  • Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 190
  • Sonic the Hedgehog asks Scourge the Hedgehog if this invasion was his idea, to which Scourge's response is that he's king now. After a joke from Sonic, Scourge then attacks Sonic while remarking that he's superior since Sonic's the "Hero of Mobius" that means he can be just as powerful and when he left to go to his world, he conquered it in a few days and made the inhabitants make themselves different from their Prime-counterparts, similar to how he changed himself and finally states his world will fall to his Suppression Squad. Sonic, unfazed, says that he and the Freedom Fighters are going to defeat them anyway. Rotor Walrus is talking to NICOLE saying that he glad to be sidelined since he doesn't want to be in the middle of this battle, as the two groups charge at each other. Tails and
  • *Mike Pellerito
  • *Jim Amash
Cover Artist
  • *Tracy Yardley *Josh Ray
  • 190
Managing Editor
  • *Mike Pellerito
  • *Josh Ray
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • *John Workman
Special Thanks
  • Kristen Parcell, Dyna Lopez and Cindy Chau at Sonic Licensing
  • *Tracy Yardley
Editor in Chief
  • *Victor Gorelick
  • Archie Comics
  • *Ian Flynn
Date Published
  • July 2008
  • Sonic the Hedgehog asks Scourge the Hedgehog if this invasion was his idea, to which Scourge's response is that he's king now. After a joke from Sonic, Scourge then attacks Sonic while remarking that he's superior since Sonic's the "Hero of Mobius" that means he can be just as powerful and when he left to go to his world, he conquered it in a few days and made the inhabitants make themselves different from their Prime-counterparts, similar to how he changed himself and finally states his world will fall to his Suppression Squad. Sonic, unfazed, says that he and the Freedom Fighters are going to defeat them anyway. Rotor Walrus is talking to NICOLE saying that he glad to be sidelined since he doesn't want to be in the middle of this battle, as the two groups charge at each other. Tails and Sally fight their counterparts, while Bunnie fights Rotor's for him, as Amy swings her hammer towards Fiona, who dodges, while Amy shouts out that how Fiona betrays Sonic, the freedom fighters, and now her own world, but Fiona scoffs remarked go with what they know. Meanwhile, the Chaotix are still fighting the Dark Egg Legion in New Megaopolis which Dimitri lectures Knuckles on attacking this city since he's done so much damage already. Lien-Da remarks that he's just a good lap dog for the Republic of Acorn Dimitri then asks since Angel Island is clear of his enemies if he's just greed of which a angry Julie-Su says that he sold out their people. An annoyed Dimitri then tells the Legion to open fire. The Chaotix evade the attack and after a little pep talk from Vector, Knuckles tells the Chaotix they can take the Legion as they leap into action. Back at Freedom HQ, Sonic nearly sent Scourge through the Star Post portal with a spin dash until Fiona pulls Scourge back and asks him what to do. Scourge, angered at almost getting sent back, tells his team to get their act together. After a short pause, the Suppression Squad heads back into the fight. Rotor asks NICOLE if the she could call the Chaotix back of which she says she can't. She then tells Rotor to get to safety since he is still recovering and has his duty to the Acorn Council. Rotor leaves in tears and tells NICOLE to keep an eye on the team. Fiona sees him leaving and tells someone to stop him. Miles tries but is knocked back by Tails. Sally asks Alicia why she is not leader and she tells her that titles got shuffled and survival matters more. Bunnie tells Antoine to change opponents but he tells her that he will still fight Patch and tells her he killed his father and also tells her that he can't go on if he took his wife away too. Boomer then restrains Antione while Patch makes ready to kill Bunnie, but Sonic knocks all three with a spindash attack. After that, Scourge ambushes Sonic while Amy Rose comes to his aid but is attacked by Scourge. Sonic counters and says that he hopes the Chaotix are doing better than they are... Bakc at New Megaopolis, the Chaotix are doing very well in taking on the Dark Egg Legion and taking on Dimitri scorpion body. Lien-Da frantically asks Snively for help but says what he said before, they are the standing army. Julie-Su takes out her sister's pod and tells Saffron she's clear. Saffron, Ray and Charmy fly out of the exploding tower and the Dark Egg Legion retreats. Knuckles, after congratulating the Chaotix for a successful mission, talks to Dimitri stating that he's not a general and that Dr. Eggman is just more likely to lose. Dimitri then tells Knuckles through sarcasm that he makes it sound as if he's purposefully helping defeat the Eggman Empire before retreating. After contemplating Dimitri's words, Knuckles says the team should head back to Freedom HQ. Back at Freedom HQ, everyone is still fighting as Sonic notices that the place is getting beat up. Sonic tells Sally they need a plan of action and she tells everyone to fall back to the common room. Sally tells Bunnie to get a shield to buy some time. Sally tells Sonic they are retreating back to New Mobotropolis, much to his objection. Sally reasons that they caught them by surprise and that there might not be a Freedom HQ if they hold out longer. Bunnie is then overpowered by Boomer's sonic cannons and knocked backward. Scourge then taunts Sonic, asking if they played too rough of which Sonic says they'll be back before leaving. The Chaotix rush over to meet them and Knuckles asked what happened. Sally told him that it was an invasion from the Antiverse. Julie-Su asked Bunnie if she's hurt of which she says she's fine but they lost Freedom HQ. Sonic then says that it isn't lost yet, and he'll take it back soon...