  • Alien Salvage/Plot Details
  • Nope. Just a slip of the tongue. I'm pretty sure we've never met before.
  • Indeed. So not only do we need the chips themselves, but we need to find out how large their instruction set is for commands...and depending on how complex that set is, I fear that we'll need MANY of the chips to make anything useful.
  • I'm not a 'scientist-type'! I'm a scientist! And if you must know, I'm here observing the aliens that came through the Star Portal.
  • Perhaps, perhaps. You wouldn't be the first one to tell me that.
  • Look. They clearly have stealth technology; Their personal armament is extremely miniaturized and compact; They display an almost instinctive mastery of nano-technology; AND they are *obviously* highly intelligent!
  • Hello again!
  • We need the base elements of their equipment...their biochips. Those chips seem to be used as building blocks to assemble the other parts of their equipment, with the order of chip placement determining the ultimate end-product. Almost a DNA-like setup, but for machinery.
  • Yes. Quite. I'm currently working under the theory that if we gather enough samples of their technology, we'll be able to catapult our own tech forward so we can decipher their query and then go into interrogative mode with them at once.
  • A star-faring race with an incredibly high technology our own backyard...and the best way you can describe them is 'really something'?
  • We had a sparsity of volunteers.
  • Yes. Quite. Would you be so kind?
  • So yes! I'm QUITE interested in these 'really somethings' you describe. It may even be true that the understanding of their race and their technology may be a deciding element in the fate of our very *world*!
  • No. The pesky things are easy enough to defeat, but they tend to self-detonate with a deplorable regularity...which has discouraged me rather effectively from pursuing any collection of their technology.
  • They're a menace! There's so many of them, and their technology is simply incredible!
  • And that says *nothing* about the fact that since coming to Gaia, these aliens have clearly adapted their laser weaponry to affect the Animated...something that *our* scientists have not yet figured out!
  • No. Or, at least, not yet anyway. Everytime we approach them, they send some electronic inquiry at us and we can't decipher it. Apparently, they're asking for some response...and when we don't give it, they attack!
  • Chicken! You accuse US of cowardice! You have no idea the powers that we're dealing with in our laboratories. We're on the cusp of something that will change the world forever! You will one day look back and realize that you spoke with GREATNESS here on this hill!
  • Err...or, rather...hello! That's what I meant to say!
  • Listen, I'm pretty busy right now. We'll need to exchange pleasantries some other time.
  • Well...perhaps. I suppose I was getting a bit carried away.
  • Well, in that case...five. Get me five biochips, damaged or not. Bring them back to me and I'll make it worth your effort.
  • *sigh* Talk to them, I mean. If our tech is advanced enough, I think they'll recognize us as 'civilized' and speak with us. Mind you, that's just a theory.
  • Well, it turns out the supply of a commodity does not automatically bestow the skills...or master that commodity's use.
  • G-Corp Labtech
  • G-Corp Labtech