  • Baiardak
  • Baiardak (Garlenner: Bear Town), often Beartonne was a medium-sized city south of ancient Garldak, which is where God King Ross Hockson was marched on his knees to in order to be executed. Here, a New Tower of Conquest was built. Eventually, Garldak and Baiardak merged into one town, Farbdak. Baiardak seems to be a link to the mythical Red City which inspired the creation of a Blue City of Sayerthenn. Sayerthenn, as well as the Western Parthalenner town of Saia-Saia seem to derive their names from the Garlenner word for blue, Saiar, which seems to be related to the color of bear coats, Baiar, and Beyer both mean "bear," and "red" respectively in their languages. Records of Ross supporters beginning a colony in his name among Eastern Islanders seem to support this theory, but no solid relat
  • Baiardak (Garlenner: Bear Town), often Beartonne was a medium-sized city south of ancient Garldak, which is where God King Ross Hockson was marched on his knees to in order to be executed. Here, a New Tower of Conquest was built. Eventually, Garldak and Baiardak merged into one town, Farbdak. Baiardak seems to be a link to the mythical Red City which inspired the creation of a Blue City of Sayerthenn. Sayerthenn, as well as the Western Parthalenner town of Saia-Saia seem to derive their names from the Garlenner word for blue, Saiar, which seems to be related to the color of bear coats, Baiar, and Beyer both mean "bear," and "red" respectively in their languages. Records of Ross supporters beginning a colony in his name among Eastern Islanders seem to support this theory, but no solid relationship was established before the Ayelands were shattered.