  • Yukari Yakumo
  • Yukari Yakumo
  • Yukari Yakumo
  • Yukari Yakumo
  • Yukari Yakumo is a youkai, and undoubtedly one of the most powerful characters of the Touhou Universe. She is known as the "Gap Youkai", capable of manipulating boundaries, including those that are conceptual. She is often sleeping and often prefers to achieve her goals through manipulating events and people rather than resorting to direct combat.
  • Yukari Yakumo is an often seen and referenced youkai from Touhou who is the Youkai of Boundaries, residing within the border of Gensokyo. While she is powerful enough to do things on her own, she is also one of the laziest residents of Gensokyo, preferring to have others do it for her because she thinks it's more fun. Yukari has two Shikigamis, Chen, the Nekomata Shikigami, and Ran, the Kitsune Shikigami, and has the ability to teleport through and control boundaries. Yukari's relationship with Reimu is complicated, but she tends to either help Reimu or pester her, and can be a hero or a villain depending on her whims and whatever the situation demands.
  • Yukari Yakumo is an often-seen and referenced villainess from Touhou Project who is the Youkai of Boundaries, residing within the border of Gensokyo. She made her debut in Touhou: Perfect Cherry Blossom as the only canon Phantasm Stage boss. While she is powerful enough to do things on her own, she is also one of the laziest residents of Gensokyo, preferring to have others do it for her because she thinks it's more fun. Yukari has two Shikigamis, Chen, the Nekomata Shikigami, and Ran, the Kitsune Shikigami, and has the ability to teleport through and control boundaries. Yukari's relationship with Reimu is complicated, but she tends to either help Reimu or pester her, and can be a hero or a villain depending on whatever the situation demands.
  • Uma personagem bastante vista e referenciada na série, Yukari Yakumo é a Youkai das fronteiras. Ela primeiramente é introduzida em Perfect Cherry Blossom como a mestra sonolenta de Ran Yakumo. Durante Imperishable Night, Yukari faz uma parceria com Reimu para encontrar os responsáveis pela "lua falsa". Em Immaterial and Missing Power, ela sabe como arrumar uma briga, roubando saque, vinho e conhaque de todos. Até mesmo do altar do santuário... Entretanto, é tudo parte de sua estratégia para salvar o dia... De certa forma.
  • Uno de los personajes más vistos y mencionados, Yukari es la youkai de los límites. Su primera aparición fue en Perfect Cherry Blossom como la ama durmiente de Ran Yakumo. En Imperishable Night, Yukari hace equipo con Reimu Hakurei para encontrar al responsable por la Luna falsa. En Immaterial and Missing Power ella va de batalla en batalla robándole a todos su sake, vino y brandy. Incluso del mismo altar del Templo Hakurei... Como sea, todo esto era parte de su plan para salvar el día. De alguna manera.
  • *Perfect Cherry Blossom *Immaterial and Missing Power *Imperishable Night *Shoot the Bullet *Scarlet Weather Rhapsody *Subterranean Animism
  • Youkai
Row 4 info
  • Unknown; she sleeps most of the time
Row 1 info
  • Yukari Yakumo
  • Manipulación de todos los límites y fronteras
  • Manipulação de todas as fronteiras
  • Nos limites de Gensokyo
  • * Ojos color marrón,dorado oscuro, pelo rubio largo, normalmente lleva un parasol rosado. Usa un vestido rosa y púrpura, y un sombrero rosa inflado con una fina cinta roja en el frente del mismo. * Mismo traje que el de arriba, pero su pelo largo rubio se enrolla dentro de su gorra inflada blanca. * Mismo traje que el de arriba, pero su vestido es amarillo y naranja y su pelo es verde. * Ojos violeta,púrpura, pelo largo rubio, lleva una sombrilla rosada, esta sentada en una brecha dimensional que lleva a un lugar desconocido. Viste un vestido púrpura, un sombrero rosa inflado, y una cinta roja atada en cada uno de sus accesorios.
