  • Try to find out about their allegiances
  • From: [[]] Who are they working for? Are they all in on the same thing? Are they individual agents? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Herding cats
Failure title
  • Cat humour
  • 90
Failure description
  • You make what you think are casual enquiries of a group of cats[…] They all work for the Masters. No, an Egyptian Princess. No, a secret organisation called The Dogs[…] Twenty-three green eyes[…] glow[…] with apparent sincerity. You give up[…]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Cats...
Success description
  • […]You drop a page from The Unexpurgated London Gazette on the floor[…] Sure enough, within minutes there is a cat sitting neatly in the exact centre of the sheet[…] […]It turns out that alliances are complex[…], but you feel more confident now[…]
  • Who are they working for? Are they all in on the same thing? Are they individual agents?
  • From: [[]] Who are they working for? Are they all in on the same thing? Are they individual agents? [Find the rest of the story at ]