  • Mechanical Evolution
  • Mechanical Evolution (Japanese: メカシンカ Meka Shinka) or simply shortened to Mecha Evolution is a new evolution found in the Kaido Region. Like Artificial Pokémon, it is considered to be the artificial counterpart of Mega Evolution. According to Raian, Mechanical Evolution was created from the basis of Mega Evolution and researching of Pokémon DNA. It was also implied that he either created Mecha Evolution or he was involved in the project.
  • Mechanical Evolution is the tendency in speculative fiction to apply the idea of biological evolution to mechanical devices, wherein later versions of the devices become progressively more suited to their niche (or more likely just progressively better at everything). This is frequently used to explain the presence of Mechanical Lifeforms or Ridiculously-Human Robots. A subtrope of Hollywood Evolution. See also Mechanical Lifeforms, Ridiculously-Human Robots, and Artificial Human. Examples of Mechanical Evolution include:
  • 105
  • 135
  • 125
  • 165
  • 90
  • 100
  • 90
  • 100
  • 98
  • 108
  • Dark
  • Dragon
  • 92
  • Mechanical Evolution (Japanese: メカシンカ Meka Shinka) or simply shortened to Mecha Evolution is a new evolution found in the Kaido Region. Like Artificial Pokémon, it is considered to be the artificial counterpart of Mega Evolution. According to Raian, Mechanical Evolution was created from the basis of Mega Evolution and researching of Pokémon DNA. It was also implied that he either created Mecha Evolution or he was involved in the project.
  • Mechanical Evolution is the tendency in speculative fiction to apply the idea of biological evolution to mechanical devices, wherein later versions of the devices become progressively more suited to their niche (or more likely just progressively better at everything). This is frequently used to explain the presence of Mechanical Lifeforms or Ridiculously-Human Robots. It is seldom shown as the equivalent of the biological process; rather, the mechanical species will be shown to actively design their own successors, or even "evolve" within their current generation through self-modification. This is similar to real-life design, which is in a sense an evolutionary process; success is defined by market factors, testing and other pressures; successive designs build on those before them and attempt to improve or refine them to better fit the given application. With mechanical creatures the "market" becomes society; a common result is a rigid caste system where various machines are built to specialise in particular applications. The most important caste is likely to also be the most humanoid, or be a Master Computer. This trope often appears in AI Is a Crapshoot and/or Robot War story arcs, as a justification for why the machines want to Kill All Humans. More serious authors will try to justify the Mechanical Evolution with Applied Phlebotinum like Nanomachines or self-learning algorithms; less serious authors will simply toss out the words "Mechanical Evolution" and leave it at that. A subtrope of Hollywood Evolution. See also Mechanical Lifeforms, Ridiculously-Human Robots, and Artificial Human. Examples of Mechanical Evolution include: