  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista "À la Lame Fleurie" est le commandant de la 5ème Division de L'Équipage de Barbe Blanche. Il est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs épéistes du monde. Il s'est déjà confronté à Dracule Mihawk lors de la Bataille de Marineford.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Vista/preload editintro=Vista/editintro width=25 This page is about Windows Vista beta release experiences...
  • Vista – najniższa warstwa atmosfery składająca się z dwóch mniejszych Aiwenórë, gdzie żyją ptaki i Fanyamar (domu chmur). Powyżej był Ilmen i Vayia. Warstwy atmosfery zostały przeorganizowane na końcu Drugiej Ery, do kształtu znanego nam.
  • Vista ist der Kommandant der fünften Division der Shirohige-Piratenbande.
  • Vista es un hombre alto, con un bigote rizado increíblemente parecido al de Gol D. Roger y lleva un sombrero de copa. Lleva una camiseta con un diseño de rayas de diamantes en la parte superior que revela parte de su gran pecho peludo, así como una capa. También es muy musculoso y maneja dos sables, uno en cada mano. Vista fue un miembro de los Piratas de Barbablanca hace 20 años y tenía su bigote y sombrero de copa.
  • The vista is a location in Submachine Universe.
  • This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it.
  • Hair color:Auburn (usually colored brown by fans) Eye color: Lavender Clothing: Black bodysuit with magenta lining and an open mini skirt. Also wears gothic inspired boots Nationality: Unknown
  • モーション・パス テクノなエッジの山 韋駄天 VISTA を心で行く オリジンからマクロの彼処へ 受精の過去まで 歌うVISTA VlSTA 消えるVISTA VISTA 浮かぶVISTA 眠るVISTA 叫ぶVISTA 消えるVISTA ポリゴンでは擬似的トリップ3D 3D 3D OR NOT 3D トリビューから読みとるエッジを 図法でカッ飛ぶ 歌うVISTA VlSTA 消えるVISTA VISTA 浮かぶVISTA 眠るVISTA 叫ぶVISTA 消えるVISTA モーション・パス テクノなエッジの山 韋駄天 VISTA を心で行く オリジンからマクロの彼処へ 受精の過去まで 歌うVISTA VlSTA 消えるVISTA VISTA 浮かぶVISTA 眠るVISTA 叫ぶVISTA 消えるVISTA
  • A part of the wealthy area of Magnimar known as the summit, the Vista district is home to up-scale businesses of all types. Vista is sandwiched between the road known as the Avenue of Honors in the east and the vast cliff known as the Seacleft to the west. Not only is the district home to wealthy businesses but it also houses several powerful trading organizations including the infamous Aspis Consortium whose Varisian headquarters is based here. As well as businesses Vista is also home to the estates of many of the city's well-to-do nobles who enjoy the breathe taking views over the shore region below. All of these estates are overshadowed by Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras estate, known as the Defiant's Garden.
  • Vista was a part of the atmosphere surrounding the world of Arda before the cataclysm at the end of the Second Age. It formed the inner layer of normal air: above it was Ilmen, and above that Vaiya. Vista is the breathable air; within the top part are the clouds, and in the lower parts are the paths of birds.
  • Vista happens when corrupted lvl 63 arcane mage Computer introduces itself: My name is Vista, Windows Vista.
  • Vista is a city of almost 100,000 people in southern California, United States. It is a suburb of San Diego.
  • Vista è il comandante della 5ª divisione dei Pirati di Barbabianca.
  • "Flower Sword" Vista is the 5th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.
  • La vista esta conformada, por vista de presentacion que esta dividida, normal muestra la presentacion en vista normal, clasificada en diapositivas para organizarlas facilmente, paginas de notas para editar las notas del ordenador tal y como apareceran al imprimirlas; inicial la presentacion.patron de diapositivas sirve paracmabiar el diseño y presentacion de las diapositivas patron de documentos, cambiar la presentacion y el diseño de lso documentos impresos; patron de notas abre patron de notas.
