  • Titanosaurus
  • Titanosaurus
  • Titanosaurus
  • Titanosaurus is an aquatic dinosaur from Terror of Mechagodzilla. He lives in the Pacific Ocean. He is not evil because he was being controlled by the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens.
  • Titanosaurus is an aquatic dinosaur monster and the secondary antagonist in Terror of Mechagodzilla.
  • thumb|right Der Titanosaurus ist ein Seeungeheuer, welches schon seit prähistorischen Zeiten auf der Erde lebt.
  • Titanosaurus are estimated to have grown up to 9–12 metres (30–40 ft) long and about 13 tons in weight. Titanosaurus has traditionally been treated as a "wastebin taxon" for poorly preserved sauropod remains that demonstrate a distinctive vertebrae anatomy. The original Titanosaurus remains consist only of limb bones and a few vertebrae that have these characteristics. However, discoveries of more and better-preserved titanosaur species have shown that these once distinctive features are in fact widespread across many genera. Therefore, Titanosaurus itself is considered a nomen dubium ("dubious name") by most paleontologists, since the original Titanosaurus specimens cannot be distinguished from those of related animals.
  • Titanosaurus resembles a gigantic bipedal dinosaurian creature with warty red flesh and fins on his neck, back, and tail. Titanosaurus is 60 meters tall, 100 meters long, and weighs 30,000 tons.
  • thumb|400px|Titanosaurus El Titanosaurus se descubrío en India y luego se encontraron restos en Hungría y Argentina. Era un herbívoro del tamaño de una red de tenis, y se defendía con las garras de las patas traseras y la cola en forma de látigo. Como el Saltasaurus, el Titanosaurus probablemente tenía placas óseas en el lomo y rastrillaba las hojas de los árboles con sus dientes como tachuelas. Significa reptil titánico. Categoría:Reptiles Categoría:Dinosaurios Categoría:Saurisquios Categoría:Saurópodos Categoría:Titanosaurios Categoría:Fauna del Cretácico
  • Despite being a famous dinosaur, the original Titanosaurus fossils are so fragmented as to be indistinguishable from most other titanosaurians, leaving the dinosaur a dubious animal, and some of its better known species to be reassigned as separate animals.
  • Titanosaurus is estimated to have grown up to 9.1–12.1 metres (30–40 ft) long and up to approximately 13 tons in weight. Wilson and Upchurch (2003) treated Titanosaurus as a nomen dubium ("dubious name") because they noted that the original Titanosaurus specimens cannot be distinguished from those of related animals.
  • 100.0
type of hero
  • Giant Aquatic Monster
  • Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens, Devonians
type of villain
  • Giant monster
  • 180
  • Help MechaGodzilla kill Godzilla
  • Wipe out the humans /Live in peace
  • Godzilla
  • 'Terror of MechaGodzilla'
  • Strength
  • Can create Winds
  • Enormous strength and durability, can create winds, sonic ray
  • Titanosaurus
  • None
  • 30000
  • Mechagodzilla 2, Battra, Gezora, Manda, Destoroyah, Godzilla, King Caesar, Kamacuras, Rodan, Anguirus, Kamoebas, Gorosaurus, Kumonga, Varan, Baragon, Zilla, Sanda, Gaira, Jet Jaguar
  • None
  • Chitanosaurus
  • None
  • Fighting Godzilla
  • 60.0
  • Aquatic Dinosaur
  • Chitanosaurus
  • Aquatic Dinosaur
  • Servant of Dr. Mafune
  • Titanosaurus
  • None
  • 300
  • ShodaiChitano
  • Titanosaurus is an aquatic dinosaur from Terror of Mechagodzilla. He lives in the Pacific Ocean. He is not evil because he was being controlled by the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens.
  • Titanosaurus is an aquatic dinosaur monster and the secondary antagonist in Terror of Mechagodzilla.
  • thumb|right Der Titanosaurus ist ein Seeungeheuer, welches schon seit prähistorischen Zeiten auf der Erde lebt.
  • Titanosaurus are estimated to have grown up to 9–12 metres (30–40 ft) long and about 13 tons in weight. Titanosaurus has traditionally been treated as a "wastebin taxon" for poorly preserved sauropod remains that demonstrate a distinctive vertebrae anatomy. The original Titanosaurus remains consist only of limb bones and a few vertebrae that have these characteristics. However, discoveries of more and better-preserved titanosaur species have shown that these once distinctive features are in fact widespread across many genera. Therefore, Titanosaurus itself is considered a nomen dubium ("dubious name") by most paleontologists, since the original Titanosaurus specimens cannot be distinguished from those of related animals.
  • Titanosaurus resembles a gigantic bipedal dinosaurian creature with warty red flesh and fins on his neck, back, and tail. Titanosaurus is 60 meters tall, 100 meters long, and weighs 30,000 tons.
  • thumb|400px|Titanosaurus El Titanosaurus se descubrío en India y luego se encontraron restos en Hungría y Argentina. Era un herbívoro del tamaño de una red de tenis, y se defendía con las garras de las patas traseras y la cola en forma de látigo. Como el Saltasaurus, el Titanosaurus probablemente tenía placas óseas en el lomo y rastrillaba las hojas de los árboles con sus dientes como tachuelas. Significa reptil titánico. Categoría:Reptiles Categoría:Dinosaurios Categoría:Saurisquios Categoría:Saurópodos Categoría:Titanosaurios Categoría:Fauna del Cretácico
  • Despite being a famous dinosaur, the original Titanosaurus fossils are so fragmented as to be indistinguishable from most other titanosaurians, leaving the dinosaur a dubious animal, and some of its better known species to be reassigned as separate animals.
  • Titanosaurus is estimated to have grown up to 9.1–12.1 metres (30–40 ft) long and up to approximately 13 tons in weight. Wilson and Upchurch (2003) treated Titanosaurus as a nomen dubium ("dubious name") because they noted that the original Titanosaurus specimens cannot be distinguished from those of related animals.
is Controls of
is designs of
is Allies of
is targets of
is Enemies of