Tadashi Hikari, and he is the inventor of the PET and the grandfather of Lan Hikari and Hub Hikari.
  • Dr. Thomas Light is a world-renowned robotics engineer from Earth in the Year 20XX. He is the creator of Mega Man, Roll and Proto Man among several others, as well as the founder of Light Labs.
  • Doctor Thomas Light, abgekürzt auch nur Dr. Light ist der Schöpfer von dem bekannten Robot Master Mega Man und der frühere Wissenschaftspartner von Dr. Wily und träumte von der Utopie, dass Mensch und Maschine koexistieren könnten. Er erschuf ebenfalls die sechs Robot Master Bomb Man, Cut Man, Guts Man, Fire Man, Ice Man und Elec Man, sowie Roll, Auto und später auch die Helfer wie Rush, Tango oder Eddie. Proto Man war ein früheres gemeinsames Projekt von ihm und Dr. Wily gewesen, der sich jedoch von Dr. Light trennte und seitdemher als verschollen galt.
  • In the 20th century, Thomas Light attended the Robot Institute of Technology (ローバート工科大学? Robert Institute of Technology) where he met Albert W. Wily and became classmates. The two graduated together with their doctorate degrees (PhDs), although Light always received more credit than Wily. The two were nominated for the Nobel Prize for physics, but only Dr. Light won. Dr. Wily, with his pride hurt and tired of being in second place, vanished, and Dr. Light didn't see him again until the events of the first game. At an unknown time, Dr. Light (alongside Dr. Wily in some sources outside of Japan) founded his laboratory to further the development of computing and robotics technology for the benefit of mankind in the coming era. Light became a world-renowned scientist and the leading expert on
  • Männlich
  • Protagonist/Schöpfer von Mega Man
  • Mitglieder des Dr. Lights Labor
  • Mechanisches Genie
  • *Proto Man *Mega Man *Roll
  • *Dr. Wily *Dr. Eggman
  • *Großer, leicht dicklicher, älterer Mann *Weißer Santa Claus Bart und weiße Haare *Trägt einen weißen Kittel und eine blaue Krawatte mit gelben Punkten
  • Mensch
  • Dr. Thomas Light
  • 250
  • Doctor Thomas Light, is a character from the Mega Man and Mega Man X series. His counterpart from the Mega Man Battle Network series is called Tadashi Hikari, and he is the inventor of the PET and the grandfather of Lan Hikari and Hub Hikari.
  • In the 20th century, Thomas Light attended the Robot Institute of Technology (ローバート工科大学? Robert Institute of Technology) where he met Albert W. Wily and became classmates. The two graduated together with their doctorate degrees (PhDs), although Light always received more credit than Wily. The two were nominated for the Nobel Prize for physics, but only Dr. Light won. Dr. Wily, with his pride hurt and tired of being in second place, vanished, and Dr. Light didn't see him again until the events of the first game. At an unknown time, Dr. Light (alongside Dr. Wily in some sources outside of Japan) founded his laboratory to further the development of computing and robotics technology for the benefit of mankind in the coming era. Light became a world-renowned scientist and the leading expert on robotics. Light built a series of household and civil service robots. Not long after that, he created a humanoid robot with a much more advanced A.I., DLN-000 Proto Man, the first "advanced robot", known as a Robot Master in some sources. However, Proto Man's dangerous imbalance in his energy core and having a strong sense of independence, went A.W.O.L. before his repairs were complete in fear that his personality would change in the process. Yet, in the year 200X (sometime in the first decade of the 21st century), Light would build on the successes and failures of the Proto Man project to build other Robot Masters, like Rock (a lab assistant, also known as Mega), Roll (a householder), and a series of industrial robots. When Dr. Wily grew jealous of Light's works receiving credit and his works not (in USA sources he's jealous because Light received all the credit for the team's work), he stole and reprogrammed Light's industrial robots, attempting to take over the world. Rock, having a strong sense of justice, volunteered to be converted into the super robot known as Mega Man.
  • Dr. Thomas Light is a world-renowned robotics engineer from Earth in the Year 20XX. He is the creator of Mega Man, Roll and Proto Man among several others, as well as the founder of Light Labs.
  • Doctor Thomas Light, abgekürzt auch nur Dr. Light ist der Schöpfer von dem bekannten Robot Master Mega Man und der frühere Wissenschaftspartner von Dr. Wily und träumte von der Utopie, dass Mensch und Maschine koexistieren könnten. Er erschuf ebenfalls die sechs Robot Master Bomb Man, Cut Man, Guts Man, Fire Man, Ice Man und Elec Man, sowie Roll, Auto und später auch die Helfer wie Rush, Tango oder Eddie. Proto Man war ein früheres gemeinsames Projekt von ihm und Dr. Wily gewesen, der sich jedoch von Dr. Light trennte und seitdemher als verschollen galt.
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