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae en français) * èstre en vista être en vue * fòra vista hors de vue * conéisser de vista connaître de vue * perdre de vista perdre de vue * levar la vista éblouir * a perda de vista à perte de vue * gardar a vista garder à vue * a vista d'uelh à vue d'œil * a vista de nas à vue de pays * A vista de nas, come li chins quand lavan li tripas. — proverbe * aver si vistas avoir ses vues, ses projets * aviá'na vista de quauquarrèn il avait quelque chose en vue * aguètz en vista de ayez en vue de * La vista còsta ren. — proverbe références * R1 : Mistral 1879Catégorie:ProvençalCatégorie:GasconCatégorie:Languedocien * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien
  • thumb|right|150px|Užívateľ Visty hrdo prezentuje náklonnosť k tejto sračke Windows Vista je prevratný počítačový likvidačný systém od veľkého Billa a jeho firmičky Microšrot. Je vylepšený o priehľadné chybové okná, dokonalejšie nasieracie funkcie a pokročilé matematické funkcie, napríklad počítanie Pí na nekonečno desatinných miest na pozadí, čím systém na plno využije i viacňadrové procesory.
  • Japanese: Masaya Takatsuka French: Eric Peter German: Ziad Ragheb Arabic: Qusay Sanctity Mandarin Chinese: Sun Zhong Tai Rival: Pet Shop Mid-game opponent: Baraka Idle: Holds his sabers crossed in a horizontal and diagonal line. Select: Swings his sabers three times as the camera zooms "What flower will match this battlefield?" Intro: A rose is cut down by Vista who dash-slashes to the field and says "I will fight you. What kind of flower would you like me to bloom?" Neutral: Rose Bloom: Vista imbues a rose with Haki and throws it at his opponent.
  • Vista is the 5th Division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Years before the story, Vista was amused by Ace's botched attempts to murder Whitebeard. During the Summit War, Vista was to back up Luffy in the rescue of Ace under orders from Marco. He fought against Dracule Mihawk, but was unable to best him. The Pacifistas tried to interfere, forcing them to delay the duel.
  • Vista adalah pria yang cukup tinggi (kira-kira setinggi Jinbe), dengan tubuh besar berotot, dada lebar serta berkulit sedikit gelap. Ia berambut keriting hitam dan memelihara kumis yang cukup panjang. Ia memakai sebuah topi kebiruan dengan kemeja biru gelap berkerah putih yang dibiarkan terbuka di bagian dada, sepasang sarung tangan putih, celana panjang biru muda dan sepatu bot serta memakai jubah panjang biru gelap dengan warna ungu di bagian dalam. Ia juga membawa sepasang pedang dengan masing-masing sarungnya warna merah yang diikatkan di sabuk di bagian belakang.
  • "Flower Sword" Vista is the fifth division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Vista is a black-haired man with a mustache and a top hat. His mustache is black and curly. He wears a shirt with a diamond stripe pattern near the top that reveals some of his chest as well as a cape. He is also quite muscular and wields two sabers, one in each hand.
