  • Alexia Ashford
  • Alexia Ashford
  • Alexia Ashford
  • Alexia Ashford
  • Alexia Ashford was member of British nobility, coming from the Ashford family. The adopted daughter of Dr. Alexander Ashford, 6th Earl Ashford, her real parentage was the result of a cloning experiment referred to as Project CODE:Veronica, and was biologically the daughter of Veronica Ashford, 1st Countess Ashford. Through her grandfather, Dr. Edward Ashford, 5th Earl Ashford, she was able to gain a position as a virologist within Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, an enterprise he co-founded.
  • Alexia Ashford was born on Denobula, her parents were killed in an accident leaving her orphaned and unnamed. She was placed up for adoption on Earth where Amelia Ashford a Starfleet doctor adopted her. She grew up on Mars and went on to learn many things at Starfleet Academy but failed the academy due to causing an accident that badly injuring several cadets. She later went on to become a bartender on the USS Minnesota. (Star Trek: Minnesota (RPG))
  • Alexia et son frère jumeau Alfred, sont issus d'expérimentations génétiques entreprises par leur père adoptif, Alexander Ashford, fils de l'un des membres fondateurs de la Umbrella Corporation, Edward Ashford.
  • Alexia Ashford era la brillante scienziata responsabile della creazione del virus T-Veronica. Insieme al fratello gemello Alfred era il prodotto del Progetto CODE: Veronica, messo in atto da Alexander Ashford con lo scopo di riportare in vita Veronica, la matriarca della famiglia Ashford. Da molti era considerata la sua reincarnazione, avendone ereditato la leggendaria bellezza e intelligenza.
  • Alexia Ashford is a member of the Ashford family and the creator of the T-Veronica Virus, as well as the main antagonist of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X.
  • Alexia has long-back length blonde hair and blue eyes. In Resident Evil CODE: Veronica, she wears short sleeved dark purple and violet long gown with long white gloves and walks barefoot (she removes her shoes before her transformation). She also wears a black choker with a red gem in the center.
  • Es la matriarca de la última generación de los Ashford (hecho que se decide por haber nacido primero). Su abuelo, Edward Ashford, fue uno de los fundadores de la Corporación Umbrella. Tanto ella como su hermano se caracterizan por su pomposidad, sintiéndose superiores al resto de la gente y por encima de cualquier ideología. Alexander Ashford, su padre, la consideró como la perfecta reencarnación de Veronica, la fundadora de la familia Ashford. Ella y su hermano Alfred nacieron como fruto de una combinación de genes de su antepasada en cigotos implantados en una madre de alquiler. Como resultado, ella y su hermano gemelo nacieron con un alto coeficiente intelectual superior a la media. Aunque Alexia parecía tener una capacidad superior a la de su hermano Alfred; era tan alta, que incluso a
  • 175.0
  • 1971
  • 1998
  • Resident Evil CODE:Veronica
  • wikipedia
type of villain
  • Mutated Mad Scientist
  • Caucasian/British
  • Caucasienne/Britanique
  • Leila Johnson Karen Strassman
  • 54.300000
  • Prove the strength of the T-Veronica Virus and become a "goddess".
  • Violet
  • Resident Evil: Code Veronica
  • Superhuman strength
  • Phenomenal intellect
  • Pyrokinesis from blood
  • Superhuman abilities granted by T-Veronica Virus
  • Deceased
  • Silver
  • Amy Wieczorek
  • Alexia Ashford
  • Féminin
  • Alexia in Ten Forward after being asked to serve Gagh
  • Resident Evil Code: Veronica
  • Décédée
  • Alexia
  • Queen Ant
  • Experiments.