Row 4 title
  • Occupatuion
  • Desconocida
  • *A Organizadora do Escape dos Espíritos *Fronteira da Ilusão *Youkai das Fronteiras *Youkai que Espreita pela Fronteira *Sorriso Inquietante *Casamento Fantasmagórico da Kitsune/ Chuva com Sol Espectral* os últimos dois terços do seundo título de Yukari no Touhou 10.5 é "kitsune no yomeiri" que significa se referi a uma chuva leve caindo em um dia ensolarada ou um casamento de viúva.
  • 3.786912E10
Row 2 info
  • Mastermind Behind the Spiriting Away, Border of Phantasm, Youkai of Boundaries, Youkai that lurks in the boundary, Border of Fantasy, Uncanny Smile Phantasmal Wedding of the Kitsune/Phantasmal Sunshower, The Youkai Who Comes And Goes As She Pleases, Border of Fantasy, Navigator of Other Planes
Row 6 info
  • Thrill-Seeker
type of villain
  • Youkai, Mastermind
Row 1 title
  • Fullname
  • Mas de 1200 años
  • En algún lugar de los límites de Gensokyo
Row 5 info
  • Manipulation of all boundaries
Row 2 title
  • Alias
Row 6 title
  • Type of Hero
Row 5 title
  • Powers/Sklls
Row 3 info
  • Touhou Series
Row 3 title
  • Origin
Box Title
  • Do-Gooder
  • Unknown
  • 250
  • 275
  • Yukari Yakumo
  • 八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり)
  • Touhou Project
  • Touhou series
  • Yukari Yakumo
  • 八雲 紫 (やくも ゆかり)
  • Manipulation of all boundaries
  • 3.786912E10
  • Yukari Yakumo
  • 八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) Yukari Yakumo
  • Yukari as she appears in
  • Ran Yakumo Chen Reimu Hakurei Yuyuko Saigyouji Suika Ibuki Rinnosuke Morichika
  • Manipulation der Grenzen
  • Mastermind Behind the Spiriting Away, Border of Phantasm, Youkai of Boundaries, Youkai that lurks in the boundary, Border of Fantasy, Uncanny Smile, Phantasmal Wedding of the Kitsune/Phantasmal Sunshower, The Youkai Who Comes And Goes As She Pleases, Navigator of Other Planes
  • Unknown
Image size
  • 300
  • 320
  • 325
  • Unbekannt, sie schläft die meiste Zeit
  • Unknown; she sleeps most of the time
  • Yukari Yakumo
Image File
  • Yakumo.Yukari.full.1351135.jpg
  • Kurogane's version
  • Various
  • Irgendwo an den Grenzen von Gensokyo
  • 300
  • *Perfect Cherry Blossom *Immaterial and Missing Power *Imperishable Night *Shoot the Bullet *Scarlet Weather Rhapsody *Subterranean Animism *Unthinkable Natural Law *Hopeless Masquerade
  • * Com olhos roxos e seu longo cabelo dourado, carrega um guarda-sol rosa junto com um leque, viaja pelo "limite vermelho" para um destino incerto. Usa um longo vestido roxo em conjunto com um chapéu rosa com diversos laços vermelhos por seu conjunto de roupas. * O mesmo acima, porém, seu longo cabelo loiro é protegido pelo seu boné branco. * O mesmo descrito acima, mas seu vestido é amarelo e laranja ao invés de rosa e roxo e ela possui um cabelo verde. * Olhos dourado escuro, um longo cabelo dourado e comumente carregando seu guarda-sol rosa. Usa um vestido rosa e roxo com um chapéu rosa com um laço vermelho na frente.