  • M
Row 4 info
  • 902
  • braun
  • Piratas de Barbablanca
  • ビスタ
  • m
Row 1 info
  • ビスタ
  • ビスタ
  • BarbablancaColores
  • WhitebeardPiratesColors
Row 4 title
  • PiratiDiBarbabianca
  • ビスタ
  • Bisuta
  • * pirata; * comandante 5ª divisione
  • --02-05
Row 2 info
  • Unknown
  • Humano
Row 1 title
Row 5 info
  • V1.0
  • Bisuta
Row 2 title
  • Region
  • schwarz
  • Vista
  • ビスタ
  • Bisuta
Row 5 title
Row 3 info
  • Unknown
Row 3 title
  • 5
  • Bisuta
Box Title
  • The Vista
  • Whitebeard Pirates
  • Bisuta
  • 0
  • 463
  • 470
  • 471
  • 472
  • 505
  • 773
  • Twin sabers
  • Bajak Laut; Komandan divisi ke-5
  • Also known as "Flower Sword" Vista
  • Non-playable character/
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Vista
  • Bisuta
  • Chapter 552; Episode 0
  • Vista
  • 800080
  • Shirohige
  • ffffff
  • "L'épée fleurie"
  • kaken
  • 花剣
  • Blumenschwert
  • Kaken
  • Inconnue
  • 800080
  • #800080
  • ビスタ
  • 5
  • 258.0
  • --02-05
  • Vista.png
  • 0
  • 554
  • 561
  • 562
  • 563
  • 590
  • 820
  • Vista, der beste Schwertkämpfer der Shirohige-Piratenbande.
  • --02-05
  • Vista
  • 250
  • 250
  • 5
  • Pirate, commandant de la 5ème division
  • , nom de fam. mérid., , quartier de Marseille
Image File
  • 902
  • Kommandant der 5. Division
  • cat., esp., it. id.
  • visto
  • Vista.jpg
  • --02-05
  • Comandante de la 5ta División
wikipage disambiguates
Funi eva
  • Hunter Barnett
  • * Vista vs marine = Victoire facile et rapide * Vista et autres pirates vs Ronse = Victoire * Vista vs Oeil de Faucon = Interrompu * Vista & Marco vs Akainu = Victoire * Vista et L'Équipage de Barbe Blanche, Crocodile et Andre vs Akainu = Interrompu par Shanks *L'Équipage des Anciens Pirates de Barbe Blanche vs. L'Équipage de Barbe Noire = Défaite
  • --02-05
  • Pedang Bunga
  • thumb|right|150px|Užívateľ Visty hrdo prezentuje náklonnosť k tejto sračke Windows Vista je prevratný počítačový likvidačný systém od veľkého Billa a jeho firmičky Microšrot. Je vylepšený o priehľadné chybové okná, dokonalejšie nasieracie funkcie a pokročilé matematické funkcie, napríklad počítanie Pí na nekonečno desatinných miest na pozadí, čím systém na plno využije i viacňadrové procesory. Meno je prevzaté po Talianskom sklárovi Giacomo Vistovi, ktorý ako prvý vyrábal priehľadné, teraz už zastaralé, sklenené okná a inšpirované parazitom hlístou, ktorá má podobné účinky na ľudské telo ako Vista na počítače.
  • Vista "À la Lame Fleurie" est le commandant de la 5ème Division de L'Équipage de Barbe Blanche. Il est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs épéistes du monde. Il s'est déjà confronté à Dracule Mihawk lors de la Bataille de Marineford.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Vista/preload editintro=Vista/editintro width=25 This page is about Windows Vista beta release experiences...
  • Vista – najniższa warstwa atmosfery składająca się z dwóch mniejszych Aiwenórë, gdzie żyją ptaki i Fanyamar (domu chmur). Powyżej był Ilmen i Vayia. Warstwy atmosfery zostały przeorganizowane na końcu Drugiej Ery, do kształtu znanego nam.
  • Vista ist der Kommandant der fünften Division der Shirohige-Piratenbande.
  • Vista is the 5th Division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Years before the story, Vista was amused by Ace's botched attempts to murder Whitebeard. During the Summit War, Vista was to back up Luffy in the rescue of Ace under orders from Marco. He fought against Dracule Mihawk, but was unable to best him. The Pacifistas tried to interfere, forcing them to delay the duel. Vista showed bravery by cutting down some cannonballs meant for Luffy. While he admired Ace and Luffy fighting together, he became shocked when Akainu pierced his magma fist into the older brother. Vista tried to save Whitebeard from Teach only to be held back. He would later attend Whitebeard's funeral in the New World.
