  • And a Bottle of Rum
  • And a Bottle of Rum is a song sung by Lisa in All About Lisa
  • Shanghaied? Stowawayed? In the wrong place at the wrong time? No matter how you looked at it, Rinji was in some serious trouble. The Iceberg sailed for three days while Rinji was trapped in the cargo, with a gigantic amount of guards all around him. To his surprise, it was filled with booze. Rum, beer, ale, whiskey of all kinds. The sake and wine alone were worth over seventy thousand belli. While that three days in the cargo bay started out kind of unpleasant, it went on with cheerful glee as Rinji started guzzling them down along with ten wedges of cheese.? Lifter2: GAH! You fricken idiot!?
  • Shanghaied? Stowawayed? In the wrong place at the wrong time? No matter how you looked at it, Rinji was in some serious trouble. The Iceberg sailed for three days while Rinji was trapped in the cargo, with a gigantic amount of guards all around him. To his surprise, it was filled with booze. Rum, beer, ale, whiskey of all kinds. The sake and wine alone were worth over seventy thousand belli. While that three days in the cargo bay started out kind of unpleasant, it went on with cheerful glee as Rinji started guzzling them down along with ten wedges of cheese.? The happy cat saw that they finally came to the shore, and in his drunken stupor, he remembered that he needed to hurry up and find Chio and Usagi. He needed a plan of escape, but once they found him in their cargo, having drank a ton of their sake and wine, he was one dead cat. He quickly crawled into one of the crates, sticking his claws through the top so that it would at least feel secured. The workers carried Rinji's crate, and while he was hugged up against a jug of malt whiskey (slightly nursing it along the way). However, once they started to exit, one of them began to sniff around. That was when Rinji's eyes widened. That was when he started to think of how much his pee must have stank with all of the alcohol he was consuming, and the cheese probably didn't help a great deal in that area.? Lifter1: What the hell is that smell? Damn, it smells like your mother's feet! Lifter2: Hey watch your mouth you friggen nutsack! Still, it does smell like a papermill in here. We should check it out in case the boss finds out. That was when they accidentally dropped the crate, and it landed on one of their feet. Lifter2: GAH! You fricken idiot!? Unfortunately, a splash of liquor got into Rinji's throat and went for his trachea.? After a fit of coughing, the jig was up. As the top came off, Rinji had to spring straight into action. The wooden crate top, shot straight up, and smacked both of them in the face, causing them both to slide straight back as Rinji came to the edge of the crate. Rinji: Mewhahahahaha- *hic* oohh... need to take it easy on the sake next time. Lifter1: Who the hell is this?!? Lifter2: Bloody Tom Cat, it is! A dead Tom Cat! Rinji: That!-mew is where you're wrong! *hic!* That's Tabby Cat! I didn't get these stripes for nothing! Lifter2: ...he talks! Rinji stood there for a moment, slapped his forehead with his paw and shook his head.? Rinji: Why are people so slow? That was when both of them pulled out their scimitars, and began to approach him. Lifter1: Mum always said there was more than one way to skin a--GAH! That was when claw marks traveled through the air from Rinji's paws and cut both of them with a stylized fighting move.? Rinji: Rinji Tsume!!! As both men grabbed hold of their cut faces, Rinji made a break for it, still holding onto the whiskey as he ran for the opening. He got most of the way up when another lifter came with a pistol in his hand. Lifter3: What are you two idiots d-AH!!!? He saw Rinji, not as a Nekoman, but as a demon as those eyes glowered back at him with a shine coming from the pupils. The lifter's surprise gave him long enough to grab the pistol out of his hand and push him down the steps, out of his way. Then he swiftly bolted onto the deck, instantly catching the attention of everyone there. Before any of them could make a move on him, Rinji quickly threw the alcohol onto the deck and fired his pistol, making it catch ablaze. That small window of distraction was all he needed as he quickly ran out onto the pier and ran out onto the dock.? With no time to lose, Rinji scurried off, making his way down the dock before he found one ship that was out of the way, and hopefully not on their radar system, it wasn't long before he realized, he was on a Marine ship. What all of that booze was doing on a Marine ship, he didn't know, but he knew he pissed off the wrong people. ???: So.. this.. cat creature, escaped? After going through the crate? Foreman: Yes.. sir. ???: I see. Don't ever let a creature like that escape again, you understand? Foreman: Yes- ???: Now get out. ???: You know the contract. It was in the crates, it spoke. Therefore it dies. get it done. ????: You heard that Number 3? 