  • 57
  • 57
  • 57
  • 57
  • 57
  • 57
  • El cincuenta y siete (57) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y seis y precede al cincuenta y ocho. Categoría:Números
  • 57 (fifty-seven) is a positive integer following 56 and preceding 58. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-seventh" or 57th.
  • A list of 57s: * Heinz 57 Varieties
  • Eighth episode of the 50s column.
  • Number 57 was an item on The List.
  • The year 57 AD.
  • RONDO JAGIELLONÓW Rondo Ossolińskich Skłodowskiej-Curie - Jurasza Skłodowskiej-Curie - Gajowa Skłodowskiej-Curie - Bałtycka Skłodowskiej-Curie - Łęczycka Fordońska - Kazimierza Wielkiego Fordońska - Fabryczna Fordońska - Wyścigowa Fordońska - Sporna Fordońska - Kapliczna Fordońska - Sochaczewska Fordońska - Wiślana Łowicka - Pilicka Łowicka - Szkoła Witebska - Łowicka Witebska - Wschodnia WITEBSKA
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "57" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Juan Acevedo (2003) * Shawn Camp (2008-2009) * Jordan De Jong (2007) * Juan Guzman (1996-1998) * Scott Wiggins (2002)
  • 57 was one of the six rookie clones, the others being 18, 23, 35, 36, and 44, sent from Kamino that was selected for a special mission to Ando Prime to investigate the disappearance of the 313th Legion and its leader, Jedi General Po Bandis. He was a medic who had been patching Vargus up, which earned him the nickname "Patch".
  • #57 is the fifty-seventh figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • Nachdem Diana erfolgreich ins Leben zurückgeholt wird, wird Jenny durch Julian Erleichterung klar, wie stark dessen Gefühle für Diana sind. In ihrer ohnmächtigen Wut findet sich Jenny an Dianas Krankenbett wieder... Simone gelingt es, Richard durch die Unterzeichnung des geänderten Ehevertrags stärker an sich zu binden. Richard bringt es nicht fertig, Nadja über die neuesten Entwicklungen in Kenntnis zu setzen. Durch die vorläufige Rettung des Unternehmens kommen sich Simone und Richard tatsächlich noch einmal sehr nahe und geben sich ihrer Leidenschaft hin. Tim weist Ben Vorwurf, Vanessa nur ausnutzen zu wollen, von sich. Vanessa fiebert ihrem Date mit Tim entgegen, doch kurz bevor es richtig zur Sache geht, meldet sich bei Tim das schlechte Gewissen...
  • Burke still doesn't know that Bill Malloy, who gave him his start as a kid, has been found dead (55). Maggie drops the news and Burke regrets Malloy's quest for truth. Maggie says Bill drowned, he wasn't murdered. He asks if Sam knows about Malloy's death. Victoria shows up for lunch. She and Burke exchange ideas heatedly on how upset Roger is about Malloy's death. The autopsy report arrives. The Sheriff and Burke talk about George's job. Victoria tells Maggie about her sad past and receives a dinner invitation. Burke wants to know what the sheriff knows and wants to kill the killer. Malloy had a blow on the head, but that doesn't mean much. Victoria refuses an invitation from Burke in favor of keeping her dinner date with Sam and Maggie.
  • The number of tries Zachnorn needed to defeat Moldorm in Link to the Past.
  • Ask That Guy Episode 56 (November 4, 2010) That Guy: Chip Chip cheerio! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to "Ask That Guy with the Glasses." Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): Why did you answer "Who framed Roger Rabbit" twice? Narrator: Who framed Roger Rabbit? Narrator: Why did you say "butter"? That Guy: Because "mustard" was too obvious. Narrator: You know what I mean? Narrator: How does Satan celebrate Christmas? Narrator: Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you? That Guy: Ah! You see? He was under the bar the whole time! "Bill Clinton": Ewww. THE END
  • 56
  • 358.275000
Folgen Nummer
  • 57
  • 57
  • 57
  • 1.300000
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 22112006
  • 58
  • 1966-09-06
  • macrohenry
  • 57
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • *Galactic Republic **Grand Army of the Republic ***Excelsior Company
  • 1
  • 57
  • Episode 57
  • Galactic Republic
  • 1966-09-13
Character Name
  • 1.83
  • Human
  • List Number 57
  • 4
  • 56
  • 57
  • 58
  • 56
  • 56.0
  • 57
  • 58
  • 58.0
  • Bawz_20061122_0057_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • Gave Randy a swirly when he was five
  • green
  • 57
  • 57
  • El cincuenta y siete (57) es el número natural que sigue al cincuenta y seis y precede al cincuenta y ocho. Categoría:Números
  • 57 (fifty-seven) is a positive integer following 56 and preceding 58. Its ordinal form is written "fifty-seventh" or 57th.
  • A list of 57s: * Heinz 57 Varieties
  • Eighth episode of the 50s column.
  • Number 57 was an item on The List.
  • The year 57 AD.
  • RONDO JAGIELLONÓW Rondo Ossolińskich Skłodowskiej-Curie - Jurasza Skłodowskiej-Curie - Gajowa Skłodowskiej-Curie - Bałtycka Skłodowskiej-Curie - Łęczycka Fordońska - Kazimierza Wielkiego Fordońska - Fabryczna Fordońska - Wyścigowa Fordońska - Sporna Fordońska - Kapliczna Fordońska - Sochaczewska Fordońska - Wiślana Łowicka - Pilicka Łowicka - Szkoła Witebska - Łowicka Witebska - Wschodnia WITEBSKA
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "57" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Juan Acevedo (2003) * Shawn Camp (2008-2009) * Jordan De Jong (2007) * Juan Guzman (1996-1998) * Scott Wiggins (2002)
  • 57 was one of the six rookie clones, the others being 18, 23, 35, 36, and 44, sent from Kamino that was selected for a special mission to Ando Prime to investigate the disappearance of the 313th Legion and its leader, Jedi General Po Bandis. He was a medic who had been patching Vargus up, which earned him the nickname "Patch".
  • #57 is the fifty-seventh figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • Nachdem Diana erfolgreich ins Leben zurückgeholt wird, wird Jenny durch Julian Erleichterung klar, wie stark dessen Gefühle für Diana sind. In ihrer ohnmächtigen Wut findet sich Jenny an Dianas Krankenbett wieder... Simone gelingt es, Richard durch die Unterzeichnung des geänderten Ehevertrags stärker an sich zu binden. Richard bringt es nicht fertig, Nadja über die neuesten Entwicklungen in Kenntnis zu setzen. Durch die vorläufige Rettung des Unternehmens kommen sich Simone und Richard tatsächlich noch einmal sehr nahe und geben sich ihrer Leidenschaft hin. Tim weist Ben Vorwurf, Vanessa nur ausnutzen zu wollen, von sich. Vanessa fiebert ihrem Date mit Tim entgegen, doch kurz bevor es richtig zur Sache geht, meldet sich bei Tim das schlechte Gewissen...
  • Burke still doesn't know that Bill Malloy, who gave him his start as a kid, has been found dead (55). Maggie drops the news and Burke regrets Malloy's quest for truth. Maggie says Bill drowned, he wasn't murdered. He asks if Sam knows about Malloy's death. Victoria shows up for lunch. She and Burke exchange ideas heatedly on how upset Roger is about Malloy's death. The autopsy report arrives. The Sheriff and Burke talk about George's job. Victoria tells Maggie about her sad past and receives a dinner invitation. Burke wants to know what the sheriff knows and wants to kill the killer. Malloy had a blow on the head, but that doesn't mean much. Victoria refuses an invitation from Burke in favor of keeping her dinner date with Sam and Maggie.
  • The number of tries Zachnorn needed to defeat Moldorm in Link to the Past.
  • Ask That Guy Episode 56 (November 4, 2010) That Guy: Chip Chip cheerio! Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to "Ask That Guy with the Glasses." Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): Why did you answer "Who framed Roger Rabbit" twice? That Guy: (has only the pipe in his hand; he faces screen left and turns to the camera, taking the pipe out of his mouth) That's a very good question, and the answer is: It's such a good question, it deserves to be answered twice! / Why must a question so good only be answered once? / It's like the question: "Why are we here?" One question, but many answers, / which is very similar to "one answer, many questions." / For example: cunnilingus with a chicken. / My, that raises so many questions... / (leans in a bit) and all of them randy. / But don't worry. If you're really annoyed by me answering the same question twice, I will do it no more. / This is the word of God. / Yes. Narrator: Who framed Roger Rabbit? That Guy: The Mexicans. / They were just sitting around, having nothing to do; and then, one day, one of them said, "Hey, let's frame Roger Rabbit!" / And the other Mexicans were like, "Si." / Now I know what you're thinking: / How can you frame a group of people for framing somebody else? / Well, perhaps you are forgetting that I am white. / And if you watched any Spike Lee movies, [a picture of him appears at the top right of the screen] then you know I am RACIST against everything, / [Spike's pic is gone] especially the whites. / Lousy honkies. / Butter. Narrator: Why did you say "butter"? That Guy: Because "mustard" was too obvious. Narrator: You know what I mean? That Guy: I certainly do. [he chuckles and nudges his left elbow to the camera. His chuckling becomes more intense. After a few seconds, the footage is sped up double-time as TG chuckles and eventually starts to laugh and scream, jumping up a down and getting overly giddy. He eventually bows down behind the bar] / [cut to him at normal position and speed] Actually, no. Narrator: How does Satan celebrate Christmas? That Guy: [back to right and turn, taking pipe out of mouth] Well, remember that scene in The Exorcist where she's masturbating with a cross? / It's nothing like that. / A tree, Christmas carols, the usual. Narrator: Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you? "Scooby" [guess who? - ed.]: [as That Guy is about to respond, "Scooby" shouts from beneath the bar as TG looks down to his right] OVER HERE!! That Guy: Ah! You see? He was under the bar the whole time! Scooby: Somebody help me! [TG looks down again] He's holding me prisoner! He's- [TG looks back up and kicks Scooby underneath the bar] OWW!! Oh, my God, I'm bleeding! [as this