  • StarClan's Prophecy Book 8: BoneClan's Rise
  • The ThunderClan warrior padded over to Darkstar in the center of the ThunderClan clearing. Moonlight shone from the sky. The warrior said, "Have you gathered all the rogues, yet?" "Not yet, but I'm close. I will attack when ready," Darkstar murmered. All of a sudden, the warrior saw a gray apprentice staring at them from his den. It was Smallpaw. Darkstar ran into the darkness and the warrior padded into the warriors den.
Row 1 info
  • Oakstar has surrendered, so only one threat faces the forest: Darkstar. But when the traitor reveals himself, will there be any hope left for ThunderClan?
Row 2 info
  • Whiteheart - White tom. Skypaw - Gray tom. Swiftpaw - Brown she-cat. Sunstar - Old, golden, tom. Snowstorm - Elderly, large, white, tom. Flameclaw - Large, dark-ginger, tabby tom.
Row 1 title
  • Blurb
Row 2 title
  • Main Characters
Box Title
  • StarClan's Prophecy Book 8: BoneClan's Rise
  • Book 8
  • The ThunderClan warrior padded over to Darkstar in the center of the ThunderClan clearing. Moonlight shone from the sky. The warrior said, "Have you gathered all the rogues, yet?" "Not yet, but I'm close. I will attack when ready," Darkstar murmered. All of a sudden, the warrior saw a gray apprentice staring at them from his den. It was Smallpaw. Darkstar ran into the darkness and the warrior padded into the warriors den.
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is Predecessor of