  • Damascus Road- band (deleted 03 Apr 2008 at 06:08)
  • Damascus Road is a Christian Rock band from Tampa, Florida. Formed in 2005, these young musicians started playing together when they were still teenagers in high school. The focus of their music in to praise God, and to bring hard riffs and shredding solos to Christian music (in that order). The band is known for playing at secular venues and other non-religious places, such as bars. They never fail to end their shows by yelling "Thank you for supporting Jesus Christ and Rock and Roll!"
  • Damascus Road is a Christian Rock band from Tampa, Florida. Formed in 2005, these young musicians started playing together when they were still teenagers in high school. The focus of their music in to praise God, and to bring hard riffs and shredding solos to Christian music (in that order). The band is known for playing at secular venues and other non-religious places, such as bars. They never fail to end their shows by yelling "Thank you for supporting Jesus Christ and Rock and Roll!"