  • Hactar
  • Flexible and imaginative, Hactar was the first computer whose individual components reflected the pattern of the whole, much like DNA in a biological organism. Hactar is made by the Silastic Armorfiends, who ask for an "Ultimate Weapon". Hactar, taking the request literally, builds a supernova bomb which would connect every major sun in the universe through hyperspace, thus causing every star to go supernova. Deciding that he could find no circumstance where such a bomb would be justified, Hactar builds a small defect into it. After discovering the defect, the Armourfiends pulverize Hactar.
  • Hactar, from Life, The Universe, And Everything, is an ancient, sentient computer that was ordered to design the "Ultimate Weapon", and pulverized for disobeying that command (it couldn't conceive of any possible scenario where destroying the universe would be a preferable option). Set adrift as an interstellar cloud of still barely-functioning dust, Hactar spends the next several billion years manipulating another planet's inhabitants into reaching the same xenophobic cultural state as its creators, and then reinventing and triggering the same superweapon in order to put an end to all of existence. Hactar explains its motives as mostly simply fulfilling its original function, but partly to take revenge on the Universe for the eons of suffering it has endured as a result of its original de
  • Flexible and imaginative, Hactar was the first computer whose individual components reflected the pattern of the whole, much like DNA in a biological organism. Hactar is made by the Silastic Armourfiends, who ask for an "Ultimate Weapon". Hactar, taking the request literally, builds a supernova bomb which would connect every major sun in the universe through hyperspace, thus causing every star to go supernova. Deciding that he could find no circumstance where such a bomb would be justified, Hactar builds a small defect into it. After discovering the defect, the Armourfiends pulverize Hactar.
  • Hactar, from Life, The Universe, And Everything, is an ancient, sentient computer that was ordered to design the "Ultimate Weapon", and pulverized for disobeying that command (it couldn't conceive of any possible scenario where destroying the universe would be a preferable option). Set adrift as an interstellar cloud of still barely-functioning dust, Hactar spends the next several billion years manipulating another planet's inhabitants into reaching the same xenophobic cultural state as its creators, and then reinventing and triggering the same superweapon in order to put an end to all of existence. Hactar explains its motives as mostly simply fulfilling its original function, but partly to take revenge on the Universe for the eons of suffering it has endured as a result of its original decision. Hactar was very powerful, even in his pulverized state as atoms he had still power enough to make objects. He was the one who smashed the ship into planet Krikkit in order to make the Krikkit people warmongering and xenophobic. He had fun manipulating races and making them aggressive. Hactar saw his interrogation as a joke and manipulated the environment to make his surroundings that of a psychiatrist's office, and made himself sit on a five foot couch, which was remarkable because he himself was a thousand miles long.
  • Flexible and imaginative, Hactar was the first computer whose individual components reflected the pattern of the whole, much like DNA in a biological organism. Hactar is made by the Silastic Armorfiends, who ask for an "Ultimate Weapon". Hactar, taking the request literally, builds a supernova bomb which would connect every major sun in the universe through hyperspace, thus causing every star to go supernova. Deciding that he could find no circumstance where such a bomb would be justified, Hactar builds a small defect into it. After discovering the defect, the Armourfiends pulverize Hactar. Over æons Hactar moves and recombines to become a dark cloud surrounding Krikkit, isolating the inhabitants. Deciding that the decision not to destroy the universe was not his to make, he uses his influence to make them build their first space ship and discover the universe; he then manipulates them into the same rage which the Armourfiends possessed, urging that they destroy all other life. After an incredibly long and bloody galactic war, Judiciary Pag banishes Krikkit to an envelope of "Slo-Time" to be released after the rest of the universe ends. At the end of the novel Life, the Universe and Everything, after his scheme fails, Hactar slips the cricket-ball-shaped supernova bomb to Arthur Dent, who then accidentally saves the Universe again by being an abysmal cricket bowler.
  • Flexible and imaginative, Hactar was the first computer whose individual components reflected the pattern of the whole, much like DNA in a biological organism. Hactar is made by the Silastic Armourfiends, who ask for an "Ultimate Weapon". Hactar, taking the request literally, builds a supernova bomb which would connect every major sun in the universe through hyperspace, thus causing every star to go supernova. Deciding that he could find no circumstance where such a bomb would be justified, Hactar builds a small defect into it. After discovering the defect, the Armourfiends pulverize Hactar. Over æons Hactar moves and recombines to become a dark cloud surrounding Krikkit, isolating the inhabitants. Deciding that the decision not to destroy the universe was not his to make, he uses his influence to make them build their first space ship and discover the universe; he then manipulates them into the same rage which the Armourfiends possessed, urging that they destroy all other life. After an incredibly long and bloody galactic war, banishes Krikkit to an envelope of "Slo-Time" to be released after the rest of the universe ends. After his scheme fails, Hactar slips the cricket-ball-shaped supernova bomb to Arthur Dent, who then accidentally saves the Universe again by being an abysmal cricket bowler.