  • Estabiliza e monitora as barreiras de Gensokyo, dorme a maior parte do tempo
  • *Ran Yakumo *Chen *Reimu Hakurei *Yuyuko Saigyouji *Suika Ibuki *Rinnosuke Morichika
  • * Autor intelectual de la salida espiritual
  • *Ran Yakumo *Chen *Reimu Hakurei *Yuyuko Saigyouji *Suika Ibuki *Rinnosuke Morichika *Tenshi Hinanai *Maribel Han
  • Yukari Yakumo is an often seen and referenced youkai from Touhou who is the Youkai of Boundaries, residing within the border of Gensokyo. While she is powerful enough to do things on her own, she is also one of the laziest residents of Gensokyo, preferring to have others do it for her because she thinks it's more fun. Yukari has two Shikigamis, Chen, the Nekomata Shikigami, and Ran, the Kitsune Shikigami, and has the ability to teleport through and control boundaries. Yukari's relationship with Reimu is complicated, but she tends to either help Reimu or pester her, and can be a hero or a villain depending on her whims and whatever the situation demands. Over a thousand years ago, Yukari organized an army of youkai and led them in an invasion of the Moon. The youkai were subsequently routed by the Lunarians, who possessed superior technology and magic, and forced to retreat to Earth. Since that time, no youkai have attempted to expand their territory beyond Gensokyo. While some speculate that Yukari organized the invasion out of selfish hunger for territory and power, others believe she did it to teach the youkai a lesson about starting wars of conquest; namely, that it was a bad idea. About a thousand years ago, Yukari met and became friends with a human girl named Yuyuko. After Yuyuko died, Yukari continued to be friends with Yuyuko's ghost, although Yuyuko gradually forgot who she had been and why she had died. When Yuyuko requested that Yukari use her power to weaken the border between the Netherworld and Gensokyo, Yukari obliged. She knew Yuyuko's plan to make the Saigyou Ayakashi bloom could never succeed, but was too busy sleeping to say or do anything about it, or to put the border back to normal after everything was finished, which put her on a collision course with the heroines. Yukari is known for being a very youkai-like youkai who sleeps all day and lives for the enjoyment of life. Though she rarely leaves her house, she's well-connected and is acquainted with most of the most powerful youkai (such as Suika and Yuyuko) as well as anyone having anything to do with the Hakurei border or outside world (Reimu Hakurei and Rinnosuke). She's possibly the most powerful youkai in Gensokyo, and has a tendency to toy with her opponents rather than use her full power from the start. If anyone is suited for the role of "mastermind", it's Yukari; she often has a great deal of insight and understanding about whatever happens in Gensokyo, and possesses considerable intellectual prowess as well. Though she seems flaky and unreliable most of the time, when the safety or security of Gensokyo is at stake, she won't hesitate to get involved, even if it means using others to do the work for her. For example, in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, she treats Tenshi Hinanawi with much hostility after finding out the plot of the Heavens.
  • Yukari Yakumo is a youkai, and undoubtedly one of the most powerful characters of the Touhou Universe. She is known as the "Gap Youkai", capable of manipulating boundaries, including those that are conceptual. She is often sleeping and often prefers to achieve her goals through manipulating events and people rather than resorting to direct combat.