3: indeed, Pipi. Pipi: .... And? 3: he's a nekoman.. interesting. Don't see those every day... Pipi: So we kill him? only... I get the feeling this isn't straight forward. 3: Deathknight would want the job done quickly right? Pipi: I guess. 3: Oh I forgot.. we weren't supposed to give that name out loud. Pipi: I just wonder what.. Angel would tell us to do. 3: He's not the boss. Pipi: Really? That's not what you said last- 3: ah! I just thought of something... fun... Pipi: Really? do tell. 3: nah, don't think I will. just try and keep up. Pipi: What? don't tell me you're- 3: You'll see. First of all I need to deal with the cat. I wonder how quickly it can run... And Rinji kept running! All through the city, Rinji made sure he had lost them, but there came a time where even he had to stop and hold his mouth open, as he did not have sweat glands. He looked at the man at the food stand with the odd look on his face. Rinji: Water, please. kind sir. Man: A talking c-- Rinji: NO! I am not a talking cat. He sighed, and then began to wave his hands around in a wispy motion. Rinji: I'm just a figmeeeeent of your imaginaaaation! Now giiiiive me water! Man: Well... Mr. Figment. Sorry but we don't give handouts to non-paying customers. Rinji: Well, paying or not, I'm still a customer! Man: I reserve the right to deny service to anyone I so please! Rinji looked over the counter to see a cat lapping up water from her bowl. Rinji: Nyaauuu mew mew. Cat: Mew mew meow. Rinji: Meow mew myew meow. The cat picked up her water bowl and hopped up onto the counter. Rinji mewed his gratitude and drank it down. Then he ran once again. The man looked at his cat. Man: Traitor. Just as Rinji rounded the corner of one of the market places, there came a sword coming across, almost chopping his head off if he hadn't ducked straight under it and slide on his knees. Marine: I found him! Rinji: Who are you talking to? Rinji Katai! Rinji kicked a spiraling claw slash all through the air with his hind claws. The marine blocked the claw slash with his sword, making him slide backward, much to the surprise of the onlooking crowd. He finally redirected the attack to slice up a nearby building wall. As he looked toward Rinji, the catman was gone. Marine: Damnit! Marine: Your turn. prove you were worth hiring. Track him down. Pipi: What? seriously? Marine: Hmm? 3: Trust me. Besides, it is pretty much what the contract says. Pipi: Righty-ho! about an hour will do, right? Lifter1 (batter): Look, are you quite sure this is a good idea? You've had quite a bit to drink. Lifter2 (Hauler): I was told *Hic* this was where the *Hic* the thing would be Lifter1: By a flying snail. Lifter2: Which you saw. and you heard it's message Lifter1: It said "♫ Danger~ DangeR!♫ " and "♪the cat is coming! ~ follow me!♪" Lifter2: Sounds pretty dangerous right *Hic* Lifter1: That's not a useful message, that's a drunken sing-song. Lifter2: The thing that we tri- *hic* to catch earlier was a cat. Lifter1: Assuming there was a guy on the other end of that Den Den mushi, they were probably insane- Wait there he is! Lifter 2: Get him! ~ Get him! HohohohoHoho! Lifter1: Oh don't you start with that! Lifter2: Uh- Whoops! Lifter1: Ooohh.. Watch wear you aim you- UGH! ??: Not bad... Not bad at all. Rinji: Hmm? 3: Uk- Rinji: Rinji Handou! 3: Guess I got careless. Rinji: What the- Rinji: Woah- Mewhahahahah! What are you paying your dentist for?! 3: My dentist?.......... I think I ate him. Once a gap between the volleys of teeth arrives, Rinji dives back out and swings his claws repeatedly, sending slashing blades in all directions. 3 dodges, and then tries to close in, two more sets of teeth allready snapping away to themselves in each hand. Rinji notices with some suprise that he seems to have withstood the attacks he had just been hit by with minimal injuries. After launching as many attacks as he could, and landing only a glancing blow, Rinji dives away as 3 lunges at him with the teeth. 3: Mind you, I don't particularly need a dentist- Rinji: Sorry, you talk to much and took too long. Bye! ?: You going to go after him, 3? 3: Eventually, Pipi. I gotta think, first, or we'll just get into trouble. Pipi: You seemed to have him under control then. Are you holding ba- 3: I said, we need to think of a plan first, or we'll just get into trouble. The boss would not be happy. You see what I'm saying. Right? Pipi: Oh... Now I get you.... fuwahahahaha.. 3: Just keep an eye on him for me. Pipi: No worries, from where I stand, I can see him right now...
  • And a Bottle of Rum is a song sung by Lisa in All About Lisa