point, TG gets mad and proceeds to punch the dog four times; each time, Scooby yelps in pain] Our father- [TG gives Scooby three more forceful, pounding punches; Scooby yelps three more times] Shaggy, I love you! [TG delivers one last punch, and Scooby cries out for the final time. TG then is a bit out of breath as he emerges from below; once he collects himself, it's back to his normal, jovial self] [jump cut of TG about to speak again when he is interrupted...] Scrappy: Uncle Scooby? [TG looks off to screen left. He then holds up his right index finger to us as if to say, "One moment." He walks out of shot] Hey, pal, what are ya doin'? [We then hear a cracking-type sound effect, indicated that TG has snapped Scrappy-Doo's neck; another effects follows of Scrappy falling to the ground] Narrator: If a dog and a dolphin can learn to get along, why can't our mom and his dad? That Guy: (chuckles) You silly bastard, that's because it's a dog and a dolphin; and they're not human. / You see, humans just have to have human sex; and that's very difficult. / A dog and a dolphin, on the other hand... (looks up with a hearty chuckle) oh-oh-oh! THAT'S a sin against nature... / and the subject of many of my dreams. / Trust me; if you were a dog, you'd be eyeing that blowhole like crazy. / And if you were a dolphin, you'd probably go: / [cut to TG in profile holding his mouth open and sticking out his tongue three times; each time he does, we hear him imitate a dolphin's cry - yeah, it looks very weird] / [cut to TG back facing the camera, playfully hopping up and down, clapping his hand and imitating a dolphin for a few more seconds. He suddenly stops and bangs his right fist against the bar counter, as his voice becomes more a cry of desperation] STOP IT! YOU'RE A GROWN MAN NOW! YOU MUST MOVE BEYOND THAT! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU AND YOUR WAYS! (sobs a bit on the counter) / (sniffles) I apologize. (sniffles again) I must now kiss Bill Clinton. [he walks off screen-left to do just that. NOTE: there are a few seconds of forward-reverse action here] "Bill Clinton": Ewww. That Guy: [returning to his post, sniffling] There. I'm better now. Narrator: What would happen if you got 666 on a slot machine? That Guy: (looks up and chuckles) Nothing. It'd just be an unbelievable coincidence. / (leans in and gets serious) Now, if your toast landed jelly side down, (yelling) DIABLO!! DIABLO IS NEAR! / He will trap a bunch of people in an elevator, and then he'll pull off this really weak twist of the old woman being the Devil; and then, ALL HELL will break loose! / JELLY SIDE DOWN! [at this point, the footage is sped up of him going around in circles behind the bar, reacting wildly] JELLY SIDE DOWN! JELLY SIDE DOWN! [the footage resumes at normal speed as TG holds his head with his left hand, leaning against the bar, trying to get equilibrium back] OW! (a few beats pass) A headache. / (back to normal) But slot machines are cool. Narrator: I just burped and tasted egg, and I had egg about 13 hours ago. Why do I still taste egg? That Guy: Well, have you considered that maybe the egg hatched? / He's trying to burrow his way through your stomach, / and the only bit of oxygen he can get is when you burp? / I hope so; because, if you have, you are very stupid / and thus would be very easy to control. / Would you like to be my minion? I'll pay you nothing! / And then, we'll get ice cream and punishment. Won't that be nice? / I knew it would be. / I trust we're going to be the best of friends. [his face changes to one of a somewhat menacing smile, like Jack Nicholson does] Narrator: Why can't I have a normal dog like everyone else? That Guy: Because when you dressed up like a ghost for Halloween, you poked several holes in your sheet. / [his tone here is a bit stilted but forceful] Any kind who does that is not going to lead a normal life! / He is doomed to absolute (nodding exaggeratedly) not-normalness! / Get used to it, kid! You will never be normal! Never! NEVAH! / What kind of kid has no hair anyway? You should be ashamed of yourself! / Oh, and here's a word of advice: you're NOT going to kick the football! / (points mouthpiece at camera) Bury yourself! Bury yourself in a grave! / That way, you'll stop being our problem and be the problem of God! / (looking up) And I don't envy him! / (leaning in with his back to screen right; he speaks in a loud, hushed voice) Sssshame on you! (a few beats) Shame! / [cut to him ducking his neck, biting his pipe, and playfully shrugging his shoulders, as if he's done something naughty - uh-huh...] Narrator: Can you touch your toes? That Guy: Certainly. [in sped-up footage, he goes to do so; but he hits his head on the counter. We hear a loud metallic bang, and he falls to the floor] / [now holding both pipe and drink at normal speed] This is That Guy with the Glasses saying, "There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it." [winks, takes a drink from his glass, faces the camera, smiles, and then crouches down behind the bar. The music actually carries through to the end of "Moonlight Sonata." After a few seconds, he gets back up, still smiling; but his expression is back to before when he loudly whispers:] Shame on you! [he descends behind the bar again with serious face still in tact] THE END
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