  • Uma personagem bastante vista e referenciada na série, Yukari Yakumo é a Youkai das fronteiras. Ela primeiramente é introduzida em Perfect Cherry Blossom como a mestra sonolenta de Ran Yakumo. Durante Imperishable Night, Yukari faz uma parceria com Reimu para encontrar os responsáveis pela "lua falsa". Em Immaterial and Missing Power, ela sabe como arrumar uma briga, roubando saque, vinho e conhaque de todos. Até mesmo do altar do santuário... Entretanto, é tudo parte de sua estratégia para salvar o dia... De certa forma. Há mais de mil anos, Yukari organizou uma armada de youkais e os liderou para uma invasão à Lua. Os youkais foram eventualmente encurralados pelos Lunarianos, que possuíam magia e tecnologia superiores, forçando os youkais a voltarem para a Terra. Desde o ocorrido, nenhum youkai tentou expandir seu território para fora dos domínios de Gensokyo. Enquanto alguns especulam que Yukari organizou a invasão apenas por uma razão egoísta de expandir seus territórios e poder; outros acreditam que ela queria dar uma lição aos youkais sobre tentar começar guerras, de que isso seria uma má ideia. Cerca de mil anos atrás, Yukari encontrou e se tornou amiga de uma garota humana chamada Yuyuko. Após a morte de Yuyuko, Yukari continua amiga de seu fantasma, apesar de que Yuyuko gradativamente esqueceu quem ela tinha sido e o porquê de sua morte. Quando Yuyuko pediu a Yukari para que ela utilizasse seu poder para enfraquecer a barreira entre o Netherworld e Gensokyo, Yukari fez de bom grado. Ela sabia que o plano de Yuyuko de fazer florescer a Saigyou Ayakashi jamais daria certo. Mas Yukari estava muito ocupada dormindo para fazer algo a respeito e avisar Yuyuko, ou colocar a barreira de volta ao normal quando tudo estivesse acabado, o que a coloca em rota de colisão com as heroínas. Yukari é conhecida por ser um típico youkai que dorme o dia todo e vive para se divertir e aproveitar a vida. Embora ela raramente deixe a sua casa, ela possui boas conexões com os mais poderosos youkais (como Suika e Yuyuko) bem como qualquer um que tenha ligação com a Barreira Hakurei ou com o mundo exterior (Reimu e Rinnosuke). Ela provavelmente é a mais poderosa youkai em Gensokyo, e tem o costume de brincar com seus oponentes ao invés de usar todo o seu poder desde o começo da batalha. Se alguém é adequado ao cargo de "cérebro mestre" é Yukari: ela sempre tem uma boa visão e compreensão para entender qualquer coisa que aconteça em Gensokyo, além de possuir uma inteligência considerável. Mesmo que ela aparente ser a maior parte do tempo preguiçosa e não confiável, quando a segurança de Gensokyo é ameaçada, ela não hesita em se envolver, mesmo que para isso ela tenha que usar os outros para fazer o trabalho por ela. Por exemplo, em Scarlet Weather Rhapsody ela trata Tenshi Hinanawi com muita hostilidade após seus planos. Ela pode facilmente ser a vilã ou heroína, dependendo apenas de seus caprichos.
  • Yukari Yakumo is an often-seen and referenced villainess from Touhou Project who is the Youkai of Boundaries, residing within the border of Gensokyo. She made her debut in Touhou: Perfect Cherry Blossom as the only canon Phantasm Stage boss. While she is powerful enough to do things on her own, she is also one of the laziest residents of Gensokyo, preferring to have others do it for her because she thinks it's more fun. Yukari has two Shikigamis, Chen, the Nekomata Shikigami, and Ran, the Kitsune Shikigami, and has the ability to teleport through and control boundaries. Yukari's relationship with Reimu is complicated, but she tends to either help Reimu or pester her, and can be a hero or a villain depending on whatever the situation demands. Over a thousand years ago, Yukari organized an army of youkai and led them in an invasion of the Moon. The youkai were subsequently routed by the Lunarians, who possessed superior technology and magic, and forced to retreat to Earth. Since that time, no youkai have attempted to expand their territory beyond Gensokyo. While some speculate that Yukari organized the invasion out of selfish hunger for territory and power, others believe she did it to teach the youkai a lesson about starting wars of conquest; namely, that it was a bad idea. About a thousand years ago, Yukari met and became friends with a human girl named Yuyuko. After Yuyuko died, Yukari continued to be friends with Yuyuko's ghost, although Yuyuko gradually forgot who she had been and why she had died. When Yuyuko requested that Yukari use her power to weaken the border between the Netherworld and Gensokyo, Yukari obliged. She knew Yuyuko's plan to make the Saigyou Ayakashi bloom could never succeed, but was too busy sleeping to say or do anything about it, or to put the border back to normal after everything was finished, which put her on a collision course with the heroines. Yukari is known for being a very youkai-like youkai who sleeps all day and lives for the enjoyment of life. Though she rarely leaves her house, she's well-connected and is acquainted with most of the most powerful youkai (such as Suika and Yuyuko) as well as anyone having anything to do with the Hakurei border or outside world (Reimu Hakurei and Rinnosuke). She's possibly the most powerful youkai in Gensokyo, and has a tendency to toy with her opponents rather than use her full power from the start. If anyone is suited for the role of "mastermind", it's Yukari; she often has a great deal of insight and understanding about whatever happens in Gensokyo, and possesses considerable intellectual prowess as well. Though she seems flaky and unreliable most of the time, when the safety or security of Gensokyo is at stake, she won't hesitate to get involved, even if it means using others to do the work for her. For example, in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, she treats Tenshi Hinanawi with much hostility after finding out the plot of the Heavens.