  • Vista adalah pria yang cukup tinggi (kira-kira setinggi Jinbe), dengan tubuh besar berotot, dada lebar serta berkulit sedikit gelap. Ia berambut keriting hitam dan memelihara kumis yang cukup panjang. Ia memakai sebuah topi kebiruan dengan kemeja biru gelap berkerah putih yang dibiarkan terbuka di bagian dada, sepasang sarung tangan putih, celana panjang biru muda dan sepatu bot serta memakai jubah panjang biru gelap dengan warna ungu di bagian dalam. Ia juga membawa sepasang pedang dengan masing-masing sarungnya warna merah yang diikatkan di sabuk di bagian belakang. Selama kilas balik Ace, ia ditunjukkan dengan rambut pendek dan mengenakan pakaian berbeda, yang terdiri dari jaket terbuka dan topi khasnya. Ia tidak memakai sarung tangan itu. Ia juga tampak lebih ramping dan kurang berotot dibandingkan saat ini. Saat masih kecil, Vista digambarkan memiliki rambut ekor kuda dan poni yang menggantung di dahinya. Ia memakai kemeja hitam, dengan kerah putih, celana hitam dan sepatu bot hitam. Ia terlihat memegang pedang pelatihan kayu sedang mempraktekkan ketrampilan pedangnya.
  • Vista es un hombre alto, con un bigote rizado increíblemente parecido al de Gol D. Roger y lleva un sombrero de copa. Lleva una camiseta con un diseño de rayas de diamantes en la parte superior que revela parte de su gran pecho peludo, así como una capa. También es muy musculoso y maneja dos sables, uno en cada mano. Vista fue un miembro de los Piratas de Barbablanca hace 20 años y tenía su bigote y sombrero de copa.
  • The vista is a location in Submachine Universe.
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae en français) * èstre en vista être en vue * fòra vista hors de vue * conéisser de vista connaître de vue * perdre de vista perdre de vue * levar la vista éblouir * a perda de vista à perte de vue * gardar a vista garder à vue * a vista d'uelh à vue d'œil * a vista de nas à vue de pays * A vista de nas, come li chins quand lavan li tripas. — proverbe * aver si vistas avoir ses vues, ses projets * aviá'na vista de quauquarrèn il avait quelque chose en vue * aguètz en vista de ayez en vue de * La vista còsta ren. — proverbe références * R1 : Mistral 1879Catégorie:ProvençalCatégorie:GasconCatégorie:Languedocien * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, , 1. * REDIRECTION Chercher "vista" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it.
  • Hair color:Auburn (usually colored brown by fans) Eye color: Lavender Clothing: Black bodysuit with magenta lining and an open mini skirt. Also wears gothic inspired boots Nationality: Unknown
  • モーション・パス テクノなエッジの山 韋駄天 VISTA を心で行く オリジンからマクロの彼処へ 受精の過去まで 歌うVISTA VlSTA 消えるVISTA VISTA 浮かぶVISTA 眠るVISTA 叫ぶVISTA 消えるVISTA ポリゴンでは擬似的トリップ3D 3D 3D OR NOT 3D トリビューから読みとるエッジを 図法でカッ飛ぶ 歌うVISTA VlSTA 消えるVISTA VISTA 浮かぶVISTA 眠るVISTA 叫ぶVISTA 消えるVISTA モーション・パス テクノなエッジの山 韋駄天 VISTA を心で行く オリジンからマクロの彼処へ 受精の過去まで 歌うVISTA VlSTA 消えるVISTA VISTA 浮かぶVISTA 眠るVISTA 叫ぶVISTA 消えるVISTA
  • "Flower Sword" Vista is the fifth division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Vista is a black-haired man with a mustache and a top hat. His mustache is black and curly. He wears a shirt with a diamond stripe pattern near the top that reveals some of his chest as well as a cape. He is also quite muscular and wields two sabers, one in each hand. Like all division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates, Vista seems to be very loyal to Whitebeard. He also seems to be modest. As commander of the fifth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Vista has authority over the lower-ranking subordinates. He has incredible reflexes, and is able to move very fast since he immediately backed up Luffy against Mihawk. He uses two swords. He also seems to be a swordsman of tremendous power, shown by the strongest swordsman in the world comments that only a fool would not know Vista's name.
  • A part of the wealthy area of Magnimar known as the summit, the Vista district is home to up-scale businesses of all types. Vista is sandwiched between the road known as the Avenue of Honors in the east and the vast cliff known as the Seacleft to the west. Not only is the district home to wealthy businesses but it also houses several powerful trading organizations including the infamous Aspis Consortium whose Varisian headquarters is based here. As well as businesses Vista is also home to the estates of many of the city's well-to-do nobles who enjoy the breathe taking views over the shore region below. All of these estates are overshadowed by Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras estate, known as the Defiant's Garden.
  • Japanese: Masaya Takatsuka French: Eric Peter German: Ziad Ragheb Arabic: Qusay Sanctity Mandarin Chinese: Sun Zhong Tai Rival: Pet Shop Mid-game opponent: Baraka Idle: Holds his sabers crossed in a horizontal and diagonal line. Select: Swings his sabers three times as the camera zooms "What flower will match this battlefield?" Intro: A rose is cut down by Vista who dash-slashes to the field and says "I will fight you. What kind of flower would you like me to bloom?" Neutral: Rose Bloom: Vista imbues a rose with Haki and throws it at his opponent. Side: Rose Saw: Vista crouches then spin dives at the opponent with his sabers out. Up: Rose Shadow: vista crouches then jumps into the air circular slashing his sabers five times. Down: Rose Scatter: Vista spreads his swords, sending a blast of Busoshoku Haki at the opponent. Final Smash: Rose Rondo: Vista readies his swords, then moves forward while rapidly slashing forward then finishes with a hopping slash that knocks his opponent away. Ultra Smash: Rose Massacre: Vista runs to his opponent with his sabers at the ready. If he hits, he does eighteen slashes, then glowing his swords with Busoshoku Haki, he finishes with a double pierce of his sabers, knocking his opponent away. Victory 1: Vista takes a rose and sniffs it, then says "What kind of flower shall I make bloom next?" Victory 2: Vista crouches then swings his swords past each other two times saying "Give up, you cannot stop my sword." Victory 3: Vista spins his swords in circles, then cuts three roses and says "You are no match for the swordsmanship of the Flower Sword."
  • Vista was a part of the atmosphere surrounding the world of Arda before the cataclysm at the end of the Second Age. It formed the inner layer of normal air: above it was Ilmen, and above that Vaiya. Vista is the breathable air; within the top part are the clouds, and in the lower parts are the paths of birds.
  • Vista happens when corrupted lvl 63 arcane mage Computer introduces itself: My name is Vista, Windows Vista.
  • Vista is a city of almost 100,000 people in southern California, United States. It is a suburb of San Diego.
  • Vista è il comandante della 5ª divisione dei Pirati di Barbabianca.
  • "Flower Sword" Vista is the 5th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.
  • La vista esta conformada, por vista de presentacion que esta dividida, normal muestra la presentacion en vista normal, clasificada en diapositivas para organizarlas facilmente, paginas de notas para editar las notas del ordenador tal y como apareceran al imprimirlas; inicial la presentacion.patron de diapositivas sirve paracmabiar el diseño y presentacion de las diapositivas patron de documentos, cambiar la presentacion y el diseño de lso documentos impresos; patron de notas abre patron de notas. la siguiente accion mostrar u ocultar en esta encontramos la regla es utilizada para medir y aliniar objetos en el documento, barra de mensajes; nos sirve para completar cualquiera accion necesaria de documentos.
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is Erfinder of
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