  • Yaoyorozunokami
  • Yaoyorozunokami is the Omikami Clan's ultimate juinjutsu, and the antipode to the Fūinjutsu, Kaminomichi. Like Kaminomichi, the jutsu puts strain on the user's body, and further use of the technique could diminish the user's life span. It's power is said to leave an opponent with nothing left, in order to erase their entire existence. This jutsu can only be used by an Omikami who has awakened an Amasentogan.
jutsu type
  • Ninjutsu, Dōjutsu, Juinjutsu, Kinjutsu
debut shippuden
  • No
literal english
  • The Infinite Number of Gods
jutsu rank
  • S
jutsu classification
  • Kekkei Genkai
unnamed jutsu
  • No
jutsu range
  • Short, Mid
hand signs
  • Hands clapped together
jutsu class type
  • Offensive
jutsu media
  • Anime, Manga
  • Jingū "Jatai" Omikami
  • Yaoyoruzu-no-kami
  • 八百万の神
jutsu class
  • Offensive, Supplementary
  • Yaoyorozunokami is the Omikami Clan's ultimate juinjutsu, and the antipode to the Fūinjutsu, Kaminomichi. Like Kaminomichi, the jutsu puts strain on the user's body, and further use of the technique could diminish the user's life span. It's power is said to leave an opponent with nothing left, in order to erase their entire existence. This jutsu can only be used by an Omikami who has awakened an Amasentogan. The jutsu works by using air space as a medium in which to create several curse marks using the user's chakra. The curse marks, which can be manipulated and transported through the air, follow the user's gaze. Thus, if an opponent is caught in the user's gaze while the technique is active, the curse seals will move and mark the opponent. Once the mark is set on the target, that victim loses the ability to move and use chakra, simultaneously forcing any active techniques used by the target to deactivate. The target's will and soul are then brought under to full control of the user. Therefore, the target would not even attempt to break free of the seal, try to use chakra, or attack the user. The user then could turn the target into a puppet under his/her full control, cause the target to lose or forget certain abilities, or shatter the target's soul and erase them from existence. The jutsu, also, is not limited to one target, and can mark up to eight opponents in a single use. Each extra use of the technique could take away up to 25 years of user's life span, and should only be used once over a few hours.