  • Uno de los personajes más vistos y mencionados, Yukari es la youkai de los límites. Su primera aparición fue en Perfect Cherry Blossom como la ama durmiente de Ran Yakumo. En Imperishable Night, Yukari hace equipo con Reimu Hakurei para encontrar al responsable por la Luna falsa. En Immaterial and Missing Power ella va de batalla en batalla robándole a todos su sake, vino y brandy. Incluso del mismo altar del Templo Hakurei... Como sea, todo esto era parte de su plan para salvar el día. De alguna manera. Alrededor de hace mil años, Yukari organizó y lideró un ejército de youkai para invadir la Luna. Los youkai fueron derrotados por los Lunarian, quiénes poseían una superior tecnología y magia, y los forzaron a regresar a la Tierra. Desde ese día, ningún youkai ha intentado expandir su territorio mas allá de Gensokyo. Mientras algunos especulan que Yukari organizó la invasión para satisfacer su deseo egoísta de obtener territorios y poder, otros creen que lo hizo para enseñarles a los youkai una lección sobre comenzar guerras para conquistar; concretamente, fue una mala idea. Hace más de 1,000 años, Yukari conoció y se hizo amiga de una chica humana llamada Yuyuko Saigyouji. Luego de que Yuyuko muriera, Yukari continuó siendo amiga del fantasma de Yuyuko, aunque Yuyuko lentamente olvidaba quién había sido y por qué murió. Cuando Yuyuko le pidió a Yukari que usara sus poderes para debilitar la barrera entre el inframundo y Gensokyo, Yukari aceptó. Ella sabía que el plan de Yuyuko para hacer que el Saigyou Ayakashi floreciera nunca tendría éxito, pero estaba muy ocupada durmiendo como para hacer algo al respecto, además tampoco restauró la barrera a su estado original luego de que todo había terminado, todo esto fue lo que la llevó a tener un encuentro con las heroínas. Yukari es conocida por ser la mas youkai de las youkai, duerme todo el día y vive para disfrutar la vida. Aunque ella raramente deja su casa, tiene buenos contactos y está familiarizada con los youkai más poderosos (tales como Suika y Yuyuko) como también conoce a aquellas personas relacionadas con la Barrera Hakurei o el mundo exterior (Reimu y Rinnosuke). Ella es una de los youkais más poderosos de Gensokyo y tiene la tendencia de jugar con sus oponentes en vez de usar todo su poder desde el principio. Si alguien tiene el rol de "mente maestra" esa es Yukari, y ella tiene mucha perspicacia y comprensión acerca de lo que ocurre en Gensokyo, y posee además una gran destreza intelectual. Aunque ella parezca rara y poco confiable la mayor parte del tiempo, cuando la seguridad de Gensokyo se ve en peligro, ella no dudará en involucrarse, incluso si eso significa usar a los otros para que hagan su trabajo. Ella fácilmente puede ser tanto una villana como una heroína, dependiendo de sus caprichos.
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