  • Water on a Frog's Face Training
  • With this, Jiraiya also created a "Hop-In" system which was to be used in the hideout. It consisted of four wooden cards with images of a frog on one side and the other side was completely red. Each of their names were also printed just below the cards. Whenever one member was out of the hideout they were to turn the card onto the side with the frog so that the others would be aware that they were not there, and while they were in the hideout, the card should be on the red side. If one of them was gone but that person's card was still red, it would signify that he or she had been captured and something was wrong and if it should happen that a plank is turned on to the white side yet the person is in the hideout it could mean that an enemy has transformed into said person and has infiltrate
  • With this, Jiraiya also created a "Hop-In" system which was to be used in the hideout. It consisted of four wooden cards with images of a frog on one side and the other side was completely red. Each of their names were also printed just below the cards. Whenever one member was out of the hideout they were to turn the card onto the side with the frog so that the others would be aware that they were not there, and while they were in the hideout, the card should be on the red side. If one of them was gone but that person's card was still red, it would signify that he or she had been captured and something was wrong and if it should happen that a plank is turned on to the white side yet the person is in the hideout it could mean that an enemy has transformed into said person and has infiltrated the hideout. Jiraiya explained that this was done as a precaution because Amegakure was still war torn and politically unstable.