  • Verbal Teleportation
  • The user can say the name of a specific location, and will be teleported there. The name does not have to be spoken audibly, it can be said in a whisper. Others with physical contact can also come with the user. It can be instantly or by a shimmer-like affect The user can say the name of the island, continent, or country.
  • To access this ability, Marie and Elliot must name the location aloud. The naming doesn't necessarily have to be audible, and it can be only a whisper. It must however be correctly named. When this is done, they vanish with a slight shimmering effect, and reappear in the location in the same manner. Another person can be taken with them, if that person is in physical contact with them at the time. The ability can only travel through space, not time.
Row 1 info
  • Teleport anywhere by verbal means
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
ability to
  • teleport oneself by naming a location aloud
Box Title
  • Verbal Teleportation
  • Marie Basset Elliot Herriford
  • Verbal Teleportation
  • U-Go Girl
  • Teleporting out after naming a place
  • 383
  • lightblue
  • The user can say the name of a specific location, and will be teleported there. The name does not have to be spoken audibly, it can be said in a whisper. Others with physical contact can also come with the user. It can be instantly or by a shimmer-like affect The user can say the name of the island, continent, or country.
  • To access this ability, Marie and Elliot must name the location aloud. The naming doesn't necessarily have to be audible, and it can be only a whisper. It must however be correctly named. When this is done, they vanish with a slight shimmering effect, and reappear in the location in the same manner. Another person can be taken with them, if that person is in physical contact with them at the time. The ability can only travel through space, not time.