  • USS Minnesota bartender
  • Silver
  • 1998
  • Alexia_Ashford.jpg
  • Directrice de recherche à Umbrella Corporation
  • Senior Chief Researcher at Umbrella Corporation
  • Senior Chief Researcher of the Umbrella Corporation
  • Alexia Ashford
  • Female
  • Feminin
  • 1971
  • 250
  • 250
  • Alexia Ashford was member of British nobility, coming from the Ashford family. The adopted daughter of Dr. Alexander Ashford, 6th Earl Ashford, her real parentage was the result of a cloning experiment referred to as Project CODE:Veronica, and was biologically the daughter of Veronica Ashford, 1st Countess Ashford. Through her grandfather, Dr. Edward Ashford, 5th Earl Ashford, she was able to gain a position as a virologist within Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, an enterprise he co-founded.
  • Alexia Ashford was born on Denobula, her parents were killed in an accident leaving her orphaned and unnamed. She was placed up for adoption on Earth where Amelia Ashford a Starfleet doctor adopted her. She grew up on Mars and went on to learn many things at Starfleet Academy but failed the academy due to causing an accident that badly injuring several cadets. She later went on to become a bartender on the USS Minnesota. (Star Trek: Minnesota (RPG))
  • Alexia et son frère jumeau Alfred, sont issus d'expérimentations génétiques entreprises par leur père adoptif, Alexander Ashford, fils de l'un des membres fondateurs de la Umbrella Corporation, Edward Ashford.
  • Alexia Ashford era la brillante scienziata responsabile della creazione del virus T-Veronica. Insieme al fratello gemello Alfred era il prodotto del Progetto CODE: Veronica, messo in atto da Alexander Ashford con lo scopo di riportare in vita Veronica, la matriarca della famiglia Ashford. Da molti era considerata la sua reincarnazione, avendone ereditato la leggendaria bellezza e intelligenza.
  • Es la matriarca de la última generación de los Ashford (hecho que se decide por haber nacido primero). Su abuelo, Edward Ashford, fue uno de los fundadores de la Corporación Umbrella. Tanto ella como su hermano se caracterizan por su pomposidad, sintiéndose superiores al resto de la gente y por encima de cualquier ideología. Alexander Ashford, su padre, la consideró como la perfecta reencarnación de Veronica, la fundadora de la familia Ashford. Ella y su hermano Alfred nacieron como fruto de una combinación de genes de su antepasada en cigotos implantados en una madre de alquiler. Como resultado, ella y su hermano gemelo nacieron con un alto coeficiente intelectual superior a la media. Aunque Alexia parecía tener una capacidad superior a la de su hermano Alfred; era tan alta, que incluso a los diez años podía competir con el científico fuera de serie William Birkin (creador del Virus-G, que aparece en Resident Evil 2). Por su parte, Alexia y Alfred consideraron una vergüenza el hecho de ser experimentos de su padre y lo odiaron por ello hasta el punto de usarlo en sus experimentos sin ningún remordimiento. A los 10 años se graduó en una prestigiosa universidad y comenzó a trabajar en la Corporación Umbrella. En sus investigaciones descubrió un virus arcaico en los genes de una hormiga reina, que combinado con el Virus-T formó una nueva y poderosa cepa del virus al que llamaría Veronica-T. Su ambición y planes de dominio la condujo a inyectárselo y permanecer en hibernación durante 15 años, sin más seguro que su querido hermano Alfred Ashford, que velaría por su seguridad.
  • Alexia Ashford is a member of the Ashford family and the creator of the T-Veronica Virus, as well as the main antagonist of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X.
  • Alexia has long-back length blonde hair and blue eyes. In Resident Evil CODE: Veronica, she wears short sleeved dark purple and violet long gown with long white gloves and walks barefoot (she removes her shoes before her transformation). She also wears a black choker with a red gem in the center. In Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, Alexia's hair is medium length, her long gown is fully violet and she also wears several bracelets on her left wrist. Her choker is replaced into a long necklace with a pendant. After her transformation, her skin becomes pale gray and she is covered with dark rooted skin at the left arm and leg, leaving her midriff, right leg, clevelage exposed ,her hair is formed into a hair-like skin with a large single half fringe at the right side and short fringe at the left. In Darkside Chronicles, her first form has minor changes, she gains spikes at the back of her head and has a half fringe on the right, her skin becomes pale white and the rooted skin becomes gray.
is Enemies of
is Creador/Descubridor of