  • Mihiramon
  • Mihiramon
  • Mihiramon
  • Uno de los Deva, es un Digimon perfecto con un aspecto que sugiera el "Tigre". Como seguidor de Qinglongmon de las Cuatro Bestias Sagradas, es el mayor rufián entre los Deva, aunque también es un táctico brillante que se especializa en la lectura del terreno. Con su tremenda velocidad, más rápido que el viento cuando hay que correr por toda la tierra y más rápido que un sonido cuando surcando el cielo con sus dos alas, corre por el oponente. En la batalla, que corta al oponente en momentos especiales con sus afilados colmillos y garras, y ha dominado el "Bǎo Bang", que es su cola transformada en un bastón octogonal de tres secciones. Su movimiento especial es golpear el suelo con el Bǎo Bang, generando una onda de choque de los alrededores (Vimohana).
  • Mihiramon sind Heilige Tierdigimon, die geflügelte Tiger von überdurchschnittlicher Größe darstellen. Ihre Flügel machen sie zu sehr guten und schnellen Fliegern, was sie im Kampf nutzen, genau wie ihre hohe Intelligenz. Diese erlaubt es ihnen Pläne und Strategien entwickeln zu können.
  • Mihiramon is an Animal Digimon whose name is derived from the mythological Mihira. It is the "Tiger" Deva, and serves the Digimon Sovereign Azulongmon. As a follower of Azulongmon, it is the biggest ruffian among the Deva, though it is also a brilliant tactician that specializes in reading the terrain. With its tremendous speed, faster than the wind when racing across the land and quicker than a sound when soaring through the sky on its two wings, it runs down the opponent. In combat, it cuts the opponent apart with its sharp fangs and claws, and it has mastered the "Samurai Tiger Tail" (宝棒 Bǎo Bàng?, lit. "Treasure Stick"), which is its tail transformed into an octagonal three-section staff.
  • Mihiramon is an Exalted Beast Digimon whose name is derived from the mythological Mihira. It is the "Tiger" Deva, and serves the Sovereign Azulongmon. As a follower of Azulongmon, it is the biggest ruffian among the Deva, though it is also a brilliant tactician that specializes in reading the terrain. With its tremendous speed, faster than the wind when racing across the land and quicker than a sound when soaring through the sky on its two wings, it runs down the opponent. In combat, it rips the opponent apart with its sharp fangs and claws, and it has mastered the "Bǎo Bàng", which is its tail transformed into an octagonal three-section staff. It resembles a giant flying tiger creature with wings.
  • Ultimate
  • Ultra
  • Mihiramon.jpg
  • Masahiko Tanaka
  • Perfecto
  • Datei
type of villain
  • Feral
  • Pao Bàng
  • Vimohana
  • Datos
  • Defeat the Tamers, aid Zhuqiaomon with his goals
  • Mihiramon
  • Digimon
  • Speed, flight, turning his tail into, iron chain whip-like tail
  • Guardianes del viento
  • Mihiramon
  • Mihiramon
  • Animal
  • Holy Beast
  • ミヒラモン
  • ミヒラモン
  • Mihiramon
  • None
  • Unknown
  • Bestia Sagrada
  • Data
  • Tiger Deva, Ultimate Level Data Digimon
  • Wind Guardians
  • Mihiramon
  • 300
  • , ,
  • Bob Papenbrook
  • Uno de los Deva, es un Digimon perfecto con un aspecto que sugiera el "Tigre". Como seguidor de Qinglongmon de las Cuatro Bestias Sagradas, es el mayor rufián entre los Deva, aunque también es un táctico brillante que se especializa en la lectura del terreno. Con su tremenda velocidad, más rápido que el viento cuando hay que correr por toda la tierra y más rápido que un sonido cuando surcando el cielo con sus dos alas, corre por el oponente. En la batalla, que corta al oponente en momentos especiales con sus afilados colmillos y garras, y ha dominado el "Bǎo Bang", que es su cola transformada en un bastón octogonal de tres secciones. Su movimiento especial es golpear el suelo con el Bǎo Bang, generando una onda de choque de los alrededores (Vimohana).
  • Mihiramon sind Heilige Tierdigimon, die geflügelte Tiger von überdurchschnittlicher Größe darstellen. Ihre Flügel machen sie zu sehr guten und schnellen Fliegern, was sie im Kampf nutzen, genau wie ihre hohe Intelligenz. Diese erlaubt es ihnen Pläne und Strategien entwickeln zu können.
  • Mihiramon is an Animal Digimon whose name is derived from the mythological Mihira. It is the "Tiger" Deva, and serves the Digimon Sovereign Azulongmon. As a follower of Azulongmon, it is the biggest ruffian among the Deva, though it is also a brilliant tactician that specializes in reading the terrain. With its tremendous speed, faster than the wind when racing across the land and quicker than a sound when soaring through the sky on its two wings, it runs down the opponent. In combat, it cuts the opponent apart with its sharp fangs and claws, and it has mastered the "Samurai Tiger Tail" (宝棒 Bǎo Bàng?, lit. "Treasure Stick"), which is its tail transformed into an octagonal three-section staff.
  • Mihiramon is an Exalted Beast Digimon whose name is derived from the mythological Mihira. It is the "Tiger" Deva, and serves the Sovereign Azulongmon. As a follower of Azulongmon, it is the biggest ruffian among the Deva, though it is also a brilliant tactician that specializes in reading the terrain. With its tremendous speed, faster than the wind when racing across the land and quicker than a sound when soaring through the sky on its two wings, it runs down the opponent. In combat, it rips the opponent apart with its sharp fangs and claws, and it has mastered the "Bǎo Bàng", which is its tail transformed into an octagonal three-section staff. It resembles a giant flying tiger creature with wings.